Ruins 2 (Motoya Komori)

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Wizzy: Part 2! Should probably also mention that this and Part 1 take place after Iizuna's Part 1. Also, don't forget about votes and comments. And remember, after I've finished this Collection, (either I run out of space in the book or run out of characters), I will be taking some of these and turning them into full stories. So be sure to let me know which one you want to see the full story for. Atsumu's already laid claim to one of the slots, so better be quick about it before I reach the limit.

"They have her..." I refused to look Thorn in the eye as I gave my report. "There's no way that we can get to her..."

Thorn growled as he grabbed me by the chin. "I want my human, and you're going to get her for me."

"I'm not going to go in there and play the innocent little schoolgirl act and cozy up to some mutt just to-"

He was quick to cut me off with a glare. "You will and you'll do it because I said so."

My blood ran cold under his stare. Thorn was our leader and we loved him, but when he got mad... I've never seen anything more terrifying. And right now... he was absolutely pissed.

"You have until the full moon after next. Don't fail me."

Getting to the human was impossible. She was never alone. If she wasn't with that halfbreed, she was with that guy who was almost always with him. That one is for sure a vampire...

Why did Thorn have to be so fixated on a stupid little human? She couldn't possibly be worth all of this trouble.

The only times that she wasn't with one of the two vampires, she was with two of three werecats. Two of these were females, the male being the sibling of the younger female. They're the first werecats I've seen since... well, since before I'd been taken by Collectors.

The half-vampire I'd learned was named Motoya Komori. He was friendly to everyone, human or nonhuman... but not everyone was as friendly when talking about him behind his back. Among the volleyball team that he played on though, everyone seemed to genuinely like him. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't quite understand that.

Komori was well aware of my plans though, so getting anywhere near the human was impossible. Before I even had a hope of doing what Thorn wanted, I'd have to gain his trust... and that wasn't going to happen.

I didn't even care about the damned human... I just wanted to go back to living with the rest of the pack... but orders are orders. Whatever Thorn wants, Thorn gets...

Things were off to a rough start... until I came across a rather pathetic human girl. She was petite and lacked any sort of backbone... making her an easy target for bullying. Normally I would have cared, but this was an opportunity. I met with her in secret and made her an offer.

You do my homework for me and I'll make sure no one bothers you ever again.

The girl was quick to accept. She kept her end of the deal, which helped me a lot more than anyone was allowed to know. Of course, I made sure to keep my end too. Not because I liked the girl, but because I promised... and because it would help to make Komori think that I wasn't after the human he'd stolen away.

It didn't exactly do much, but over the course of a few weeks, I'd gotten him to let his guard down a bit. He started spending less time around the human, but that didn't mean that she was left alone...

Less than a week left before the full moon... I was running out of time... If I didn't get the human before then... I don't even want to think about what would happen.

It doesn't exactly help that I know what he'd been planning to do to her just before Komori had taken her away. Even if she was a stupid human... I felt sorry for what he was going to do... the Collectors had done the same to us and just the thought of someone else enduring it... it made me sick to my stomach.

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