Crush 2 (Shigeru Yahaba)

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No matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself. How could I have been so stupid? How could I be so naïve as to think that someone like Yahaba would actually have the slightest interest in someone like me?

Shira-chan had really tried so hard to help me... and in the end, it was pointless.

I'd invited him in that night, of course. It seemed that he was interested at the time... I can't believe how stupid I was to actually give in when he asked if he could bite me... and even stupider to end up sleeping with him.

It's been a week now, since that night. I hadn't told Shira-chan yet. She'd be so pissed... and to be honest, I'm pretty sure that she suspects that things didn't go well.

Two more days pass before she finally confronts me. I've never been a liar, so of course I have to tell her. Just like I expected, she was pissed. What didn't expect though, was for her to actually confront him about it.

She went off on him and in the end I had to step in, pulling her away. "It's not worth it. It's fine. Just let it go," I told her, but really I wasn't fine. Not in the slightest.

That night, we met up with her boyfriend Taichi and some of his teammates, with their girlfriends too of course. Shira-chan said that it would help to cheer me up and while I appreciated the effort, it ended up doing very little to cheer me up.

The redheaded third year was nice, but I was pretty sure he was flirting with me. No one seemed to even mind, so I assumed that was normal behavior for him. Thankfully though, he laid off after a word from his girlfriend. A human, actually. I'd worried that I might be the only human, but there were three other humans with us.

As the day went on, I couldn't seem to get my mind off of Yahaba. He isn't someone that I should be thinking about, but I can't help it. When the heart longs for someone, you can't just change its mind.

I'm snapped from my thoughts by one of the girls taking me by the hand and pulling me out of the room. What was her name again? She was the one dating the younger setter, whatever his name had been. Today was the only time I'd ever seen either of them.

Once we're alone, she let me go and flashed me a sympathetic look. "Taichi's girl told us about you and that guy... He's a real jerk... but you're still pretty head over heels for him, aren't you?"

I don't want to answer that question, but the answer is clear on my face. That look that she gave me said it all...

The girl gave my hands a reassuring squeeze. "I know how you're feeling... It's exactly what I went through with Kenjiro. It was just screwing around to him at first and when I fell for him, I couldn't be around him anymore..."

The story is sad, but I know that it worked out in the end. If it hadn't, she wouldn't be here right now. That didn't necessarily mean that it would work out for me though.

"I know things feel hopeless right now, but it will all work out in the end, one way or another." She's a nice girl... and I really want to believe her. "You shouldn't sit around moping over him though; you need to stand back up on your own two feet and show him how much of an idiot he is to have passed you up. Make him regret breaking your heart by being the best you that you have ever been."

That was a lot easier said than done, but she had a point. Why should I lay around, crying over him? I'm definitely not just forgetting him like Shira-chan wanted me to, but I won't keep crying. That will get me nowhere.

I've always wished that I could be more like Shira-chan... and starting right now, I was going to make that happen.

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