Chances 3 (Alisa Haiba)

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The room around me is dark. It's a familiar sight to me, as I've been here countless times. In the room is the same man the comes here every time. I hate him more than anything, but the strength of my ten-year-old body is no match for his. All I can really do is cry out, cry until it's all over.

The nightmare is thankfully cut short as I feel myself being shaken awake. That's right, it was just a nightmare... or rather a flashback of my most horrifying memory. I must have been crying and talking in my sleep this time, at least loud enough to draw someone's attention. The face I see though, was the last one I would have expected.

My body feels ice cold, yet I'm drenched in sweat as I sit up and meet her worried gaze. I've never really been able to talk with her, though I've been staying with her and her family for some time now. Her brother had asked me to help him learn to control his transformations and since I had nowhere else to go, the Haiba family allowed me to stay... on the condition that I was actually able to help Lev.

It's been about five months and my nightmares have come a few times a week, though to my relief they'd gone unnoticed or at least unmentioned until now. Of course, the secret was out now.

Alisa reached out, touching my cheek. I flinched at her touch. Only she had the ability to make this terrifying beast feel and seem helpless as a little pup. Only she had ever managed to capture my heart in such a way. Yes, I was very much in love, or at least that's what I believed that I felt.

My name leaves her lips in a gentle whisper. It's not only the sweetest sound I've ever heard but also the most seductive sound to ever reach my ears. That was saying a lot, considering my numerous experiences with Succubi and Incubi.

Slowly my eyes shifted up to meet her gaze. Despite being as tough a man as I was, I've always been a sucker for a beautiful woman... especially the kind, innocent ones like Alisa. The second our eyes met, I was gone; lost in her magic spell.

My hand reached out, seeking the one of hers not on my cheek. I just can't help myself... I pulled her closer and very gently placed my lips on hers. If this one moment, this one tender kiss... if this was all I ever got, I could die a happy man. And much to my pleasure, Alisa returns my kiss. Even if it was only because she pitied me, I would take what little affection from her that I could get.

"Ten years," I said, my voice little more than a whisper. "Ten years I've been in love with you." My feelings poured out before I could even stop myself. Of course, what good would it have done to keep those feelings bottled up? If I wanted to move on to a new path in my life, I had to confess this to her. "You've grown so much more beautiful since that day..."

A small smile formed on Alisa's face as her eyes lit up in realization. "It was you that day, wasn't it?" Her voice was gentle as she asked, though her question wasn't much of a question. Her hand moved from my cheek to run across my bare chest, tracing my countless scars. "These were all because you protected us..."

"Even if I could go back and do it over, I'd still protect you," I promised her as I brought her hand up to my face. "This scar," I started, guiding her fingers over the horizontal scar under my right eye. "This scar is from when I protect you. It was my very first. It's also my favorite scar." I moved her hand to trace another scar on the back of my neck in the shape of a bite mark. A human's bite mark, to be exact. "This one was my second. A reminder of my darkest memory and the worst pain I've ever felt. It's the memory I relive almost every night in my nightmares."

Normally I'd never mention such a thing, but as I've said before: I'm weak against a beautiful woman. "I'd go through that hell again and again if it meant protecting you."

Alisa stared up at me, her eyes a bit teary as my hand came up to cup her cheek. "I know I probably wouldn't be that great in a relationship and I've done some unspeakable things in the past, but I can promise you that I would do anything for you and protect you until my last breath. I know you probably don't feel the same way that I do, but if you could... maybe give me a chance?"

This time, Alisa was the one to lean in and close the distance between our lips.

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