Perfect Match (Osamu Miya)

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There are things in this world that I will never understand. Some things are better left unknown... some questions are best never asked. This was a truth I learned many, many years ago. Even now, at the age of 23, I still live by it.

Still, there are some questions that demand an answer. Among these: who was it that kept leaving a single flower outside my front door?

For two weeks now, I'd found a single flower laying on my doorstep. It's clear that it's no accident since it happens every day... and it's always the same kind of flower. I think it was a daisy? I'm no flower expert though.

On the first day of the third week, I see the culprit. A fox, oddly enough. I catch it just as it's setting down the day's flower. It looks up at me and I swear that it smiled before bounding off.

The next day, I see it again. This time it sits on my doorstep a minute longer. It looked at me and tilted its head. I'm almost certain it's smiling at me... but that's crazy, right?

The day after, it's there again. This time, it's a bit bolder and gives my leg a nudge. I don't know why, but for some reason, I deemed it important to try to pet it... What's even crazier, it actually let me.

By the end of that third week, the fox has come to be my regular morning visitor. Today though, was a bit different.

Today, the fox appeared, but for the first time without a flower. Instead, the minute I stepped outside, he tugged at my pant leg. He gave a tug and moved a few steps in front of me. When I stood there and just stared, he came back, tugged my pant leg again, and moved forward.

Follow me.

It was probably really stupid to do so, but I went out on a limb and trusted the little creature. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, actually, but I wasn't going to think about that.

It almost felt like it was leading me in circles. For all I knew, maybe it really was. Hell, it could be one of those shapeshifters and be planning to attack me after luring me to just the right location. How could I possibly know?

In the end, I was led to a small little restaurant. It was pretty much deserted, being such an odd time of day. Perched on a stool was the fox that I'd followed. On the other side of the counter stood a rather attractive, though rather annoyed, young man. He was probably in his twenties if I had to guess.

"The hell you doing Tsumu?" Is he actually talking to the fox? You know what? Not gonna question it.

"Is... is he yours?"

The male behind the counter scowled slightly. "You could say that... Why? He causin' trouble?"

I quickly shook my head. "Not at all. He's really sweet."

"A little shit is what he is."

I want to ask, but I don't dare to. Something tells me that this is one of those things.

"Hey! I'm trying to help yer mopey ass!"

The... the fox just talked...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "We do not question these things..." I quietly reminded myself before opening my eyes.

Both the man and the fox were now staring. They... they heard me, didn't they? They stare a moment longer before looking back at each other.

"All ya ever do is work anymore, Samu... When was the last time ya went on a date? Hell, when was the last time ya even got laid?"

Samu didn't look too happy. Honestly, I thought he looked like he was about ready to strangle the little fox sitting in front of him. "That's not any of your business."

"Of course it's my business! I'm yer brother."

We do not question these things... We do not question these things...

"I don't need ya messing with my love life."

"Ya don't even have a love life."

You know what? I probably shouldn't keep listening to this. As turned to leave, the voice of the fox called out. "Hey! Don't leave!" he said before hopping off the stool and grabbing my pant leg, a weak attempt at stopping me. It works though.

"Why ya gotta be such a pest?" Samu grumbled as he came out and picked up the fox by the scruff on the back of his neck. "Let the poor woman be."

"Stupid Samu!" The fox wiggled around. "I go through the trouble of picking out a nice girl for ya and this is how ya act? No wonder no one wants ya!"

The fox is immediately dropped and he lets out a small noise of pain. I'm starting to actually feel bad for the fox at this point... but I still don't know the other guy's side of the story.

"Would it kill ya to at least give it a try?" The fox stood back up, only it wasn't a fox anymore... it was now a man. "I even tried to pick out a girl you'd like this time."

Uh... this time? Must not be the first time this has happened... Now I'm not so sure I feel as bad for the fox... er... man...

"Ya can't even find yourself a decent girl." Samu crossed his arms over his chest. Now that I was looking at him more, I couldn't help but notice that he seemed rather tired. Maybe a bit stressed... and not just because of the male in front of him who was pretty much identical to him.

That was when I had an idea. "Um..." I spoke up, getting their attention. I looked at the blonde. "Um, Tsumu, was it?" He gave a nod. "If Samu..." I glanced at the other. "If Samu agrees to go on a date... would you agree to stop trying to get involved with his love life?"

It's a poor attempt at settling the issue, but both take a minute to actually think it over. Tsumu speaks first, though he sounded a bit reluctant.  "Yeah... I guess if he'd actually try and date a girl, I could leave it alone..."

Samu doesn't look too happy either. "If it'll get him off my ads about it... I suppose I could..."

A smile formed on my face. "See? It's not that hard to find a middle ground..." Still, there was an issue of him getting a date, but that was up to Samu.

Tsumu scowled though. "I worked real hard to find ya a nice girl though... I thought ya would actually like her." He quite clearly was looking at me and I was pretty sure that he meant me.

"Ya can't just pick some girl for me."

"Actually... if Samu wouldn't mind..." Both pairs of eyes locked onto me. It almost made me lose my nerve, the two of them dating that intensely. "Let me take you on a date. My treat." They give me surprised looks. "What?"

Samu shook his head. "Ya don't have to do it just 'cause he dragged ya here."

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't want to."

At that, he finally cracks a smile. It's just barely, but it's enough. "Then sure. Let's do it."

He's probably only agreeing to get his brother off his back, but that's okay. If nothing else, we can share a nice evening together and then go our separate ways. "Great. Just leave everything to me."

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