Sunlight (Morisuke Yaku)

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People like to think that they know everything about vampires... They're wrong. No matter how much they think that they know, they'll never know everything. That's because there's not just one kind of vampire... there's two.

The vampires that everyone knows, the ones that walk freely in this world alongside humans, are born just as humans are. They live, breathe, eat, sleep and walk in the sun just as any human can.

These vampires are harmless, for the most part. Sure, they still require blood and may be a tiny bit weaker when exposed to the sun too long, but overall, they were safe to let live among humans. The only danger here was when they neglected their need for blood and either got Bloodsickness or just went bloodcrazy... However, these vampires weren't the only ones that existed.

A fact that many didn't know was that the born vampires could turn humans into vampires. It's by no means an easy process and it's very rare for any human to survive it. These turned vampires... they're not like those who are born... and they're always hunted down without hesitation.

I am one of these turned vampires. Luck's been on my side so far, in that I haven't been hunted down. Of course, if I were completely on my own, I wouldn't have been so lucky. In fact, I was more than certain that if it weren't for Yaku, I would have been dead years ago.

When I'd been turned, I'd still only been in high school. I'd barely been getting through all my classes as it was, so when I suddenly couldn't even go to school, I'd dropped out. I could barely even leave the house then... because the very minute that the sunlight touched my skin, the burning pain was excruciating. If it wasn't direct sunlight, I was usually fine, but even that wasn't enough to let me finish school.

It was so bad that leaving the house at all was near impossible... and when you can't even leave the house, a job is out of the question. Not that many places would bother hiring someone who never finished high school anyways.

My eyes drifted to the door of the apartment. Yaku was at one of his college classes right about now. He'd be home only briefly before leaving again, this time for work. He was always so busy... he worked so hard to take care of the two of us... while I was stuck here, doing next to nothing.

I'm sure that I'm nothing but a burden for him... and yet, he's always treated me as if I were family. My own family had given up on me long ago, but Yaku never did. He stuck by my side and gave me a place when I had nowhere else to turn.

There isn't much that I can do to repay him, but I want nothing more than to repay the kindness he's always shown me. Until now though, the most I could do was to take care of his apartment and to make him dinner every night. Unlike a born vampire, I can't eat human food. Or rather, I can, but it's tasteless and doesn't appeal to me in the slightest... and very rarely will it stay down.

Really, the only reason that I ever bothered to learn to cook anything was simply for him. It did me no good to cook if I couldn't eat anything... but if it was one thing that I could do to help Yaku, then that was all the reason I needed.

I looked down at my phone. There was only one number saved in it... the only one I ever had any reason to use. Picking it up, I messaged Yaku, asking what time he'd be home tonight. As usual, his response was quick, giving me a time and a promise to let me know as soon as he would be getting out of work.

Hours later, Yaku sat at the table, textbook in front of him. This was part of his usual routine, and as much as I would have loved to help him, most of what was in his textbooks was far beyond my level. The most I could do was simply keep him company.

After a while of sitting in silence, Yaku finally spoke. "Some friends of mine from my old volleyball team want to meet up and hang out for a few days... The ones I told you about... Kuroo and all them..."

If it were them, then I knew Yaku was planning to go. Even if he sounded like he was hesitant, I knew he would go. I had no right to ask him not to go, but maybe if I were to ask... "I... I want to go with you." He stared at me, surprised. "I... never get to leave the apartment... and I never get to see anyone else... I'd really like to go with you... I... I won't get in the way... I promise..."

It's a selfish request and I've no right to really ask that of him, but when I weighed that against the fact that I would be all alone if I didn't at least ask, the choice was obvious.

"You sure?" Yaku closed his textbook, looking at me with a serious expression. "I mean, I can talk to them about bringing you along, but are you sure you'd want to? You'd probably still be stuck inside the whole time."

All I could do was nod. Even if I couldn't do as much as he could, I still wanted to go along. If I was even allowed to, of course. Maybe, just maybe, from meeting these friends of his, I might be able to figure out some way of repaying everything that Yaku has done for me.

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