My Lion (Tsukasa Iizuna)

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Wizzy: This guy is too freaking cute. Also to be clear, Iizuna canonically has an older sister and a younger, but neither are named or even appear. This is just my take on what the younger sister might be. Also, I'm not sorry. (You'll see in a minute.) Wizzy has zero regret.

"If you keep staring at him, he's going to realize that you like him."

The very thought makes me laugh. "You say that like it would actually change anything if he knew..."

Across from me, Komori shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. You won't know if you never tell him."

"And I'm not going to tell him..." It's not that I don't want him to know how I feel... I'm just afraid. I'm afraid of hearing that my feelings are one-sided... that I never stood a chance at all. "I... I don't want to know how he'd react."

"Pretty sure you're just letting your insecurities get the better of you." My eyes move to the third member of our little group, Sakusa. He's only here because of Komori... and honestly, without the libero around, we probably wouldn't talk to each other at all.

Honestly, it was a miracle that Komori and I had become friends in the first place. To start off, I'm a third year, while he and Sakusa are only second. When it comes to social skills, I'm even less social than the ace... though not entirely for the same reasons. And sports... sports really aren't my thing. If not for the help of Yuuki-chan and the way she always dragged me along to the team's volleyball matches, I'd probably be completely friendless.

"I'm not stupid. He's out of my league... and it would be weird, you know?"

Komori shook his head at me. "You're pretty good friends with his sister... and you're really fun when you actually start to open up. I think you have more of a chance than you think you do."

As much as I want to believe the half vampire's words, I can't. "That's why it would be weird... Yuuki-chan and I are friends... How would you feel if some girl your age was friends with your little sister and then you find out she's secretly in love with you?"

That shuts him up, for the moment. It's an awkward situation, to say the least. "It's not like you're only friends to get close to him or anything..."

The subject is soon dropped, thankfully. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic about it, but what chance did I even have? Iizuna is... well, insanely cute to start off... not to mention that he's popular and the volleyball team's captain... and one of the best setters in the entire country, according to his sister Yuuki.

Sure, you could say that I was cute... I've never thought so, but some people insist that I am, so who's really to say which of us is right?

You could even argue that we're both werecats... but... what people don't realize is... there are different kinds of werecats. Just because one werecat in a family becomes say a tabby cat, maybe another from the same family becomes a tiger.

Some variants are more common than others. Mine? Well... mine is rather rare... so I never tell anyone. Not because I'm afraid of being judged... but because I know that there are groups out there that would take someone like me and use them for their own selfish purposes.

Yuuki tells me that his is a lion. It suits him, I think. Yuuki likes to tease him though, sometimes calling him Mufasa instead of Tsukasa. I try not to laugh when she does it, but sometimes I can't help it.

As I lay back in my bed that night, I find myself thinking about what Komori and Sakusa had said. Yuuki has said similar things too. Is it really possible that I have a chance? As much as I want to hear that I do have a chance, I'm scared to even ask.

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