Our Family (Keiji Akaashi)

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Wizzy: Linked somewhat to Ennoshita's, so I'd recommend reading that one first. Also was originally going to have 2 parts of Akaashi's that took place during their high school years, but I liked this idea so much better. Also was going to make this the only part, but I'm thinking maybe I'll do a 2nd for Akaashi, Maybe. Is it just me or do you think Akaashi would totally be an awesome husband?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This time... this time for sure... Slowly I opened them, turning the little stick over in my hands before throwing it off to the side. Negative... again.

I buried my face in my hands. Having kids with an incubus was difficult, I knew, but how could it be this difficult? Five years of trying... and no luck...

Was it just not meant to be? This just wasn't fair.

A soft knock sounded on the door before it opened. He didn't bother even asking... the result was already clear. If it had been positive, there would have been no way that I would have been able to contain my excitement... Instead, I wanted to cry.

A gentle arm wrapped around my shoulders. I didn't even look at him. "We'll get it eventually... I know it's hard, but we'll get there..." Keiji's voice was soft as he tried to comfort me. It did very little though. "Your brother called... He's on his way here. Said he had something really important to talk to us about."

Kou... he and his wife didn't have this much trouble with having a kid... Not even a month after their wedding, she was announcing that she was pregnant. They even ended up with twins. Meanwhile, I've been actively doing everything I can and we've had no luck at all... it just wasn't fair.

My husband lingered at my side a moment longer before leaving me alone. We've been through this countless times now; he knew that sitting there while I sulked for hours was pointless. The best thing that he could do was find something that would help take my mind off of it. In this case, that would have been making sure the house was all in order before Kou got here.

I don't know how much time passed before I finally left our bedroom. Voices came from the living room, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Normally Kou was really loud, but today, he wasn't. That alone was a sign that whatever brought him here was very serious.

Kou wasn't the only one I could hear though. There was my husband Keiji, of course, but there was also a woman's voice. I knew the sound of my sister-in-law's voice and this definitely wasn't it.

I stopped halfway down the hall. A small child stood there, staring at me with brilliant golden eyes. Those were wereowl eyes. The boy couldn't be more than five or six... and he wasn't Kou's son.

The little boy just smiled up at me and held out a hand. Was I supposed to take it? Slowly I reached out but hesitated to take his hand. The boy grabbed my hand and ever so gently led me into the room where everyone else was.

"I know that it may not be ideal for you, but maybe it's worth considering..." The woman looked my way and smiled. She was a petite woman, nothing stuck out about her. If she knew Kou though, she had have something special about her.

My brother grinned when he saw me. "Looks like you found him! Was just wondering where he wandered off to." Kou was as energetic as ever. He pointed to the woman beside him. "This is Wiz. She has this place up in Miyagi called Sanctuary. It's like this safe place for people like us."

People like us... of course, he can't just call us nonhumans... Not that that mattered.

"I run a group who deals with the rescue of nonhumans from groups and people that would abuse them... I'm sure you've heard stories about Collectors..." Wiz trailed off, not needing to explain more.

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