Guardian (Hitoshi Ginjima)

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Wizzy: Ginjima is actually a werefox here since it's not said. Also, I do realize that I don't actually say his name. It didn't fit in. He'll get a part 2 though, don't worry. Also, Komori Part 3 and Sakusa Part 2 are in the works.
Also, Ginjima is kind of a cutie XD

I've always wondered what it would be like if I had been able to live a normal life. To be able to go to a school with other kids... to laugh and play without a care... to make friends of all shapes, sizes, and species... to just be a normal girl...

To humans, my home seems like any other shrine you'd see anywhere else in Japan... but that's little more than a façade. Sure, Grandmother does the usual shrine things for any other humans that come around, but that's not quite the truth of it.

No, my family is eternally devoted to serving the kitsune, the supposedly powerful and divine foxes that sometimes take on the form of humans. Truthfully though, they're little more than foxes that like to play around as humans. Mother would slap me if I ever said such a thing though...

All my life, I've been kept up here away from the rest of the world... and everything I do is restricted in one way or another.

Mother never uses garlic or peppers in her cooking. The smell offends the kitsune, she says.

I can't wear perfumes or use soaps with pretty scents. The kitsune don't like the flowery smells, Grandmother says.

Makeup is forbidden... hair products require approval... The chemicals offend their noses, Father says.

I can't wear pretty clothes like the girls who visit the shrines sometimes. Kitsune are disgusted by women who show too much skin, Grandfather says...

I can't cut my hair or style it in any fancy way... The foxes like it like this, Mother insists.

A boyfriend was completely out of the question. Mother would punish me if I even so much as thought of talking to a guy... Kitsune being the only exception.

Their obsession with them is ridiculous... but who am I to say anything? Mother would beat me for sure if ever I tried.

It's unfair... I sighed, continuing to sweep the leaves off of the stone pathway. Why did I have to be born into this family? It's not that I hate kitsune or anything, but I really don't belong in a family like this.

"See? Told you she was cute." I didn't dare to look at the one who spoke. It's pretty clear that he was talking about me... he'd never say such a thing about my mother or grandmother and there wasn't any other female here.

He comes here often, just like most of the other local kitsune. Unlike the others though, he's gotten to be a bit of a local celebrity... he and his twin brother. Few in town don't know of the Miya twins... and even a hermit like me knows of them. I've never spoken to them though.

The golden-haired one, Atsumu, had been coming here alone. Several times I'd overheard him speaking with Father, seeking advice about a human girl that he fancied. Father would often bring up his plans to betroth me to a kitsune, during such conversations.

I can only assume that Atsumu is attempting to at least look like he's trying to help my Father. It's likely just a trick though. Foxes are known to be clever like that...

"Sure, she's cute... but ya didn't have to drag me all the way up here to show me that... Pictures exist for a reason..." That's his twin's voice. I don't know as much about Osamu, but I know that he comes around every now and again... usually with a few friends.

"Should try talking to her. Ya might like her. The old man says she's a good cook too." He's helping my father meddle... I don't like it.

Luckily for my sake, Osamu didn't sound like he was the slightest bit interested. "How many times do I have to tell ya to quit trying to set me up with girls? I'll date when I feel like it."

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