Vampires 3 (Satori Tendo)

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"Mom..." A small hand touched my own. Quickly I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes. I don't want him to see me like this. Even if it's normal to cry in this kind of situation, I have to stay strong for his sake.

As he looked up at me, my heart ached. This was one of those times when I hated how much the boy looked just like his father. Those sweet little red eyes were a mirror image of those same eyes that always used to find myself getting lost in.

"Mom... who was that man? Did he do something mean?" He stared at me worriedly. "Is that why you're crying?"

I ran a hand through his hair as I sniffled. "No... he didn't do anything, sweetie." In the past he did, but that was before the child was even born.

Things felt like such a mess now... Just when I'd almost convinced myself that I was ready to just forget about him, Satori had to show up at my doorstep.

We'd ended things so badly before... it was the first time we'd ever really fought. He was to blame for that one, having not said even a single word to me about leaving until the night before.

"You can't just go running off halfway around the world and expect me to sit here and wait for you!"

It's funny how I said that I wouldn't wait for him... because that's exactly what I've been doing.

When he left, we stopped talking. He tried to apologize for not telling me about his plans, but at the tim8e I was still too angry to listen to him. The last thing I'd heard from him was a simple text that said that he'd come back. That was only a week after he'd left.

A couple months after that, I found out I was pregnant. Satori and I weren't speaking and I was pretty sure that we were over, so I never even bothered trying to tell him about it. Nothing would have changed anyway.

Now here it is, five years later and he showed up unexpectedly at my door. I should have been happy to see him, but all that happened was that those old wounds opened right back up. What should have been a happy reunion turned into another fight. Well, more like I was fighting with him and kicked him out.

Now that Satori was gone, the guilt finally set in. I felt bad for being so hard on him. It had to have taken a lot for him to even risk seeing me after all this time... and all I did was treat him like the villain.

Sure, he made plans to leave the country and didn't bother saying anything to me about it. He waited until his last night, after we were tucked into bed and cuddling before bed...

I sent my son off to get ready for bed, but I couldn't take my mind off of Satori. After a moment, the guilt I felt won out over my anger and I pulled out my phone, seeing him a message. Honestly, I should have deleted his number a long time ago, but I could never do it.

How long are you staying?

I nearly dropped my phone in surprise when it started ringing. Satori's name was lit up on the screen.

As soon as I pressed the button to answer, his response came out in a rush of words. "I'll stay as long as you'll let me."

"Satori..." I want to believe that he'd stay forever, but I know better. "Don't make promises you can't keep..."

"I mean it." He went quiet for only a moment. "If you'd let me, I'd stay with you forever..." He gave a small, half-laugh. "I suppose you know me better than that though... I couldn't even plan this right... Completely forgot about getting a place to stay for tonight... and none of the guys are even answering me..."

This is the part where I probably should tell him to go to hell... but I still love him. After everything and even after all this time apart, I still loved him as much as I did when he'd left  I don't have to think about it. "Come back and you can stay for tonight... we'll talk and see where things go from there."

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