Little Red (Yasushi Kamasaki)

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Wizzy: Might do a sequel for him. Not entirely decided yet. Also, it's weird that it took me this long to do something with a Little Red Riding Hood reference. All these wolfy boys and no little red... how sad. Anyway, just a friendly reminder that after I finish the collection, I will be turning a select few of these into full stories! Atsumu has been promised one of these slots, but the rest are still open. If I don't get any response, I'll go based on the ones with the most votes. And as always, don't forget about votes and comments! I love to hear what you guys are thinking!


"Miko!" I called out his name as I looked around carefully. "Miko!" Where did that stupid little dog go?

When my sister asked me to watch her dog for the week, I thought it would be simple... I thought it would be fun. Right now though? It's anything but fun.

It was harmless at first... His collar felt too tight. The pup had been gaining weight, so I loosened it just the tiniest bit. I'd checked to make sure it wouldn't slip over his head... or so I'd thought. While on his evening walk, he slipped right out of the collar and ran off after a squirrel.

Now here I am, wandering through the woods and searching for that pain in the ass mutt. The sun was already starting to set. I stuck my hands into the pocket of my red hoodie in a weak attempt to keep them warm. I hadn't bothered to wear gloves, since it had been warm enough earlier and we weren't supposed to have been out for so long.

"Miko!" I tried yet again to call the dog, but nothing. My sister was going to murder me for losing her dog... He wasn't even a big dog either... anything could come along and eat him right up. What am I even supposed to do now?

A twig snapped nearby. My heart pounded as I glanced around. Nothing seemed to be there. It's never safe to go wandering the woods this late in the evening... Night is when the monsters come out to play, after all.

More twigs snapped. This time when I turned, something was there... or rather, someone.

Standing there was a man... couldn't be more than early twenties. Once I saw him though, I began to notice the others. A few more men and among them, several wolves. They've got me surrounded; there isn't much that I can do...

The one that I assumed was the leader stepped forward. "Looks like Little Red got lost on the way to Grandma's..." The smirk on his face gave me chills. "Maybe the big... bad... wolves need to teach her a lesson..."

I don't know what kind of a "lesson" they would be teaching me, but two options immediately came to mind. One was very bloody and violent... the other... I didn't even want to think about it. Neither option was pretty.

"Now... do we tear the human's pretty little face off?" The same werewolf hummed, making not even the slightest attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at me. "... or should we have some fun? Pass her around until we're all satisfied?"

As much as I want to believe that it's a joke, I can't. The situation felt far too serious... If I didn't take this as a serious threat, things could get really ugly, really fast. I don't stand a chance if I had to defend myself. They greatly outnumbered me.

"Knock it off, Inoue..." One of the others stepped forward. This one had light hair... probably was dyed. "You can't just do that to a human."

The blonde is the only one who dared to speak against their leader. If it came down to a physical fight, the blonde looked like he'd probably win, but that was only if the rest of the pack didn't fight him too.

The leader, Inoue, gave a bitter chuckle. "Gonna protect the human? After humans went and abducted your friend?"

"You don't know that that's what happened... and she wouldn't have had anything to do with it even if it did happen."

I had no idea what they were even talking about, but I did know that these guys were not fond of humans. A lot of nonhumans probably feel the same way... most just didn't dare to say it out loud. Many humans felt the same towards nonhumans too.

Inoue and the blonde stared each other down for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, Inoue backed down, growling in irritation. "You want the damned human? Fine. Don't expect me to come save your ass when it turns on you." The werewolf turned his back and disappeared among the trees, the rest quickly following.

Only my blonde savior remained behind. I gave him slight smile. "Thanks... you know... for not letting them rape me..." There was no reason for him to stop them. He'd have gotten more out of it by going along with the rest of the wolves rather than trying to defend me...

The male shook his head. "It was the right thing..." He glanced in the direction that they'd run off in before fixing me with a stare. "You should get out of here before he changes his mind... It's dangerous out here."

"I can't." Before he could protest, I held up Miko's collar. "I have to find Miko... My sister will kill me if anything happens to him..."

The male eyed the collar. "Let me find him then." He stepped closer, holding his hand out. "My nose is pretty good... wouldn't be tough for me to tack him down. You can just give your number... or your address. I'll bring him to you and you can sit safely at home."

I don't know anything about this guy. He hadn't even given me his name. For all I know, he's just as dangerous as the others... but... he did just defend me.

The collar is tugged out of my hands. "You can trust me... If I were going to do anything to you, I would have done it already." He's got me there, I suppose. "Name's Kamasaki. Now that we're not strangers..." He smiled at me. "You head home before the real monsters come out. I'll be there with the dog in no time."

It's crazy to trust a man that I just met... but he quickly proved that my trust in him wasn't misplaced.

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