Control (Asahi Azumane)

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Werewolves come in all types. They can be tall or short... chubby or skinny.. fast or slow... smart or dumb... kindhearted or vicious... or even anywhere in between. Some of us are lucky enough to have complete control over whether or not we transform. Others have no control whatsoever.

Me? I was lucky enough to fall under the former category. Early on I'd learned to control my transformations and now I'm quite thankful for that. My best friend Asahi, however, falls into that latter classification.

"Alright," I said carefully. Not just anyone could teach you how to control something like this, but I'd been successful in teaching several others in the prefecture, so I was feeling pretty confident. "Close your eyes and clear your mind of everything."

Asahi's eyes slowly closed. He looked very peaceful right now, which was a good thing. It's always easier to keep things under control when you're calm. I gave him a moment before continuing. "Ready?" He nodded. "Now picture your wolf form. Imagine your body shifting into that form."

Patiently I waited to see if anything would happen. We'd been doing this same thing for weeks, but we really hadn't made any noticeable progress yet. But then again, not all of our kind were able to learn to control ourselves in that way. It was just a fact of life. Like how some people can be great singers and some just can't.

I had a feeling that Asahi was probably one of those that couldn't. It would be a real shame since he's the current alpha. He's clearly our strongest, though he's too cowardly to be much of a leader. If any of the other werewolves in the school came up to him and decided to challenge him for the title, he'd probably just give it to them.

Lucky for him though, there were only a few werewolves in our school. At least, only a few were known. There were probably quite a few that no one knew about. For now though, he was safe.

I could probably easily take over as alpha if I wanted to. Of our entire school, I had the most control of my transformations and I certainly had the brains and the right attitude. If Asahi wasn't my friend, I could quite easily take over. That is if I wanted to. Quite honestly I have no desire to. Though if anyone else takes it, that will change.

Soon, I saw a bit of progress being made. Asahi hadn't changed into his wolf form, but he did manage to make the ears, tail, and front paws of his wolf form appear. A partial transformation. Those don't commonly happen except for when you're training yourself to transform at will. Or if you're super unlucky and it just happens at a random because you have no control whatsoever. It's rare and extremely difficult to do on purpose though once you've mastered your transformations.

Asahi opened his eyes and frowned. He could tell that this wasn't quite right. "At least it's progress," I grinned, patting him on the shoulder.

The third year opened his mouth and tried saying something, but all that came out was a mix of a howl and a whine. That was a major problem with partial transformations: you never know what is going to change. In this case, Asahi's tail, ears, paws, and voice.

"Okay, now that might be a problem..." I scratched the back of my neck nervously. If he couldn't use his voice, that would make everything pretty rough until the transformation wore off and he shifted back into human form. Not to mention it would be completely embarrassing for the alpha to be seen in such a state.

I had to think of a solution... However, the only thing that came to mind was to simply try the same thing again and hope for the best. So that's what I told Asahi to do.

Luckily, when he tried this time, he managed to reverse the partial transformation. "Look at that; you're making a lot of progress this time!" I said, trying to sound positive. But the moment he opened his mouth to speak, he still didn't have his voice. "Well, at least we know you can learn."

I patted the glass-hearted third year on the shoulder. The poor guy still had volleyball practice to go to, so I'd have to explain the situation for him. At least his teammates wouldn't make fun of him though.

Besides, it would wear off in a while... hopefully...

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