Stronger Than You 2 (Wakatoshi Ushijima)

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It's strange how things can change. All through the time that Ushijima had been helping me to free my sister, he'd made sure to keep the same mark on me. Every time it would fade, he'd remake that little bruise on the side of my neck.

But now, there are no more marks. Now that my little sister is safe and sound with me, he hasn't even bothered to come near me. He didn't have to train me anymore, so what reason did he even have to get anywhere near me?

"Sis? Are you okay?" My little sister's voice pulled me from my depressing thoughts. "You look like you want to punch someone..."

I shook my head, trying to force the thoughts away. It didn't really work though. "I don't get it..."

"Is this about that guy? Soujiro?"

"Ushijima..." I corrected her and also accidentally confirmed that it indeed was that infuriating werewolf that was getting on my nerves. My little sister waited patiently for me to explain further. Sighing, I knew I had no choice but to tell her. "He told me that since he was going to help me save you, I was his. He'd keep making this little mark on my neck, which made other guys stay away... but now that you're back with me, he won't even come anywhere near me... It pisses me off!" I punched the nearby wall out of frustration. "Why mark me and claim me as his when he was just going to drop me just like that?!"



"You're in love with him."

You're in love with him...

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get my sister's words out of my head. What's worse was that I know that they were true. So naturally, when I happened to overhear some girls talking about Ushijima, I naturally began to eavesdrop.

"Did you hear that Kamitani confessed to Ushijima?"

"What? No way!"

"He totally rejected her though. Said he had a girlfriend already."

My heart sank. If Ushijima had said that he had a girlfriend, then he had one. He wasn't the type to make baseless claims or to lie... and knowing that fact, I was crushed by this new information. Thankfully the gossiping girls couldn't see me or else I'd be running off to hide the fact that I was heartbroken and wanted so desperately to cry.

"You're kidding! Who is she?"

"You know that little second-year werewolf? The one girl who was always interrupting his volleyball practices just to pick a fight with him."

My entire body froze. What the... since when? There was only one person that they could possibly be talking about and I knew that for a fact because I was the only one who dared to pick a fight with Ushijima...

Not even waiting to hear the other girl's reaction, I hurried off to the one place that I knew he would be: the volleyball club's gym. I didn't waste even a second as I ran. "Ushijima!" I growled angrily as I threw open the door, immediately drawing all eyes to me.

The male in question just looked calmly at me. I didn't get a chance to say anything though, as I caught sight of his mouth curling upwards into a smile... or as close to a smile as Ushijima could give... He said only one little phrase, but after what we'd been through and what I knew of him, that one little sentence was all that was needed. "Took you long enough."

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