Trust 2 (Akira Kunimi)

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Wizzy: Okay, so things get a little intimate here. Not exactly sexual, so I don't think it requires a warning. But this was supposed to be a cute little intimate moment for these two.

His lips are soft against my own. His kisses are tender and sweet. Most people wouldn't even think about it, but every second... every kiss... it means so much to me. Because only in these rare moments are we able to share our affections.

Our love is kept secret from everyone, though it's not for reasons you'd think. If his father had any idea what was going on... I'd hate to think how he'd react.

Akira's lips trail from mine down to my neck. Only recently has he gained the courage to do any more than just kisses, and even then we must be cautious. Should he leave even the tiniest, faintest mark, we'll be caught for sure.

A small gasp escaped as I felt his soft, wet tongue massage the skin of my neck. As he sucked at the side of my neck, he was careful not to let his teeth even graze me. He knew all too well my history with vampires and he knew that they terrified me. Luckily for him, he was only half and seemed to only have the fangs and a few of the positive traits. He was also lucky to not suffer from the bloodlust that any full vampire would, so he'd never once tasted blood.

Suddenly, he stopped. Akira didn't move from my neck. "Is it okay if I bite you?" While it might sound crazy to ask, he did it to make sure it was actually okay and that I wouldn't freak out, considering my traumatizing past. "I'm not asking for your blood; I won't even break the skin... I don't even know why, I just really, really want to bite you..."

His voice was calm as always, yet there was a slightly darker tone to it. After I nodded, granting him permission, I felt his teeth lightly pressing down on me. Still as gentle as always.

It's a pleasant feeling and I rewarded him with a pleased hum. He then returned to his former act of sucking on my neck, throwing in a few gentle bites here and there. This is the most intimate we've ever gotten and I love it. That is, until Akira bit down a little too hard.

I let out a cry of pain as I felt his fangs cut through my skin. Instantly he pulled back, worry showing on his face. My hand went to my neck, feeling a warm and sticky liquid. It had been an accident, I knew that, but I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Akira started to speak, but as his tongue just barely brushed over his fangs, the words were lost and the look in his eyes changed. He licked off the small amount of blood that had stuck to them before his eyes trailed over to the bite mark covered by my hand.

I recognized that look... I'd seen it too many times before, though never on Akira. Slowly I removed my hand from the bite, my palm covered in blood. I held it out to him and he carefully took it, pulling it closer to his mouth. He slowly licked at the blood, his touch gentle and never once trying to bite.

Once it's been licked clean, his eyes met with my own. That look still lingered there; the look of a vampire who wanted blood. But as we both knew, Akira didn't need it at all. It was quite similar to a human's lust for physical contact; it wasn't necessary, yet it was desired.

I raised my hand up slowly, gently caressing his cheek. It was at that moment that I made a decision that would change things for both of us, for better or for worse. My head tilted to the side and his eyes widened. "I trust you."

No more words are needed, as those three more than said it all. I loved and trusted him, that was all either of us needed to know. Akira slowly leaned in and closed his lips around the small wound, as gently as he's always been.

And for the first time in my life, I wasn't afraid. With him here, I'd never have anything to fear.

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