Secret 2 (Kenjiro Shirabu) *Mature*

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Wizzy: So there's no clean version for this one. However, you can skip this and not really miss much of his story. This isn't my best, but hopefully you'll enjoy.
Now, I know not everyone will be into this, so if it's not your thing, just keep your mouth shut and skip it. We don't need a billion comments hating on this chapter because I decided to include a few kinks.
And is it just me, or is Shirabu kind of sexy in that picture? No? Just me? 'kay.

His hands are relentless... I always feel so helpless like this... so deliciously helpless... My back is to him and I'm stripped of everything but my skirt... Shirabu always liked it that way...They always say that it's the quiet ones who get the kinkiest... he's no exception...

His fingers are still merely teasing, only lightly stroking my clit and never daring to dip inside me. He knows what he's doing oh so well... He wants me to squirm... to beg for it... but he won't give in until I'm just right...

It all started on merely a whim... a brief desire for physical contact leading to a quick fuck in a storage room. When Satori had let slip that I had a kink for wolf boys... that I didn't want anything but a wolfy boy... I thought for sure everyone would think I was a freak... and I wasn't entirely wrong... but Shirabu... he took that as an opportunity... a chance to fulfill his own dirty desires...

"S-Shirabu.." The male pressed roughly on my clit, a warning... "Master..."

He bit my shoulder lightly. "Good girl... If you want me to knot you, you better not forget again..." He's never been any sort of affectionate... the way he talks to me in these moments is very degrading... and yet... I can never seem to get enough of it.

We'd agreed from the very beginning that there'd be no strings attached... that neither of us would ever ask for not than just this right here... a moment of bliss where neither of us had to be ashamed of our desires.

His arm tightened around my waist, pressing my back tighter to his chest... His lips press hotly against the back of my neck. Never does he dare to leave a mark though... just like he never lets me face him... I don't exactly need to see though... Not seeing only adds to the thrill though...

Shirabu's control over his werewolf self is nearly perfect... he can change as little or as much as he wants, whenever he wants.. and in these moments, he never fails to use that to his advantage. Even something as little as a pair of ears and a tail, he uses it to increase my excitement... to make me even more of a helpless mess at even the slightest of his touches.

I can't help squirming in his grip. I feel so close... but he's careful not to let me have any release... not yet... He's waiting... waiting for me to be just right... that little moment when I simply can't take it any longer...

His fingers are slow, yet the movements are careful, trapping me in blissful agony. Whenever is try to move, bucking into his hand, he'd merely bite me, warning me not to try to take away his control, that if I wanted more, I had to let him have his way first.

My body feels like it's on fire... I can't take much more of this... I'm sure he can tell too... Shirabu always could tell... I can't think straight... all I can think of is how badly I want him to just take me already. .. and that is exactly what he wants...

"K-Kenjiro..." I never call him by first name... I don't know what possessed me to do it now of all times, but it felt so right rolling off my tongue with the rest of my pleasing moans.

A low growl leaves him. He either really liked that or I was about to be punished. When I felt his tongue run along the side of my neck, I assumed it meant he was pleased. Not sure if it was more pleasing than master, but it got the job done.

"Such a good little knot slut..." Shirabu removed his hand, my body immediately aching at the loss. I knew what was coming next though... the part that I'd been waiting for...

He forces me down onto hands and knees. It's a bit ironic that he's so fond of this position... must be because he's a wolf... and I'm sure as hell not complaining. Still, I can't say there weren't times when I wanted to see his face... Would he look as wrecked as I probably do?

He didn't hesitate as he slid inside me. Normally he would have taken his time and teased me with ut, but this time he was a bit more riled up.

Shirabu didn't bother being gentle or even easing into it... that wasn't his style... and to be honest, I didn't want anything different. For him to do anything other than this... it was unthinkable.

It's hard to not be too loud when I can feel myself clench around him... and the way I can feel his knot hitting me, but not yet entering me. He's saved that for last... not for his own sake, but because he knows that the moment it's inside me, I'm completely done for.

His hand moved to cover my mouth. As much as he loves hearing me, he knew that if we got caught even once, this could all be over.

When he was sure I was ready, he gave a hard thrust, forcefully burying his knot inside me. Thankfully the way that I cry out is muffled by his hand. The initial feeling is painful, and I'm pretty sure I'll never actually get used to that, but that feeling was why I could never be satisfied by anything but a werewolf.

I can feel how close he is... the way his thrusts are rough and in no sort of rhythm, like he's simply just trying to push himself deeper into me. It doesn't take much to push us both to our limits, his deep, animalistic groan only quieted by the fact that he bit down hard on my shoulder.

He didn't bother to pull out... he never had reason to after I'd gone on birth control. With as often as we'd meet up like this, it had become a necessity.

Shirabu's breathing was shaky and he withdrew his teeth from my skin. "That's gonna leave a mark... my bad." He certainly didn't sound the slightest bit sorry as he said it It was at least where I could cover it, so it wasn't a problem.

After his breathing had calmed down, he carefully pulled out and let go of me. While he straightened himself up, I took the time to redress. When I finished, I sat down, wincing slightly. Definitely going to be sore for a bit after that one. Always was, really.

Slowly I turned to look at Shirabu. To look at him, you wouldn't have guessed that he d just had sex. Always perfect composure with him, it seemed. It almost made me jealous. More so than that though, I wished that one of these times, I'd get to see him become a complete mess. It'll probably never happen, but a girl can always dream.

Catching me staring, he simply stood up and offered me a hand. My legs wobbled slightly as he helped me stand. Nothing new, of course. For him, it was probably the best compliment he could get... knowing that he'd been good enough to leave me walking funny.

He left first, making sure no one would see us. When the coast was clear, I followed after.

Stolen moments like this were our normal... our own little secret. No love. No relationship. No strings attached. That was us. Neither one of us ever dared to consider the possibility that one day, one of us might develop feelings for the other.

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