Better Than This 2 (Daichi Sawamura)

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Wizzy: Last one for Daichi. Was originally going to have them sleep together before the big confession moment, but this felt right.
Anyway... I've got Akaashi, Numai Part 2, Ennoshita, Reon, and Akagi in the works. If you want to see someone sooner, say so! I can always move it to the top of my list.
Also, do me a favor and go read my Rangers story. Especially if you like Iwaizumi. I'd really like some feedback on it.

He's pissed. While I knew I frustrated him a lot, I'd never made him mad before... Daichi was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. "You said you weren't going to do this anymore..."

"I wasn't-"

"Don't lie to me." Daichi didn't even let me explain.

To be fair, in the earlier days, there was a time when I did try to lie my way out of this situation, but it never worked. Right now though? I was trying to tell him the truth... that it wasn't what he thought... but he was too angry to really listen.

"You were doing so well with Wiz and the kids... How can you just throw that away?" I caught him looking at me through the mirror. "Is trying to make the world a better place for nonhumans not interesting enough for you? Is it so terrible that you'd rather run off and make things harder for yourself? For everyone?"

"It's not like that-"

"I don't believe you." His words hurt but even worse was that voice he used to say them. I'd heard he was scary when angry, but this is worse than anything that I'd ever imagined. "I never should have believed you when you said you wanted to try to change... Should have known you were just saying it to get me to back off..."

He's not listening to me. He's not going to. The way he was right now, there was no way that he would listen to my side of things.

The car pulled to a stop at a light. If he wasn't even going to let me explain myself, then there was no point staying. Before the light could turn, I had the door open and I was already running off. I heard him call my name, but Daichi didn't follow me.

I couldn't believe that he would assume the worst of me. When I'd said that I wanted to try to change, I'd meant it. The first step in that was promising that I'd stay out of trouble... and until now, I'd been doing great.

It wasn't what Daichi thought... Maybe it was that same place where I would pick up guys and maybe I was reported by that same guy who always complained about me being there, but I wasn't selling myself. I promised Daichi that I would never do that again... and I'd kept that promise.

I wasn't even going to stop there. Really, I wasn't. If there hadn't seen some shady-looking guy lurking around there, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Something about him reminded me too much of when I'd gotten taken by Collectors, so I couldn't just leave it alone. I followed him and ended up catching him trying to assault some high school girl. Her shirt had gotten a bit torn up, so I gave her my jacket to cover herself while she went home. And maybe the clothes I had been wearing were a but revealing... everything decent that I had was in the wash, so I hadn't had much of a choice.

Of course, no one had seen that happen and the guy got away before Daichi showed up, so it was purely my word against what Daichi knew of my past. I can't blame him for being upset... but did he really have to call me a liar when I was trying to tell him the truth? He wouldn't even give me a chance...

I didn't feel like going back to Sanctuary yet... but the only other place I had was Daichi's. It wasn't like I had any family... or any friends...

In the end, I just ended up wandering around aimlessly. My cellphone rang several times. Three times from Daichi, then once from Wiz. I assumed that she called because I didn't answer Daichi. Then Daichi tried three more times after that. Not once did I answer it.

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