Hate (Hayato Ikejiri)

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It's funny how fate has a way of twisting things. Unfortunately, it's rarely in a good way.

Hayato Ikejiri's been my best friend for years and I'd like to think that I knew everything about him. He is an amazing guy. He's smart, kind and a little on the timid side. He's most definitely the type of guy who'll treat a girl right. Most of all, he's the greatest friend that I could ever ask for.

I sat on his bedroom floor beside him, our textbooks tossed aside and long since forgotten. We're laughing, but I don't even remember what it was that we were laughing about. As the laughter dies down, he turned to face me.

"I... I need to tell you something," he said, the look on his face turning serious.

Immediately I straightened up, giving him my full attention. Knowing him, if he was making that face, it was something important. "Yes?"

Ikejiri scoots a little closer, leaning in a little. "I..." There's a very subtle change in the look in his eye, which should have told me that something wasn't right. "You... you smell really good..."

That's when I should have backed away. I should have turned around and left, and yet I couldn't seem to move or even say anything. If I had known what he was about to do, I probably would have.

He leaned in quite quickly, but from my point of view, it seemed like it was all in slow motion. My eyes widened as his lips pressed against the side of my neck, shortly followed by very sharp pain and a sort of sucking motion.

It was almost like... My eyes widened in horror. It was almost like he was a vampire. My best friend... he was a vampire... It all made sense now... why he was so hurt that I hated vampires and why he liked vampire movies and animes... It all made sense.

I wanted to push him off of me and run away, but my body wouldn't respond. It was like I was completely frozen... my body even felt cold as ice. He... he's a vampire...?

After a moment, he finally comes to his senses and I can feel his fangs being pulled out from the side of my neck before he quickly backs away. Had it not been for the drop of blood running down his chin from the corner of his mouth, I might have thought I'd imagined the whole thing.

"I..." Ikejiri's eyes are widened in horror as my shaking hand moved to the wound on my neck, feeling the hot, sticky blood that remained there. "I'm so sor-"

As he reached his hand out for me, I slapped it away. "Don't touch me!" I shrieked, backing away from him and towards the door. Without even giving him a chance to explain himself or to bite me again, I scramble to my feet. Quickly grabbing my bag and textbook, I race out the door.

I don't dare to look back at him as I go. He'd lied to me. He was lying from the very beginning. He'd never once tried to tell me that he wasn't human and if he'd been anything else, I could have overlooked that, but not if he's a vampire.

Because he was the one thing I hated the most, I couldn't forgive him for hiding such a thing from me.

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