Break (Toru Oikawa)

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Wizzy: I may have enjoyed this one a little too much... It almost ended up a Lemon! I seriously hate Oikawa and I hate the creature that he is even more... so how the hell did I end up wanting to turn this into a Lemon? Don't worry, I didn't do it, but this one's slightly more mature than the others... Seriously though, what the hell do you keep doing to me, Oikawa? 

Strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and I could feel someone's warm breath on my neck. I didn't need to look because I already knew. "No Toru," I said flatly, closing my locker. As much as I loved my best friend, I wasn't about to just give in to him so easily.

"So mean..." he whined, letting go and leaning against the lockers next to me. Even though his words had been disappointed, he still had his usual cheerful grin on his face. If it were anyone but me or Iwa-chan, you'd have no idea that it was fake.

Walking out with him right next to me, I decided to just get to the point of why he'd come to me. "Why don't you ask your girlfriend?" Even without specifically saying what it was, we both knew.

"I can't."

Had I been more like Iwa-chan, I'd have hit him right then and there. "If you didn't tell her, then I swear I will kick your ass," I threatened, stopping right in front of him. This has happened with every single girlfriend he's had his entire life. He refuses to tell her the truth and then when she finds out that he'd been keeping it from her, she drops him like he's a worthless piece of trash.

"No way! I did tell her!" He held up his hands like a shield, prepared for me to hit him. After I relaxed a bit, he did too. "I told her a week ago. But last night..." he trailed off, his smile shifting into a frown. "She broke up with me."

I wanted to say something to cheer him up, but after all those past times, I knew there was nothing that I really could say. All I could do is take him by the hand and lead him to a place where we could be alone. Then we could talk freely.

Finally alone, I sat him down under a tree. "Why'd she do it?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"She wouldn't say," he sighed. Toru pulled his knees up to his chest and stared down at the ground. "Even when I asked her what I did wrong, she wouldn't tell me the reason..."

It hurt to see him like this. Even without having to ask his ex-girlfriend, I already knew why. It's because of what he was.

Sure, people might fantasize about having a vampire for a lover, but when it came to reality, no one wanted that. Vampires loved blood, some even go crazy for it. Their bites are painful even if you get used to them. They can kill you in a mere moment if they desire and unless you're specially trained to kill them, you don't stand a chance.

That was the reason his girlfriends leave him. They've all been those fragile, self-centered types of girls; ones who aren't willing to stick with a guy who might even do the tiniest thing that they don't want him to or might possibly be even the slightest bit dangerous.

Unfortunately, Toru still doesn't seem to understand that. Or maybe he did understand, but he refused to believe that it was the truth. Every time he took a chance with a new girl, no matter how much he believed that she was the one, he ended up running right back to me. And being his best friend, I stuck by him and comforted him by giving him what he needed to help get back on his feet, which was always a bit of blood and a loving shoulder to cry on.

He's probably just using me, I know. Toru comes running to me because I'm the only one who knows what he is and is not afraid that he'd hurt them. Outside of moments like this, we don't really seem like we're that close. At most there's his usual flirting and a few times when we walk home together when he doesn't have a girlfriend.

I slowly put an arm around his shoulders. It's really likely that I don't mean all that much to him, but I can't just leave him alone; not when I know how much he's hurting. He turns his head to look at me, giving a sad smile.

Toru's eyes lock onto my neck. He doesn't need to ask; I already know what he wants. Silently I nod and his eyes light up a bit. He shifts around so that he's kneeling in front of me before reaching forward and undoing the top buttons on my shirt.

He leans in, nuzzling my neck for just a second before pushing me to the ground. Once he's moved the fabric of my shirt down to expose my shoulder, he moved in closer. I can feel his breath on my skin and know what comes next. It will hurt; it always does, no matter how gentle he tries to be. I've gotten used to it, but as his fangs sink in, it's still painful.

Something about this time is different though. It took a minute to place it, but I was able to figure it out. His hands. Normally he'd have his hands on my wrists to keep me from moving too much; he didn't want to risk me moving wrong and then something bad happening. This time though, he simply had one beside my head, holding his weight up while the other just rest on my waist.

But that isn't the only thing he's doing. As he takes my blood, his hips are gently moving against mine. It's a pleasing sort of feeling and I'm easily distracted from the set of fangs that are currently sunk into my neck.

A pleased sigh escapes and unknowingly I tilt my head to the side. I don't feel his mouth leaving my shoulder; I don't notice what he's doing until I felt his fangs sink into the side of my neck. That small bit of pain was just enough to bring me back to reality.

Toru and I had always had some rules for moments like this. The most important being that he wasn't allowed to bite me where I couldn't cover it up. Well, actually the most important one was that he wasn't allowed to bite me without permission, but in this situation, that one didn't quite matter.

Soon, he pulled away from me, panting slightly. Licking a few drops of blood off of his lips, he smiled at me. Toru sat up, slowly and carefully pulling me up with him. He hugged me tight: his way of thanking me for being there and as an apology for doing this. He didn't say anything, but he didn't really need to. After all, it's always been my job to just be there for him. Even if he's only using me, I don't care. He's my friend and always will be.

Extended Ending:

As I closed my locker, arms wrapped themselves around me. Before could say anything, a soft kiss was pressed against the bite mark on my neck. "Sorry about yesterday. I got a little carried away," Toru's familiar voice apologized.

All day long, people had asked about the two band-aids on the side of my neck. I didn't lie; I told them that I'd been bitten by a vampire yesterday. Of course, many accused me of lying, saying that they were probably something else. I had no problem with pulling them back to prove them wrong, but there was no doubt that rumors about it had quickly spread around because of that.

"You know, I've been thinking," he hummed, moving around to stand in front of me. "I keep dating all sorts of girls but it always ends the same. I always go back to the same person every time the relationship fails." He paused a moment, smiling a real smile. "So I thought, maybe I should just be with that person instead of wasting time with other people."

As I listened, I laughed. "Dumbass... You're just now figuring that out? Why do you think that person is always there for you? It's because they love you."

Wizzy: He totally means Iwa-chan... Haha. I'm kidding. But how funny of an ending would that have been?

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