Complicated 2 (Kanji Koganegawa)

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Dating a werewolf isn't as simple as you'd think. In my case, at least.

How long have we been together now? Almost a year? It doesn't feel like it's really been all that long... but then again, if you consider that we've hardly done anything that couples usually do, it's no wonder that it feels like we haven't been together long.

While I get that there's probably some reason for it, I can't help but worry. I don't want to just outright ask... that would just be embarrassing for both of us. So instead, I turned to the internet. Surely someone else has had the same issues...

Most of my searching was leading nowhere until I came across what seemed to be the answer I've been needing. It was an online group made for people who were dating werewolf men. The group was primarily women, but it looked like a few guys were mixed in.

The two who ran the group weren't much older than me. One was recently graduated and is currently married and expecting a baby sometime within the next month. The other was a third-year high school student, who apparently was very shameless about her attraction to wolf boys.

We've been together for a year now, but he still won't do anything more than holding my hand and the occasional cuddling... Help? I typed out, hoping that maybe within a day or two I might get some kind of advice. So imagine my surprise when I got responses almost instantly.

MrsYamagata: He might be too nervous to make the first move. Maybe you should try to imitate things.

ILikeSnowballs: He could just be shy like my Yuuki is.

AlphasLady: He might just be dense like Wakatoshi. If he comes from a family like his, then you're pretty much out of luck there, sister.

KenjirosKnotSlut: If there's another Ushijima out there, I pity his girl XD

MrsYamagata: I thought we agreed not to reveal identities

KenjirosKnotSlut: Oops. My bad XD

OnlyTaichi: It's not like we couldn't have figured that one out though.

OnlyTaichi: Anyway... you could always try seducing him. Or just try making him jealous. It works for pretty much any guy.

ILikeSnowballs: Jealousy could work, but if he's a timid guy then it might just end up hurting him.

KenjirosKnotSlut: Seducing him could totally work though! Just wear something a bit morbzjdbnc...

LadyAlpha: You okay there?

ILikeSnowballs: I think she had a stroke on her keyboard

KenjirosKnotSlut: This is her boyfriend. I'm sorry for her behavior.

KenjirosKnotSlut: WTF? Why is that her name?

KenjirosKnotSlut: She won't be available for a while. And this advice is terrible. Guys are dense. Just tell him what's bothering you. He won't get it otherwise.

After that, there was a flood of everyone laughing and commenting on how "Kenjiro's totally punishing her" and things like "someone won't be walking later." It was funny, of course, but my mind was more focused on my own problem.

Just tell him, huh? Out of everything that everyone had said, the only advice that seemed like it would actually get anywhere was the only advice that came from a guy that was a werewolf. Ironic, right?

"Whatcha looking at?" I jumped slightly at Koganegawa's voice beside me. I'd gotten so focused on the group that I'd stopped paying attention to everything else.

"I found this group... a bunch of girls who are dating werewolves..." I smiled a bit as he settled into a space beside me. "They seem like a lot of fun... I think the one girl's boyfriend got a bit mad though. Looked like he might have actually taken her phone from her."

He tilted his head in that cute way of his. "Why would he get mad?" At that, I scrolled back up and showed him the whole conversation. At the sight of her username, his face turned red.

"Yeah. Not sure I'd want my girlfriend going around and calling herself that so publicly." I carefully tucked my phone away in my pocket.

"I wouldn't want you saying something like That around other people either..." He adjusts himself, his hand moving to sit on top of mine. "You think that girl will take their advice?"

Was he really that oblivious? Well, I did always like that about him. "I don't know... If you were her guy, what would you want her to do?"

Koganegawa stopped and thought about it. "I'd want you to tell me, I think... but it's not like I do it on purpose. I transform when I get too nervous or excited and if I think about kissing you then I-"

Oh, there he goes. His face turned red as the realization hit him. The girl who had asked the question was me... and he'd basically just revealed why he'd been so hesitant to do anything.

"I... does that bother you that much?" He looked at the ground, a little embarrassed.

"A little... I just... is it wrong that I'd want to kiss you?" It felt a little awkward to talk about it, but what that Kenjiro guy had said was right. The best thing to do was to talk to him.

Koganegawa doesn't answer that. Instead, he leaned over and placed a quick kiss on my lips before moving back as quickly as he'd done it. He hesitated a moment before his face lit up. "Hey, I didn't transform!"

On top of his head though, a pair of wolf ears twitched. I couldn't stifle my giggles. For being such a big guy, he was so adorable whenever he was excited.

Having gained a little bit of confidence from the first one, he leaned in for a second kiss. This one was a much more proper one though, lasting more than just a second.

Our start may have been complicated, but that didn't mean that it always had to be.

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