Perfect Match 2 (Osamu Miya)

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Atsumu gave me many suggestions for the date I had with his brother. As much as I appreciated the thought, none of them struck me as being a fit for what I wanted to do for him. However, talking to the blonde did help me to figure just the perfect plan.

Now here we sat, just Osamu and I at my kitchen table. Atsumu had told me quite a bit and from that, I'd figured that a nice, quiet dinner at home seemed like the best bet. Osamu sounded like he would enjoy that more than going out to do something.

Admittedly, I'm not the best cook, but there are some things that I can make pretty well. If it was bad, Osamu certainly didn't seem to show it.  Atsumu did say that Osamu like pretty much all food though, so I hoped that part was true.

Conversation was mostly lighthearted. We talked about simple things... things we liked... hobbies we had... our jobs. Osamu's pretty much all related to food, which oddly enough was kind of cute.

While we talked, I couldn't help but notice that he seemed a bit stiff... and not only that, he kept rubbing the back of his neck or his shoulder. Atsumu had said that Osamu had been working a lot lately. Overworking, really. The guy was in some serious need of a bit of relaxation.

"Wouldn't hurt for him to get laid too."

I tried not to laugh as Atsumu's words came to mind. As much as I could agree with the blonde, sleeping with Osamu wasn't my intention here. No, I wanted to help him out. Purely innocent intentions here tonight. Not that I would be opposed, though.

In an instant, I think of another thing that I can do to help him out. Slowly I stand up, moving around the table to stand behind him. His eyes follow, not sure if he should trust whatever it was I was planning. "What are ya- oh."

Any protests died before they could form as my hands went to his shoulders, rubbing carefully. I could feel him slowly start to relax, the massaging easing his aches.

I hadn't originally planned to, but hey, why not? People always told me I gave the best massages. Pretty sure they only said that to get a free massage, but hey, I'll take the compliment.

Osamu seemed to appreciate it, good or not. Listening to him and the little sounds he made... it was quite clear that he'd been needing this and I couldn't stifle the giggles that came when I was reminded of another thing Atsumu had told me.

"What's so funny?"

"Just remembering something Atsumu said about you..." I hummed, not once stopping my hands. "Normally I wouldn't ask, since it's not actually my business... but now I'm curious." I moved my hands to massage more by his neck and he leaned into my grip. "And since you sound more like I'm having sex with you and not just rubbing your shoulders, I'm almost inclined to believe it was true."

"I do not-" Osamu interrupted himself with a small groan, only proving my point further.

Another giggle slipped out. "You really do though..." I stopped with my hands for a minute, making him tilt his head back to look up at me. "Atsumu... he said that he's never seen you do anything with a girl before... and that he was absolutely certain that you're still a virgin."

"Fucking Atsumu.." There's a scowl on Osamu's face. "That's a lie. I was with a girl once. He just didn't see it and I sure as hell wasn't gonna tell him... not when she was a friend of his... and kind of a whore. Slept with half the guys at our high school..."

Knowing what I knew of the blonde, I could already see why Osamu wouldn't want to tell his twin about it. "Only one girl though? I would have thought a guy like you would have had girls all over him..."

"Like me? You sure you aren't thinking of Tsumu?"

I shook my head. "I'll admit that Atsumu is hot, but you're not bad looking. You're really handsome... and responsible... I can't say too much about your personality yet, since we really only just met, but you're already pretty great from what I've seen..." I smiled down at him, my eyes briefly lingering on his lips. As tempting as it is to lean down and kiss him, I resist the urge.

For a moment, we just stayed there in silence. Osamu didn't seem like he believed me... so I figure I'd change the subject. "If you want, I could massage you a little better if you didn't have a shirt on and were laying down."

"That sounds like an excuse to get me in bed," he accused, eyeing me.

"If I just wanted to have sex, I would have just asked Atsumu. He seems like the easier guy." His scowl faded, but only slightly. "I'm being completely honest and serious. You seem like you really need to de-stress and with as much as Atsumu claims you've been overworking yourself, a massage would really do ya some good. No funny stuff. I promise. All you have to do is say you want me to."

Osamu closed his eyes a moment, carefully thinking it over. We both know that there's a chance that it might lead to something further, but as things stood, neither of us was planning to go for that... and that was okay. When he's made up his mind, he looked at me with a small grin. "Would ya?"

That's all I needed to take him by the hand and lead him to my bedroom.

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