Guardian 2 (Hitoshi Ginjima)

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Wizzy: Was going to end this with only 2 parts, but changed my mind. Ginjima is just too adorable and very underappreciated. So, he's going to get a Part 3. Also, as of the moment I'm posting this, I have Sakusa Part 2, Terushima Part 2, Suguru Part2, Numai Part 1, and Reon Part 1 in the works, with plans for Suna, Kita, Aran, Daichi, Ennoshita, Tsukishima, Saeko and Yamamoto's, plus plans for Makki and Mattsun to have part 2s. Anyways, remember that feedback is always much appreciated! Let me hear your thoughts. Good, bad or crazy, don't be shy!

Running away had been a choice I made in a mere second. My emotions... my fear had pushed me toward such a daring decision. What I didn't consider though, was what happened afterward...

My parents would be furious when they found out. They'd never dare to get the police involved since they wouldn't want to have to reveal the truth behind the shrine... that it existed purely as a place to serve the kitsune. Then there was the risk of exposing what they were going to let that kitsune do... Even if nonhumans weren't affected by human laws, it would still cause problems.

Now here I sat, in the living room of the silver fox. Ginjima, I'd learned his name was. His mother happened to be away at his aunt's, leaving just the two of us here.

It was nice to not have to explain things to her, but at the same time, it would have been nice to have heard what her advice would have been. The second-best option for advice was Ginjima's friend and teammate Kita.

I'd met Kita before... he visited the shrine many times as a child with his grandmother. That kitsune was the very definition of responsible and reliable. Which side he'd take in this situation though... I had no idea.

Of course, I didn't expect that he'd bring along others when he showed up at Ginjima's home. The fact that the other kitsune tagged along could only mean one thing: my parents had already figured out that I was gone and word had already started to spread among the only ones my family would trust with the situation... the kitsune.

Kita looked rather disappointed. It kind of reminded me of a father scolding a child. "Gin, you can't just kidnap a shrine maiden."

Ginjima flinched. "But it wasn't kidnapping... She... she wanted to go..."

Never mind the fact that I wasn't an actual shrine maiden. The most I did was clean up around the shrine... but that point felt a bit irrelevant at the moment.

"That's not how her family will see it."

"Her old man's going nuts already." Suna didn't look up from his phone as he spoke. "Things aren't going to be pretty if he has to get policed involved... She'll have to go back..."

"No!" It slipped out faster than I could think it. "Please don't make me go back! I don't want to do that with some disgusting fox-" I clapped a hand over my mouth, realizing just who I was talking to. "I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't..."

Kita shook his head. "No offense taken. You're a little emotional... you didn't mean to say something like that."

It's a relief that he understands, but it does nothing to solve the actual problem.

Beside him, Atsumu shrugged. "Can't say I blame ya for wanting to run away..." All eyes went to the blonde. "The old man just wants his grandkids to be kitsune. Doesn't care if the guy is her mate or if he just fills her full of kits... I tried to help out a bit by suggesting Suna and Osamu, but they weren't interested."

"It's not like you told us that... you're always trying to set me up anyway. How am I supposed to know the difference?"

"Okay, but what are we supposed to do now?" Ginjima quickly tried to shift the subject back on track.

The four kitsune went quiet. If things weren't dealt with quickly, the situation would only get worse. After a moment, Atsumu spoke up with a suggestion. "We'll tell her family that Ginjima is a kitsune and got jealous over that other kitsune, so he convinced her to run away with him."

"Atsumu, we can't just lie about something like that." Kita was right... that story was too full of holes to work. "If Gin was a kitsune, he wouldn't have had to run away with her... Her father would have approved... Honestly, this would be a lot easier if Gin was a kitsune."

Ginjima... wasn't a kitsune? But he was a fox? That was when I remembered that werefoxes existed. To anyone without a strong sense of smell, they could be near impossible to tell apart. That just made things even more complicated...

The discussion went on for hours. In the end, we couldn't come up with a solution... only a way of prolonging the problem. Atsumu, Osamu, and Suna were sworn to secrecy. They saw nothing; they knew nothing.

Kita would do what he could to buy us some time to figure out what to do. His plan was to tell my father that he'd seen me and that I was safe. He'd say that I'd simply gotten scared and needed a little time... that I would come back as soon as I'd calmed back down.

I didn't know if that would be enough, but it was better than nothing. It could very well have just been putting a band-aid over a gaping wound... It might be a temporary fix, but a proper solution would be needed.

In the end, I was there only one who had the ability to fix this, but how? I sat on Ginjima's bed, thinking it all over. The sun had gone a while ago and so had Ginjima's friends.

The werefox had told me that I could have his bed for the night and he'd sleep elsewhere. It was sweet of him, especially since I was already causing him so much trouble. He moved to leave the room, but stopped at the door and looked back at me. "I... I don't feel right leaving you alone... I've got a bad feeling..."

It was entirely possible that someone could show up in the middle of the night. I didn't think it would happen, but a part of me didn't want to be left alone. Not because I was scared of someone taking me away, but because I've never actually been away from home before and it was a little overwhelming.

After a second, I saw him shift into that silver fox that I knew oh so well. "I can stay like this if it makes you more comfortable..." He hopped up onto the far corner of the bed. "And I can stay right here, so you won't have to worry about me doing anything... if you want me to, I mean..."

He sat there, waiting for my decision. No one ever cared to ask me what I wanted... everyone always decided things for me up until now. Ginjima's never once some that... and maybe that's why I started to like him... and why I knew I could trust him.

"Please stay."

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