Love Me For Me 2 (Michinari Akagi)

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Wizzy: WARNING! So, things are gonna be kind of "adult" here. We're not going into smut or anything, but there are some mentions of sexual things here that I feel might be testing the boundaries. So I'm putting a warning here just in case.
This ended up longer than I planned. Originally I was only going to give Akagi 1 part. Anyway, this takes place a little while after his part 1. Also around 4 years after Atsumu's part 3/unofficial part 4. (You'll see why it's relevant.)
Akagi is such a sweetheart... anyway... the premise of this is that Reader-chan agreed to do the mating ceremony with Akagi and is now at the day of the event.


"Don't look so nervous..." The woman in front of me smiled as she adjusted the flower wreath on top of my head. "I promise it won't be that bad."

The woman behind me, hummed in agreement. "There's nothing to worry about. Akagi wouldn't do this if he didn't think that you could do it."

The woman in front stepped back, her hands going to the two infant foxes in a sling strapped to her front. Her kitsune children, to be exact. Two of her four. The older two were off somewhere else in the shrine. The two here were twins and no more than a couple months old. "Is this your first time with him?"

I couldn't quite look her in the eyes. "It's my first time with anyone..." It was a bit embarrassing to admit that I was still a virgin at my age, but it wasn't like my mother had ever let me have a chance to do anything. Honestly, I was surprised that she'd even agreed to do the mating ceremony here at the Hyogo shrine and not the one back home.

She nodded, trying to give me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry... Akagi will be gentle... Just be glad he's not like Atsumu..." She shook her head and sighed. "Horny little bastard kept trying to get me to let him knot me a few hours before our ceremony... Had to threaten to leave him just to get him to behave..."

Right, she was that blonde kitsune's mate. If she already had four kids with him in such a short time, then he did indeed have to be quite the... "horny little bastard," as she'd put it.

"That sounds just like Atsumu," the other woman giggled, finishing up the little patching on the kimono I was wearing. "His heart's in the right place though..."

"Didn't stop him from humping me in my sleep and then stealing my panties to hide the evidence." Atsumu's mate stroked the fur of one of the kitsune strapped to her. "And that was before he'd even hinted at having any sort of feelings towards me..."

The other woman's mouth fell open. "He didn't..."

"Oh, he did..." A man's voice joined us, chuckling a bit. "'Tsumu was a real fucking pest back then. Did anything and everything just trying to get her attention." That was Osamu. He'd been helping us out a bit with preparing for the ceremony. Rehearsing things beforehand with your mate-to-be was supposedly bad luck, so Osamu had been kind enough to kind of help out.

Atsumu's mate shook her head at the not-present male's antics. "I swear... the very second that I gave him the okay, he forgot how to keep his hands to himself. He's lucky that birthing kitsune is a hell of a lot easier than birthing a human, or..." She made a scissors motion with her hand. Instantly I felt sorry for Atsumu, despite not having met him yet.

Soon, the two women leave to tend to other things. Osamu lingers though. "I know you're nervous... but it'll be alright. Akagi wouldn't have agreed to this if he didn't think you could do it."

He's right, I know that, but it does little to calm my nerves. The girls had tried to help, but honestly, I doubted anything would.

"I was nervous too, ya know." The kitsune gave me a gentle smile. "Maybe for different reasons, but if I could get through it, then you can too."

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