Hope 2 (Ittetsu Takeda)

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I turned around another corner of the building. There had to be at least someone here... If we could only find more people, then we wouldn't have to worry. Even though I might be strong, there was only one of me and several of them.

I took the young girl's hand and lead her further away. She'd been lucky that I'd come along when I had, or she might have ended up with the same fate that I had many years ago.

My body feels like ice as I remember that day twelve years ago. That look on Takeda's face as he saw what I'd done... when he saw me standing there and the blood splattered all around me... I don't think I could ever forget it.

We turned another corner and finally found what we needed: a large amount of people. Okay, so maybe it was only twenty at most, but it was enough that the Collectors would no longer be a threat. While they might have no problems with committing crimes, they weren't stupid enough to take on a whole group at once.

I pulled her into the gym where some boys appeared to have been playing volleyball. Or that's at least how it appeared to me; after Takeda and I had escaped from the Collectors twelve years ago, I hadn't wasted any time around normal society.

Ignoring the stares of the high school boys, I motioned for the girl I'd rescued to stay here with these people. She nodded and quickly went to explain the situation to one of the two adults in the room. I, on the other hand, leaned against the wall by the doorway, using it to help me to the floor.

My breathing was getting slower and slower by the second. As my vision began to blur, I closed my eyes. "So this is how it ends?" I said quietly to myself. "I hope you can forgive me, Takeda. I couldn't hang on long enough to see you one more time..."

A hand pressed against my side over the wound and I immediately tensed up. Had I not been so weakened at the time, I'd probably have attacked the mystery person on instinct. But as an almost familiar, warm, and tingly sensation began to replace the pain, I relaxed.

An angel's healing powers. It had been twelve years since the last time I'd felt such a thing, but it was something that could never be forgotten. Slowly I opened my eyes to see a face I hadn't seen in twelve long years.

A light smile rests on his face as he looks down at me. "I forgive you," I hear him say before I close my eyes again, this time with a smile on my face.

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