Chances (Alisa Haiba)

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Wizzy: Okay, so here's Alisa. She and Lev are a special sort of shapeshifter. More or less it's a Russian giant with shapeshifting abilities. Need I explain why that is perfect for them?

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"It'll be okay... we'll be okay..." she said, trying to soothe her younger brother. It's too obvious that she's scared though. If only she could hide it better, she might have been able to calm the child's sniffling.

It's been ten years. Ten long years.

"You! What creature are you?" The man glares down at the three of us. The girl, a gentle child named Alisa, trembled under his gaze. However, she kept her arms wrapped protectively around her beloved brother.

The voices still echo in my head. Their scars still litter my body.

"Just say that you're a shapeshifter and he'll probably let you go," I quickly whispered to her. I could tell that she was afraid and I knew that this would probably be the only chance that we'd have.

We escaped from hell that day. Or rather, they did.

It was pretty clear that he could tell that they weren't ordinary shapeshifters, so their only hope from getting away from the Collector was to run. The only way that could be successful though, would be if I sacrificed myself to buy them time. In the end, my fate was clear.

My eyes caught sight of her in the crowd. Until that moment, I'd wished I'd never let my friend talk me into watching his old high school's volleyball team playing in some pointless tournament. Now, man was I ever glad I came here.

She's grown so beautiful since then... not that she wasn't already. She's on the opposite side of the gym, right up by the railing with a younger girl. The two were probably here to cheer on the other team and doing a quick scan of their players, I easily recognized Alisa's little brother. Lyovochka, I'd only ever heard her call him. Funny how I can remember that even ten years later.

As much as I'd like to talk to her, I know I won't. She's a stunning young woman and I... well to put it lightly, I'm just an old and scrappy werewolf. She's way out of my league, so I'd never even have a chance.

Knowing that the two of them got a chance at a real life, that was enough. Maybe there had been times when I'd cursed them or even myself for that day, but no matter what hell I'd been through since then, seeing her happy had made it all worth it. Every tortuous day, every fight, every scar... they all seemed like nothing at all now.

I know I'll never have a chance, but that's okay. As long as I'd gotten to see that she was safe and happy, that was more than enough for me.

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