Resist (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: I regret nothing... This didn't turn out as amazing as it was supposed to, but I don't really care. I wanted to have fun with Iwa-chan.

Out of nowhere, an arm is wrapped around my shoulders. When I look up at its owner, I saw a face I didn't quite expect. Oikawa simply grinned and insisted that I come with him. He never said why or where we were going. But he's a good guy, so I can trust him, right?

As we walked along, I tried to figure out why Oikawa suddenly seemed so interested in me. Sadly, the little conversation we had gave me no clues. However, when our paths crossed with Iwaizumi, I could tell that this somehow involved the ace.

When I looked at him, Iwaizumi seemed angry. Well, he almost always looked angry, but today it was more than normal.

As I tried to guess what could be bothering him, Oikawa was saying things to him that I wasn't paying attention to. However, when I felt someone's hot breath on the side of my neck, I froze and all thoughts vanished from my mind.

There was no doubt that it was Oikawa. His arm was still around me and the breath was on the same side that he stood. The breath was replaced by something soft and warm, plus just the tiniest trace of something sharp. It was then Iwaizumi lost it.

He grabbed Oikawa and tore him away from me. He yelled something at the setter that I didn't quite catch. I was too shocked and confused to even really have any idea what was going on. And before I caught up, the two of us were being shoved into the nearby storage room with the door being slammed shut by a smirking Oikawa.

"Open the damned door!" Iwaizumi was shouting at the setter and trying to force the door open. But even though he was the strongest in the school, he couldn't get it open. Oikawa must have others helping him. Clearly, he'd planned this, but as to why, I couldn't begin to guess.

After a while, Iwaizumi gave up on trying to make his friend open the door. He just sighed and rested his forehead against it.

I didn't like seeing him like this. If I'm being honest, I like Iwaizumi a lot, even more than Oikawa. So seeing him so upset was sort of painful. I had to do something. "Iwaizumi? Are you okay?" I reached out and placed my hand on his arm.

From there I'm not sure what happened. All I knew was that I'd somehow ended up pushed against the wall. I could feel his breath on my neck, followed by something sharp painfully digging into the side of my neck. Is... is he biting me?

A warm liquid slowly trickled down from the spot where Iwaizumi's mouth was attached to my neck. Was that blood? Did he actually bit me hard enough to make me bleed? His mouth separated from me just long enough to lick the dripping liquid away before sinking his teeth into one more time in another spot. Geez, what was this guy, a vampire?

Then it dawned on me. Biting. Blood. Vampire. Just thinking it filled me with fear. It was only natural to be afraid; I was locked in a room all alone with a vampire. "I-Iwaizumi?" My voice was trembling as his grip on me tightened, pressing our bodies closer together.

He pulled back a second time. "Sorry..." he softly whispered before biting down a third time.

I should have pushed him away, but my body refused to move. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes from the pain of it. One of his hands reached up and began undoing the buttons of my uniform while the other was wrapped around my waist, holding me in place.

As he traveled down and sunk his fangs into a spot on my chest, the tears started to flow silently down my cheeks. A soft whimper escapes my lips and he stops moving. Slowly Iwaizumi pulled back a bit and stared down into my tear-filled eyes.

I couldn't see his expression because my eyes were squeezed shut. His breath is on my neck again and flinch, waiting for the pain. But it doesn't come. Instead, I felt something soft and gentle touch one of the bite marks.

"I'm sorry..." Iwaizumi's voice whispers, placing another kiss on another bite mark. Slowly I open my eyes, tears still falling. "I just couldn't resist you anymore..." He continued until he'd kissed every single mark he'd left on me. "I've wanted you for so long... I... I like you... a lot..."

Iwaizumi released his grip on me and stepped back. His gaze swept over my body, lingering a moment on each bite mark before he stops and stares at my exposed front side. The longer he stared at me, the more I wanted to just cover myself, but my body still refused to move. It was like there was some sort of spell, binding me and restricting my movement.

As I avoided looking at him, I didn't see his stare shifting up to my face. I also didn't seem that he'd taken a step towards me. It wasn't until his arms wrapped around my waist once more and soft lips pressed gently against my own.

Iwaizumi's kiss was gentle and sweet; much different than his bloodsucking had been. He almost seemed shy, making me realize that he really hadn't been able to hold himself back before. It was then that the spell that made me still as a statue broke.

If I were to go about the situation logically, I should push him away. But that isn't what I wanted. Even if he was a vampire and kind of scary, I still liked him. So I kissed him back, giving the ace the confidence to do more.

As the kiss deepened, I began to realize that this was just getting started. And there was no way that it was going to be stopping any time soon.

Extended Ending:

Oikawa leaned against the door to the storage room that he'd locked his best friend in. It wasn't long before a group of his fans found him and started talking to him. For once the setter didn't mind it; it gave him an excuse to stay there without looking suspicious.

As he talked, a noise caught his ear. He wasn't the only one; everyone else heard it and it quickly fell silent. Mere seconds later, the sound was heard again and most of the crowd either blushed or their mouths fell open in shock.

When the same noise sounded again, there were no doubts about what was going on. I mean, when a very sexual-sounding moan comes from a locked room, what else could be going on? Because of that, all but Oikawa quickly left the area.

But Oikawa, being the oh so wonderful best friend he was, simply put on a pair of headphones while he watched to make sure Iwaizumi didn't get caught. The setter's plan had merely been to help his fellow vampire get a bite; he surely didn't expect things to go this far. Regardless, Oikawa was very proud of Iwaizumi's accomplishment.

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