Touch (Yuuji Terushima)

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Wizzy: I may have had a little too much fun with this one... I don't even like Terushima either. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate him, but he's not a favorite. Anyway, enjoy.

Incubus: a fancy word for a male sex demon. They're a creature that can be seen as wonderful and desirable or wicked and despised. Neither of those is really right though.

Incubi had gotten a bit of a bad reputation many years ago from lusty and dishonest young women. They who fooled around too freely and were stuck with child blamed it on the incubi, claiming that the creature forced themselves upon them while they slept, rather than admit the truth that it was truly the result of their own lustful decisions.

That's not to say that no incubus has ever not done such a thing. Yes, some had less control than others and forcefully pursued those that they desired. In the end, it all comes down to the individual.

These were all facts that I knew. I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a creature expert. And knowing all that I knew, you'd think I would have known better than to let myself be alone with an incubus. But here I was, my back against the wall of the deserted classroom and dark eyes staring down at me.

I've never been able to understand or even figure out Terushima at all. Sometimes he seemed really intimidating, while other times he seemed so harmless and playful, even a bit dorky. But what was he really? The most that I really know for sure is that he is an incubus.

Unfortunately, I couldn't tell what type of incubus he was. Was he one of the I'll-rape-you-the-first-chance-I-get kind? Or was he more of the I'll-let-you-come-to-me type who wouldn't dare do anything without clear consent? Not knowing this was quite nerve-wracking.

He's talking to me, but I had no idea what he even said. I'm much too on edge to even hear him. As his mouth moves, I catch just a glimpse of something that almost looks out of place, something that isn't supposed to be there. A small round thing resting on his tongue... or maybe it went through his tongue.

Either way, I used this as a weak attempt to distract his attention from whatever it was that he was talking about. "Is that a tongue ring?"

"You bet it is." Terushima raised an eyebrow as a smirk spread across his face. Had I actually been thinking at that moment, I would have realized that I'd just said something I really shouldn't have. "Wanna touch it?"

"Um... okay..." Had I been thinking, I'd have refused, but yet again, I was not.

His smirk grew as he leaned in closer; a little too close, in my opinion. In mere seconds he closed the gap between us, kissing me. While I was still surprised, his tongue forced its way past my lips and wrapped around my own.

Snapping out of my daze, I put my hands on his chest, intending to push him away but stopped when I felt it. A warm feeling spreading throughout my body, making me melt in his arms. It felt like something had completely taken control of my body; no matter how much my head was telling me to push him away and run like hell, I couldn't tear myself away.

Terushima's lips were soft and moved gently against my own, while his tongue was relentless. It left no place untouched as long as it could reach it. And if I'm being honest, it felt amazing.

After some time, he pulls away, leaving me breathless while he's not even winded. One of the perks of playing a sport or maybe it was simply because of all his practice in these situations. Terushima leans in, his breath hot against my ear and my face even hotter as I heard the words he'd whispered. "If you liked how that felt inside your mouth, just imagine how it would feel inside other places..."

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