Ruins 3 (Motoya Komori)

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Wizzy: This ended up way longer than planned. Also originally wanted things to go the mature route, but it didn't feel right. But hey, I think this turned out nicely anyway. Also have you heard Komori's VA sing? His voice is heavenly. Seriously. Look up Yuto Uemura singing "A Whole New World." The man's voice is beautiful.

Only one day left... I've failed to do what Thorn wanted... there's no way that I can get the human for him.  And if I'm being honest... I don't want to.

You don't have to do what Thorn wants you to... You have a choice... You don't have to listen to him.

I had a choice, huh? It was so easy for Komori to say something like that when he didn't know what would happen if I failed...

Ever since the confrontation with Komori, I hadn't bothered to go back to the school. What was the point? There wasn't any reason to keep up the act anymore... Once Thorn came, I would be going back to our camp in the woods... and life would go back to normal.

Acting on a whim, I found myself going back to the school. Classes were over by now, but I wasn't here for that. No, I was headed for where the gym was.

There were more people than usual. Granted, I barely knew anything when it came to volleyball, but even I could tell this was a match. It had the same kind of aura that the fights in the arena had, back when I was still with the Collectors. Obviously, this was much less violent.

I slipped in, careful not to disturb as I made my way over to where a few people were watching. Among them was the human girl that Komori had taken from the pack. The two female werecats were with her.

The human tensed as I stopped and stood beside her. I don't even spare her a glance. "You can relax... I'm not here for you."

"Then why are you here?" The younger werecat spoke up and I could feel her watching me. What was it that they called her? Yuuki, I think? Not that it really mattered.

They're right to be suspicious of me, but it's not necessary. "Trying to come to terms with what happens to me now that I've failed... but that's not any of your concern... You have no reason to worry about someone like me."

"What's going to happen to you?" When the voice asked, I had to look. The human's voice I would never have recognized... she never talked with any of us, but being here, she'd really come out of her shell...

There's a part of me that doesn't want to tell her, but of everyone, she probably deserved to know the most. "You know what Thorn was planning to do to you, don't you?" She gave a nod. "Well... if I don't bring you back to him, I'll be the one taking your place..."

The two werecats seemed confused. Sighing, I decided to explain. "Some werewolves are strongly connected to the moon... some forcibly shift at night and can never control it... For Thorn, when the moon is full, he goes through this period of intense... well, lust, for lack of a better word... He'll have an insatiable lust... and if he is denied a way of satisfying it, it'll turn into an insatiable bloodlust... He'll turn violent beyond control... It's not pretty..."

The human looked down at the floor. Yuuki, on the other hand, seemed disgusted. "Can't you just tie him up before and make him wait it out?"

"We've tried. It only made it worse..." I found myself laughing, but really, it wasn't funny at all. "Normally, he'll just use Fang. She's a werewolf like him, so her body is better suited to handle him, but he's never been fond of her... There was one time when he used me instead, back before you were with us... I was limping for an entire week afterward."

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