Cheer You On 2 (Taichi Kawanishi)

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Every time that our paths crossed, it always ended up like this. Most of the time, it was to accuse me of hitting on her boyfriend. Sometimes, she was just trying to make my life hell. In the end, it was no different than that one year we'd known each other in middle school.

I've tried to be the bigger person and just avoid any contact with her... Okay, I'll admit that I haven't been trying that hard. It's kind of fun to mess with her. Maybe not so much when it leads to a physical fight, but surely this wasn't one of those times...

As per usual, she'd accused me of hitting on her boyfriend. I'm pretty sure that I haven't. Sure, I'm naturally flirty; I can't help that, but it's not like I would actively hit on some guy... especially one who I knew had a girlfriend.

"You're so disgusting! I swear you'll try to screw anything with a pulse!"

"As if! I don't go after any guy! Let alone one stupid enough to date you!"

"That's not what everyone else says! I swear, at least have the guys here have admitted that you hit on them! And you know what? I'm not surprised! You're always stealing my boyfriends!"

"I can't help it if I'm better than you... you're a bitch... in every meaning of the word."

She's pissed. Nothing I've said so far was wrong though. It wasn't my fault if guys got the wrong idea. Naturally, we'd already drawn quite a crowd around us.

"Why don't you keep to your own species you stupid... little... little... bloodsucking whore!"

"As if I'd ever want some stupid mangy wolf!" For a brief second, his face flashed in my mind and immediately I regretted saying it. It was far too late to take it back. What was said was said... there was no changing that.

It's around that point, that things turn into a physical fight. It takes four of the teachers to finally separate us. Once I'm broken free from her, I spot him in the crowd. There's no time to talk to him though... Not when I'm dragged off to the principal's office.

This isn't the first time this has happened. As usual, she played the victim and got off easy. Of course they'd take her side... she's the pretty third-year cheer captain... and a werewolf. Me? I'm just some little first year that isn't even part of a club, my grades are average... and I'm a vampire. Considering it's Shiratorizawa, it's not hard to guess which side they'd naturally want to take... they're mostly werewolves.

I get off with a two-day suspension and a warning that if I was caught fighting again, no matter what it was over or who it was with, I'd be expelled. It's fair, I supposed, but what wasn't fair was that she didn't get the same punishment, even though she had started the fight in the first place. Hell, she practically hit away with little more than a slap on the wrist.

Not fighting with her is something I'm sure I can manage though... so long as I keep my distance.

Naturally, Taichi wouldn't talk to me after that. He even stopped talking to me during his breaks when I was practicing outside the gym. He doesn't come out anymore... he doesn't watch me... he doesn't even do so much as look at me... and as much as I want to say that it didn't bother me, it hurt.

It's so stupid... I've never once chased after a guy in my life... but Taichi... he was different. Every time that he'd watched me, I always ended up trying to show off. I wanted to say 'Hey, check me out! I'm pretty cool, huh?' It's stupid, but I wanted him to notice me.

And now... now he won't even look at me. It's my own fault... I know that. I had said something terrible and I know that he'd heard it. No matter how much I want to take it back, I know that I can't.

Maybe I was wasting my time with him anyway... wolves and vampires don't usually mix well...

Sighing, I started making my way back to the dorms. Maybe I should find someplace else to practice... then I would have to be reminded every day that I was just going to be left waiting for someone who wasn't coming back... Maybe I-mate

I stopped in my tracks. Up ahead, I could see Taichi talking to some girl... and not just any girl... the one person that I hated the most.

His back was to me, so he couldn't see me... but she could. Oh, she for sure could, because she looked straight at me and smirked before looking back at him.

She knew. She knew... I don't know how someone like her had even found out; I never once told anyone. I'm not that stupid... I knew if it got back to her, she'd find some way to ruin it...

I watched them a moment longer before my mind was made up. That's how she wants to play? Well, two can play that game...

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