Don't Be Scared 2 (Kenji Futakuchi)

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Wizzy: I didn't plan to make Futakuchi be such a sweetie, but I love it. Was going to have this be his last part... but I'm feeling like he needs a part 3.

Today was a rare day. The beach was empty of humans and the sun was just perfect. Stretched out on a large, flat rock just right for sunbathing... I couldn't dream of anything better.

This part of the beach was pretty secluded anyways... but on occasion, someone would wander their way here. Even the more popular parts of the beach were deserted today though. It was weird. No matter... I just wanted to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

I rolled over onto my side, gaze going to a small pool of water nearby. A tiny shark head poked up over the surface of the water. After the incident with the dolphins, I'd been trying to keep him in safer areas as much as possible. It hadn't been easy, but so far, the young shark had done alright.

I reached a hand down into the small pool, fingers running over his wet skin. As much as I hated to admit it, he's probably the only friend that I've got. That suited me just fine, I supposed.

"I thought I might find you here."

I jumped at the sound of the voice, causing me to fall off of my rock and land roughly on the sand. There's that incubus again. He's come around a few times since that day we met, but I did pretty well at avoiding him. Until now.

Kenji chuckled a bit, hand stuffed into his pockets. He didn't look like he was here to enjoy the beach. While clothes and human fashions were foreign to me, I did know that you don't wear pants when you're spending the day on the beach.

"If you're just planning on trying to assault me again, then leave." He may not have actually assaulted me... not yet... but he did push me down like he was going to... That was close enough for me.

The smile on his face faded into a scowl. "I've never done such a thing. Don't ever accuse me of something like that... That's the worst crime an incubus can commit."

Humans would probably disagree, but different kinds of nonhumans had different cultures. Kitsune had their mates... Werewolves have their whole alpha hierarchy... Mermaids had our shell bracelets... And incubi... well, I didn't really know very much about them. Still, anyone could tell you that sex was deeply ingrained in the culture they had.

Kenji seemed to be genuinely upset by the accusation. I didn't see any reason to apologize though. "You practically assaulted me."

"I did no such thing. I told you I was just messing around."

That didn't just magically make it alright. Still, I might have been a little harsh when I called it assault... It wasn't like he was one of those dolphins that had injured me before. Now that was assault.

Kenji's scowl faded away when I let the matter drop. It wasn't anything worth arguing over anyway. "I'm kind of surprised that you're not going to the festival... would have thought you'd be curious."

Festival? I tilted my head as I thought about it. Had anyone even mentioned such a thing? What did you even do at a festival anyway? While I knew it was a human thing, that was all that I knew about it.

Kenji had piqued my curiosity. It took almost no persuading to get me to agree to see this festival with him. Not only was I curious, but he also had a bit of a noble mission. Assuming that he wasn't lying about it, of course.

Obviously, I couldn't go with a tail, so I shifted it into a pair of legs. All mermaids could do it, but not all of us can keep this up for more than a couple of hours at a time. And naturally, I would need some sort of clothing. Kenji was kind enough to help out with that, helping me dress in a pretty kimono and even helping me do my hair.

"I've got a little sister... Sweet kid. I'm always helping her with her hair..." he'd said, hands gently working with my hair. "I'm lucky to have her. Most incubi don't get to have full-blooded siblings... My friend Yuuji? His are all half-siblings. Same goes for every other incubus I've met."

The festival was rather fun, more so than I had expected. So many different things to do... So many pretty things to see... And then there was the food. Everything was so unlike anything I'd ever seen. And most of them were warm! To think that food could be warm like the sun... it was so amazing. No wonder mermaids like humans so much...

After a while though, I could feel my legs starting to give out. I wasn't used to using them. So we stopped and sat at a table to take a break. Kenji held out a bottle of water to me. As I reached for it, I froze.

"No... no... no..." As my eyes barely moved over my wrist, I saw nothing... my precious bracelet was missing.

Kenji just stared at me in confusion when I held it up for him to see. Of course, he wouldn't get it. He could tell that the bracelet was missing, but the importance of it meant nothing to him.

"I... I can't lose that!" I tried to stand up, but my legs only collapsed on me. Clinging to Kenji was the only way I managed to stay upright. My mother would have a fit if she found out if lost it...

He sat me back down in the seat. "I'll go look, okay? You just stay right here." Kenji flashed me a gentle smile.

As I waited for him to return, I felt nervous. What if it was gone for good? How could anyone even hope to find it in a place like this? There were so many people... and it's not like he was a werewolf or anything that could simply sniff it out...

Why would he even bother looking for it anyway? It wasn't his problem... Come to think of it, he'd been quite the gentlemen all day. Not even a merman had ever treated me so wonderfully...

I had to remind myself that he was still an incubus and that it was probably just an act. It had to be a trick to get me to sleep with him it has to be... right?

Eventually, I'm pulled out of my thoughts when a bracelet of shells is dangled in front of my face. I snatched it out of his hand before he could have the chance to pull it away. I checked it over quickly, confirming that it was unharmed before leaping at Kenji, throwing my arms around his neck, and hugging him tightly.

"No need to get that excited... though if I'm getting a reward, I won't say no to a kiss..." When I didn't let go, Kenji put his hands on my hips. "Not that mind... but you know you can let go now, right?"

I hated to admit when I was vulnerable. "I... I can't... my... my tail... I'll fall..."

Kenji gripped me firmly. "I won't let you fall."

I'm still not sure that I can trust him, but right now I didn't have a choice. Carefully I loosened my grip. When I didn't feel myself slipping, I let go completely. As promised, he didn't let me fall.

Kenji sat me down. "There's still one more thing we haven't done yet..." He looked down at my lap. "I know you can't walk right now, but this is the one thing you can't miss..." His eyes came up to meet mine. "I can carry you. Don't worry, I won't drop you."

I'm not sure what kind of scheme he's got planned, but with that innocent smile on his face, how can I refuse? For now, I'll choose to trust him.

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