Fierce (Eita Semi)

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Wizzy: So before anyone says anything, wanna make a couple of things clear. Semi is gonna have 3 parts. For this part, the reader is only a child. Semi is about late middle school age, so like 14ish. This was done on purpose. Just trust the Game Master, okay?

I remember there was a time when I was only seven, where I decided to run away from home. It's probably the stupidest thing that I've ever done, looking back now... Hell, I don't even remember what had upset me so much to make running away seem like the best option.

When I'd run away, I didn't have any kind of plan... I didn't have anything at all... I just ran off and ended up in the woods... That might have been the stupidest part of the whole ordeal.

With no place in mind and nowhere to go, it was no wonder I ended up lost. It probably didn't help that I was a crying mess and tripping over my own feet constantly either...

It felt like I'd been running for hours, but honestly, it had probably only been no more than an hour since I'd left home.

Eventually, I found myself in a nice little clearing... a cave nearby. By this point, I'd already forgotten why I'd been upset... why I'd even run away... All that I could think in that moment then, was how much I wanted to go home.

Which way was home though? All these trees looked the same... and it wasn't like there was any sort of path that I could have followed.

I don't know what to do...

I sat down on the ground, leaning against one of the large rocks near the cave. What do you even do in this kind of situation? My little seven-year-old brain didn't know.

Sniffling, I pulled my knees up to my chest. Has anyone even noticed I'm gone yet? Would they even come looking for me? If they did, would they even find me? While I should know that I'll be okay, my mind is too focused on the fear that I might be lost forever.

"What are you doing out here?"

Right away I look to the source of the voice, hoping that it might be someone I knew. He's not. In fact, I was sure that I've never seen him before.

He's so tall... but just about anyone seems like they're tall when you're a child. Is he a teenager? He doesn't look old enough to be a grown-up... but he looks too big and too old to be a kid...

I gave a little sniffle and tried to wipe the tears out of my eyes.

The male in front of me crouched down, bringing him much closer to my level. "It's dangerous out here... lots of creatures stalking around... A big bad wolf might just come along and eat a little human like you right up."

It didn't occur to me then that he'd just told me that he wasn't human. It also doesn't even cross my mind that this male in front of me was a stranger and that I probably shouldn't talk to him.

His voice is gentle though and with almost no coaxing, I give him my name. In return, he told me his. Even now, I can still remember it. Funny how things work like that.

"So why are you way out here by yourself?" When I told him that I'd run away from home, Semi laughed at me. "Wasn't a very good idea after all, was it?" I expected that he'd scold me, but he didn't. Maybe it was because I already looked like I regretted it.

Semi looked at me carefully. "You're not hurt, are you?" As an answer, I held up my hand. I'd scraped up my palm when I'd fallen. It still hurts, but until now I had been too distracted to notice that.

He takes hold of my tiny hand in his much larger one and gives me a smile. "Want to see a cool trick?" I give a weak sniffle, but nod.

Semi shows me the injured part of my hand. It's bleeding a bit. Slowly he raises it, licking the damaged skin. It stings and I let out a small cry. When he shows it to me again though, the scrape is completely gone... and with it, any tears I'd cried over being lost.

"That's so cool! Like magic!" Never mind the fact that randomly licking someone so randomly was weird. Nonhumans like him probably saw it differently, but that didn't even cross my mind. I was so amazed about how the wound had vanished in the blink of an eye.

Semi laughed a bit. "Magic, huh?"

At that moment, I remember thinking that he was so cool. His ashy grey hair that was just a bit darker at the tips... the way he looked so tall and strong... those eyes that looked so fierce, like they could scare away anything that might try to hurt me... and that smile that seemed too gentle.

He grinned bigger as an idea came to his mind. "You want to see an even cooler magic trick?" There's an excited spark in his sharp eyes... I nod excitedly.

Semi grins as he stands up again. He takes a few steps back, stretching a little.

As I watch, his entire body shifts into something much, much bigger. The boy before me was replaced by none other than a dragon.

I should have been terrified, but... "That's so cool!" I sprang to my feet, eyes lit up like it was Christmas. There wasn't any fear... only pure amazement.

Was this really real? I moved closer, running a hand over his silvery scales. He's not as big as I'd imagined a dragon would be... but he's still huge compared to little me.

After a moment, he goes back to a human form. It's so amazing to think that someone who appeared so normal could be such a fierce creature.

Semi smiled down at me. "Well, we should probably get you home." He turned his back to me and crouched down. "C'mon."

It's never smart to trust a stranger, I know that, but in this short time that I've known him, he's given me no reason not to trust him. So I climb on and let him carry me, my little arms around his neck to hold on.

Somewhere along the walk, I fell asleep. When I wake up, I'm safely back at home and Semi Is long gone...

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