Regrets 3 (Shohei Fukunaga)

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There are some things that I know that I can't ever tell anyone. Some secrets are meant to be buried deep and never allowed to see the light of day. My past... that is one of those secrets.

If anyone were to find out what I was, then I would lose anyone and anything that I hold dear. Not that I even have much anyway... but I'd like to treasure what little of a life I have.

That werecat that I'd helped to escape... he's probably the closest thing that I have to a friend. We don't really talk, but he's never far from me. He's even gotten me to help out at his volleyball practices. Through that, I've been able to get to know many kinds of people, though almost all being nonhumans.

If they knew the things I've done though, I know they wouldn't hesitate to turn on me. Neither side wants to really admit it, but there's a deep rift between humans and nonhumans... always has been and it's not likely to change anytime soon...

"You know, I bet you'd look really cute if you'd let your bangs grow out." Beside me stood the team's captain, Kuroo. He'd always been friendly towards me, so I never let any of his unusual comments bother me.

The smile on his face was harmless enough as his hand reached over, brushing the hair off to the sides. It's there that he freezes, the smile on his face immediately vanishing. Now he knows why.

That cursed word... the one that will never, ever leave me.

Before he has a chance to say a word, a hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled it away. I don't need to see my rescuer's face to know him... who else would it be besides my guardian werecat?

I know that Kuroo wants to ask and normally he would, but that look that Fukunaga is giving him makes him hesitate. It's a look that tells him to back off... that it's not something he needs to know.

Once Kuroo had left us, I looked up at Fukunaga. His hand came up to my forehead, brushing my hair away and running his thumb over the scars. He looked so sad...

He stared at that one spot for a moment before he spoke. "This was because you helped me..." He didn't say any more, but it wasn't needed. The meaning was clear: this was his fault.

Did he feel guilty? True, it was because of him that it happened... but even through everything they'd done to me, I couldn't find it in my heart to blame him.

Carefully I took hold of his hand that wasn't on my head. "If I could go back and do it again, I wouldn't change a thing..." For me, there were no regrets about what I'd done.

"I would." A faint smile formed, but it's a bit sad. "If I could go back, I would have taken you with me..."

It was a sweet sentiment, but we both knew why he could have... why he shouldn't have... the very same reason that we never told anyone how we'd actually come to know each other. If anyone found out that I had been a Collector... I don't even want to think about what they would do.

"It's better that you didn't..." Whether he could see it or not, part of me had deserved it. After all, I had chosen to live that kind of a life... the one that lead me to that captive werecat.

Fukunaga didn't argue it. Instead, he placed a gentle kiss on my scars. Whatever happens, I know that I will never, ever regret freeing him.

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