Song of the Sea (Shugo Meian)

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Wizzy: This was much cuter in my head. I blame it on Meian being too hot. Lol

The warmth of the sun felt nice on my back. This place had always been my favorite... and over the past few years, it has been even more so.

Little children played in the sand near me. Most of them lived nearby and I'd come to know them rather well. Some were strangers, but in no time at all, it was like they were a part of our usual group.

A little girl came up to the rest, pulling along two other children. The girl is Kairi. The two with her, a girl and a boy, are a pair that I've never seen before.

Kairi brought the duo up to me, a bright smile on her face. "I found some more friends!" She released their hands and point to the little girl beside her. "This is Kotori." She then pointed to the little boy. "And this is Keiji. They're twins."

The twins look at me in amazement. It's a look that I'd gotten very used to... everyone looked that way the first time they got to see a real, live mermaid.

It was then that one of the other children piped up. "Will you sing for us?" he asked, a bright grin on his face.

"Always." I never minded singing for them... they loved to hear it. Shifting myself a bit, I sat up a bit straighter on my rock and moved my tail into a more comfortable position. It's not necessary, but if I'm going to be watched, then I might as well look nice. When I was ready, I began to sing.

"Hush now, mo stóirín

Close your eyes and sleep

Waltzing the waves

Diving in the deep

Stars are shining bright

The wind is on the rise

Whispering words

Of long lost lullabies..."

This little lullaby was Kairi's favorite... and one that had been taught to me by a dear friend, many, many years ago.

"Oh won't you come with me

Where the moon is made of gold

And in the morning sun

We'll be sailing

Oh won't you come with me

Where the ocean meets the sky

And as the clouds roll by

We'll sing the song of the sea..."

The children all watched me, captivated. Mermaids always did have beautiful voices and mine was no exception. Even those who had heard it before were just as mesmerized as those who were hearing it for the first time.

"I had a dream last night

And heard the sweetest sound

I saw a great white light

And dancers in the round

Castles in the sand

Cradles in the trees

Don't cry, I'll see you by and by..."

A man approached, but as he got close enough to hear, he slowed and stopped. He'd seemed like he was on a mission of a sort, though now he seemed simply awestruck.

He was quite handsome, but I wasn't going to let it distract me. I'd been fooled by a pretty face before... I won't be again.

"Oh won't you come with me

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