•Chapter 12• We're Backup

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Meanwhile, Tony is knocked down by the huge alien guy, who is about to deliver a decisive blow. But the alien's hammer is easily caught by Peter dressed in his Spider-Man suit. "Hey, man! What's up, Mr. Stark?" Peter said. Tony sat up slightly. "Kid, where did you come from?" Tony questioned. "Field trip to Mo- MAh!" Peter exclaimed. He got picked up by the alien and thrown away. Y/n appeared and caught her boyfriend. "You know, usually I'm the one to save you," Peter tells her. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" Tony asked her. Y/n put her boyfriend down again. "It appears I'm saving your asses." She tells her father. "What's this guy's problem, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked. "He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Tony explained. Y/n and Tony blast the alien guy. Y/n frowned at her father. "Wizard?" She questioned. "He can do magic tricks," Tony explained. "Does he have a stick like Gandalf?" Y/n asked. "No. Magic stone." Tony tells her. That's when a figure flew past them. "Kids, that's the wizard. Get on it." Tony orders. "On it!" Y/n and Peter said. The young Stark picked up her boyfriend and shot him up into the air. He shoots his webs and swings toward the 'wizard'. Y/n stayed close behind him in her suit. Peter went as fast as he could. But he got hit by a billboard. Y/n couldn't help but laugh quietly. "Not cool," Peter said. Y/n aimed at the alien and tried to shoot him. The alien quickly used his magic to stop the girl. The wizard freed himself, or well, his cape freed them. They tried to fly off when a light beam appeared. Peter quickly shoots his web, trying to stop the man from being beamed up. "Peter! Web it up." Y/n called out. Peter shot his web at Y/n's suit. The girl tried to fly away, but the forces of the beam were too strong. Peter's web snapped and the boy flew up into the air. "Uh, Mr. Stark, Y/n, I'm being beamed up!" Peter called out. Y/n quickly went after him. "Dad, I'm gonna need you here," Y/n said. Soon, Iron Man appeared behind his daughter. "Friday, give us a little juice," Tony said. Both Y/n and Tony's suits went up extremely fast. "Friday, unlock '17-A'." Y/n orders. "On it." The AI responded. Y/n looked up at the ship. She saw Peter sticking on the side of the ship. "Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you." Tony tells him. "But you said 'save the wizard'," Peter replied. He pulls off his mask, gasping for air. "I can't breathe." He panted. "Baby, you're too high up. You're running out of air." Y/n tells her boyfriend. Peter looked down over his shoulder. "Yeah, that makes sense." He said breathlessly. He let go of the ship, floating through the air. "Peter!" Y/n called out. The young Stark flew over to her boyfriend. She tried to catch him, but the pod arrived. It attached itself to Peter. The Iron Spider suit appeared over him, giving him the ability to breathe again. He quickly stood up again. "Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here," Peter said. Y/n landed next to him at the bottom of the ship. "Baby, are you okay?" Y/n asked him. Peter turned to her. "I'm okay." He assured her. Tony appeared in front of the two. "Happy trails, kids. Friday, send them home." He orders. A large parachute extends from the new suit, snatching Peter away from the ship. He bumped into Y/n, dragging her along with him. "Oh come on!" Peter exclaimed.

Y/n groaned loudly. "Hold on." She tells Peter. He wraps his arms around her waist. Y/n moves one of her arms behind Peter. A blade appeared and she cut the parachute loose from Peter's suit. She then flew up to a part of the ship. She landed there as the two parts around it started to close. "We should've stayed on the bus," Peter said. Y/n turned to him. "Come on." She tells him. She burned a hole into the wall behind them. She was about to crawl inside when Peter stopped her. "I'll go first." He tells her. He crawls through the hole in the wall. Y/n rolls her eyes and crawls after him. "Don't get me wrong, I love this view. But, I honestly thought you'd want to switch." Y/n giggled. They soon ended up in the main part of the ship. Peter helped Y/n out of the hole. Y/n looked around and spotted her father. "Do you think he's gonna be mad?" Peter asked his girlfriend. Y/n tilts her head as she looked at her father. "Probably. You should go first." She tells him. Peter glares at her. "Why me?" He asked her. Y/n turned to him. "Because I don't want to talk to him. He scares me." Y/n replied. "But you're his daughter." Peter reminded her. "Exactly." Y/n said, "Please? When we get home I'll give you access to the lab." She continued. Peter frowned at her. "And you'll get some of your clothes back." She added. Peter sighed. "Fine. If I live till then." He said. He shot a web at the ceiling and slowly slides down while being upside down.

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