•Chapter 38• Moral Mission

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"Honey, stay close to me!" May called out to Y/n as they hurried down the stairs. "Right behind you," Y/n assured the woman. She couldn't help but worry about Peter. The lights in the building were flickering. The sound of glass shattering. The floors were breaking. And a maniac laughs. Y/n tried to block it out. Norman's laugh somehow got to her. Peter had mentioned the Goblin to her the same way Norman had told him. She was scared to actually see him. His laugh was overthrown by a lizard's screech. Y/n stopped her pace. "Was that Connors?" She said. She looks at May who also seems to be very frightened. "Go, go, go!" Y/n exclaimed. Meanwhile, Peter had thrown himself at the Goblin. He punched the man while keeping his head locked between his knees. But with every punch, the Goblin just laughed at him. The Goblin pushed them away from the wall. Peter kept throwing punches at him, now also using his elbow. Suddenly, the Goblin throws him into the floor, breaking through the concrete. Peter pushes himself to his feet and limps toward a window. He breaks it with his webs and goes to the outside of the building. Behind him, the Daily Bugles' helicopter appears. He looks down to see J. Jonah Jameson. "Now I've got you." He smirks at the boy. From above, Connors in his Lizard form appears and grabs Peter. "I told you there would be consequences!" He yells at the boy before tossing him through another window. The Goblin takes over the fight again. He tosses Peter against the hallway's ceiling and grabs him once again, performing yet another body slam. This time, with such force, they both fall down, crashing through multiple stories, until they hit the lobby. That's when Y/n and May arrived. They burst through the door. Peter and the Goblin were in front of the lobby's front door, surrounded by heaps of debris.

When the dust vanishes, the Goblin leans over an almost unconscious Peter. He grabs Peter's hair. "Your weakness, Peter, is morality. It's choking you. Can you feel it?!" He yells at him. Y/n snatches the serum meant for Osborn from the bag May took. She ran toward them and plunges the cure into his neck. The Goblin screams and pulls it out of his neck. May hurries over to Y/n, trying to keep the girl behind her protectively. "It didn't work. Norman was right. He got it from you. That pathetic sickness!" The Goblin exclaimed. He pushes Peter back down with his feet. He grabs the boy's hair and pulls his head up. "You tried to fix me. Now I'm gonna fix you." Osborn threatened. "Go. Run, please," Peter tells them. Behind them, the Green Goblin's glider flew straight threw the glass and hit both May and Y/n, sending them flying through the air. The aircraft turns around so the Goblin can jump on top of it. Peter pushes himself back up. The Goblin chuckles like a maniac again. "Peter, Peter, Peter. No good deed goes unpunished." He tells the boy. He takes a Pumpkin Bomb grenade from his pocket. "You can thank me later." He says. He briefly glances at May and Y/n before setting the timer and throwing the bomb at them. "No!" Peter yells and jumps up. He tried to stop it, but the bomb goes off anyway.

Two other bombs go off outside the building. The entrance explodes. When the impact dies down, Peter pushes himself back up. May was already sitting up straight. She looks to her right to see Y/n passed out beside her. She gently shook the girl awake. "Y/n, honey," She says. Y/n started coughing and groaning but woke up. She was bleeding from the side of her head. Her whole body hurt. But other than that she seemed fine. "There you go." May smiles briefly. Y/n immediately checks with the woman. "Are you okay?" She asks. May nodded and turned to Peter. "Parker," Y/n says. She stumbles over to her boyfriend with his aunt following close behind. He embraced both of them. "I'm here." He tells them, "Are you okay?" He asks. They both nod. Y/n pulls away first to look at the mess. Peter kept holding onto his aunt for a while longer. When he let go of her, she started to stumble a little, losing her balance. Peter quickly catches her. "Okay, oh, I just need to catch my breath," May assures him. Peter nodded and turns his head towards the mess and whined. "I think I broke my ribs." He said. Y/n moves over to him. "You're okay." She says. She stands on her tippy toes to kiss his temple briefly. "You're okay." She repeated. His aunt looks at him. Worry in her eyes. "This is all my fault, May." Peter started. She shakes her head.

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