•Chapter 21• Stark Industries

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A large crowd was waiting for some big announcement. Every reporter was adjusting their cameras and grabbing their notepads. Behind the door, Morgan stood with her sister. Y/n was fixing her hair in the mirror. "You look pretty." the little girl complimented her sister. Y/n smiled at her. She wore Nat's leather jacket. Maybe not as formal as some would've expected. Underneath she wore a white shirt and jeans. Looking at herself in the mirror was almost brutal. The jacket made her look like her best friend. She saw her mother approach her from behind. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Pepper asks her daughter. Y/n turned around to face her mother. For some reason, she has been a lot colder toward her lately. She tilted her head to the side slightly. "You won't be able to live the life you've had so far." Pepper reminds her. "I'm not scared." She assured her mother, "You are." She added. "Your dad wanted to protect you from all this." She said. "Dad's not here." Y/n snapped at her mother. She inhaled deeply. "Sorry." She apologized. "It's okay," Pepper tells her. Y/n then felt a light tug on her pants. The young Stark turned to her little sister. "Will you be back soon?" Morgan asks. Her older sister crouched down to look at her and opened her arms. Y/n gave her little sister a tight squeeze. "I'll be back before you know it." She assured her. 

"Who are you?" One of the reporters asks her. Y/n inhaled deeply. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest. "Tony Stark is dead," Y/n announced. The crowd of reporters gasped loudly. Some of them also immediately started mumbling to one another, writing down on their little notepads. "He died saving us, saving everyone. Along with so many who have sacrificed themselves so all those who disappeared five years ago could be here today. People like Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Vision. All those we have lost." She tells the reporters. "And what do you know about that?" A reporter called out to her from the back. Y/n glanced down for a moment. She remembered her father and her best friend. And also Vison and Steve. She lifted her chin back up again. "Truth is," She hesitated for a moment. She looked at her mother standing way in the back. This all seemed a little too familiar. "I am Iron Man" Tony's voice echoed in her mind. "I am Tony Stark's daughter." She blurted out.

All of the reporters rose from their seats. Thousands of pictures were shot right then and there in those few seconds. Some believed her. Those who did not ask to prove it. "The fact that I am standing here says enough." She said. She looked at her mother again. "Stark Industries was left to me by my father." She tells them. "Where have you been all these years?" Another few reporters yelled at her. "My dad didn't want this for me." She said, "But everything he has done for us. His legacy. It's mine to protect. He asked me to do so." She continued. More flashes blinded her. She took another deep breath and looked straight into one of the cameras. "That's why I am no longer going to make use of the Iron Man suits." She stated. More gasps sounded across the room.

"As a symbol of his legacy, the Iron Man suits will no longer be useful to me, or Stark Industries." More questions were thrown at her. Was she planning on becoming the next Iron Man? What were they going to do without the Avengers to protect them? "What about the weapons? We don't know you, for all we know you're going to destroy the world with Stark Technology!" A female reporter called out to her. But the young girl stood her ground. "I can assure you, my intentions are good. Why would I destroy something that my father gave his life for? Something no one asked him to do. No one asked the Avengers to sacrifice themselves for us. And yet, they did. I want to protect what is given to us. We are given a second chance." Y/n explained to the reporter. "You don't have the right!" A male reporter called out from the back. "I don't recall asking for your permission," Y/n replied.

As soon as those words left her mouth, the room became quiet. Everything and everyone looked at her. Microphones and cameras pointing at her. "If you want to see my birth certificate that's fine. If you don't want to believe me that's fine too." She started, "All I know is that my father wanted to protect me. Let me have a normal life. Without all of this. Reporters throwing questions at me, cameras following me everywhere, you name it. This is my choice. And I have chosen to do what I think is right. Using Stark Industries and their technology to make a better world. Five years ago, half of all life was erased, as if we were nothing more than pawns on a game board. This is our second chance to do better. With everyone." She explained to them. She looked at them. They were all listening to her carefully. They were quiet. The young Stark cleared her throat. "We have lost our protectors. The least we can do is try." She continued, "You may not trust me. But I will do everything I can to keep this world safe. Just like my father, and the Avengers did before me." She added. A few reporters started to applaud her. She gave them a sweet smile. More people started to join in. "That will be all, thank you," Y/n said into the mic. And with that, she left the room.

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