•Chapter 62• Parker Residence

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"She put everything.... back the way they were," May says as her hand slides over the back of the couch. No dust, no broken window, no books lying on the floor. It was as if the FBI had never been there and May never left. Peter feels at home again. That small apartment was fine, and it made him feel grown up, but it never felt like home or welcoming. This is the apartment he grew up in. It's home. The grin on Aunt May's face is one Peter hasn't seen in a long time. The woman turns to her nephew. Peter opened his arms and hugged the woman tightly. "Feels good to be home," May says. Peter nods his head and smiles. "It does." May went to explore the apartment a bit further. It turns out Y/n bought her a brand new wardrobe, a bigger one too, and new bed sheets. May almost burst into tears when she saw it. Peter always came first. New clothes, a new bed, and enough food for a growing teenager. The Parkers have never been too wealthy when it came to money. May wasn't too bothered by it she enjoyed her work. Helping people always brings a smile to her face. Maybe that's what inspired Peter to do good with his powers. "May are you okay?" May nods her head as she holds back her tears. "Wow." Peter approaches the new wardrobe sitting in May's small bedroom. "She shouldn't waste her money on me." May spoke up. Peter turns around to look straight at his aunt. "It's not a waste. She knows how much that old thing bothered you, May." Peter rubbed his aunt's arm in a comforting way. "You know what she's like," Peter added. 

The Parkers get settled in their house again. May opened the curtains and windows to let some light and fresh air in whilst Peter watered the plants like May asked him to. "Hey, May? Would you mind if I asked MJ and Ned to come over tonight? Like for dinner? We can order a pizza and watch a movie. A small pizza party maybe?" Peter suggested. He was dying to have a fun night with his friends again. Ned would stay over at least once a week back when they were fifteen. Peter pressed his lips together forming a thin line as he waited for May to answer. "Of course. Invite them. I miss those nights when you and Ned would sit around for hours with your legos." May says as she walks up to him and kisses the side of Peter's head. "So, you're not going out on patrol tonight?" May added. Peter shakes his head. "I think they can handle one more night without their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." He chuckles, "I'll text them real quick." Peter takes his phone out of his pocket and searches for Ned and MJ's contacts. The first contact in his phone that popped up, though, was his girlfriend. He wants to invite her, but Tony wants her home, so Peter just smiles at her picture and wonders what she's doing right now.

"Mom, could you stop crying? Please?" As soon as Tony stepped through the front door, now two hours ago, Pepper broke down. It was as if for a moment all life had slipped from her. Pepper was deathly pale and it didn't take long for her eyes to fill with tears. Of course, she was angry too. What Y/n has done carries so much risk that no one can foresee. But Pepper's husband rose from the dead and she couldn't believe that. Morgan, on the other hand, was just happy to have her daddy back home. She didn't know how quickly to jump into his arms and wrap her small arms around him. Y/n sat with her mother while Morgan showed Tony her room which she redecorated with her big sister. "You brought him back, Y/n," Pepper says to her daughter. "I know, I was there, you don't need to keep reminding me," Y/n replied. "You brought him back!" Pepper screamed at her daughter. Y/n blinked a few times. "That was overly dramatic." 
"You don't know what you might have done, Y/n. What if -" Y/n glared at her mother. "Why are you so angry with me? I brought the love of your life back. So you don't have to be a single mother. A thank you would be nice, you know." Pepper stands up from her seat. "Thank you? For what? Not listening to Bruce? Almost getting yourself killed? I have been worried sick about you, Y/n. And you just come waltzing in here, with your father back from the dead, and you expect me to be grateful?! You could have died! You don't know what consequences are attached to this, Y/n! Look at that thing on your chest!" Pepper screamed and pointed at the Arc Reactor. "I brought Dad back. I brought the most important people in my life back. And no one else died. Nothing- okay, no, one thing exploded. But that was nothing." Y/n truly did not understand her mother anymore.

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