•Chapter 40• Three That's A Magic Number

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"Hey, uh, could you pass me that?" The tallest Peter asks her. Y/n nodded and turned to hand him a blue fluid. "So, what was this 'trouble' you and Peter went through?" The oldest Peter asks her. Y/n shrugs. "Well, I mean, my dad's death was hard on all of us. He left me Stark Industries in his will. I don't want to sound like a brat but it was always going to be mine, and it was good money." She chuckles. The oldest Peter laughs along with her. "I bet." He said. "Yeah, I just didn't have a lot of time for the two of us, you know?" She replied, "He and MJ kinda... well, we're all okay now. It was just a rollercoaster of emotions." She added. A small smirk grew on the oldest Peter's face. A smug smile. "So, there was something between him and MJ." He chuckles. Y/n gives him a little glare. "Only for a little while." She said. "Very true. Nothing happened." MJ mentions. Y/n smiles at her best friend. "For the record, I never tried to get with Peter." Ned joked. Y/n looks at him. "Oh, but you two would make such a cute couple." Y/n and MJ started laughing together. The two other Peters furrowed their eyebrows a little.

"You and Peter used to team up, right? So, h-how does that work? Do you have superpowers too?" The tallest Peter asks her. "More like super gadgets. Oh! And she also has killer fighting skills. She was trained by an assassin and a soldier who fought in the war." Ned exclaimed excitedly. Y/n looks at him. "Do you have posters or something?" She chuckles. "I would if they made them," Ned admits. Y/n rolls her eyes and walks over to the backpack MJ brought. She turns back to the other Peter Parkers and places the bracelet around her wrist. The Iron Man suit appeared around her body. The Peters watched in shock. "Nanotechnology." The oldest said. Her Peter Parker stepped a little closer to her. "Hey, I thought you -" He started. The suit disappeared again. "I put it in MJ's backpack just in case something happened." She answered. "That was awesome." The tallest Peter Parker whispered. "Absolutely insane." The oldest added. Y/n smiles at them. "And you made that?" The oldest added. Y/n nodded. "Yeah, with my dad." She answers. "And the assassin training..." The tallest Peter Parker said. Y/n nodded. "All true. Maybe you'll actually see something later on." She chuckles.

Her Peter Parker placed his hand on her wrist. "What? No, this isn't your fight." He says quietly. His girlfriend looks at him. "I know what you said." She tells him. "And I stick by it." Peter cut her off. "But in case you need help, I'll be there. For all of you. Remember the vulture? If something goes sideways, I can step in." She replies sternly. Peter sighs slightly. "I don't want you to fight these guys." He mumbles. "Would you rather have Flash help you? He snaps like a twig." She jokes. Peter places both of his hands on her arms. "Your leg is still hurt. And what about your suit? If anyone sees you in it, you're gonna be in even bigger trouble." He reminds her. "That's why the suit is a last resort. Ned's right. Nat trained me for a reason, Peter. I can defend us if necessary. Even without the suit. And my leg is fine." She says. The boy in front of her didn't like it. He wanted them to be safe. But if anything else happened to Y/n, if he lost her, he wouldn't... he didn't even want to think about that. Y/n brushed some of his curls from his forehead. "Only if things go sideways. It's your fight." She says, briefly turning to the other Peters. "I'm done fighting. But if I have to do it to protect the world, I will. If I have to fight to protect you, I will. No questions asked, Parker." She said. She pulls out another bracelet-like object. "Besides. Nat always has some nice moves." She says. Peter recognizes the widow bracelet.

"Peter," Ned suddenly spoke up. Everyone turned to him. "Me? Oh, sorry, I thought you meant -" The three Peter Parkers said in sync. They all pointed at each other while trying to figure out who Ned was talking to. Y/n walked over to MJ. "We need a better way to call them out," Michelle tells her best friend. "Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to think of something that wouldn't offend any of them." Y/n replied. "The computer!" Ned sighed. The youngest Peter Parker, their Peter, moved toward the computer and checked the diagnostics. "Alright, I'm ready." He says. The other Peters joined him at the table. "Yeah. Me too." The tallest Peter Parker started, "Okay, so... Now, we all gotta do is lure these guys someplace, right? Try to cure them, while they try to... kill us, and then, send them home." He continued. "Using a magic box?" The oldest Peter added. "Well, that's the plan." The youngest Peter answered. The tallest Peter turned to the oldest Spider-Man. "So, are you gonna go into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor, or do you got your suit?" He questioned. The oldest Peter pulls down the collar of his shirt, revealing his Spider-Man suit. "Good." The tall Spider-Man said.

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