•Chapter 5• No Party, Peter!

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Y/n stormed out of the school. Peter ran after her, Ned following close behind. "Y/n, please, it wasn't his fault! He apologized like twenty times." Peter calls after her. Y/n just rolls her eyes and walks toward Happy's car. "Y/n, come on, he didn't do anything bad. It's not like he-" Peter started. Y/n turned around and shot him a deadly glare. "But what if he did?" She snapped at him. She points at Ned who stood behind Peter. "I am not putting my life in the hands of an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut." She tells him. Peter steps closer to her. "Y/n, he's my best friend. We can trust him." He assures her. Y/n shook her head. "I don't." She replied. Peter looked into her eyes. "You trust me, right?" He asked her. Y/n eyed him up and down. "I might." She tells him. "Just...just trust me, okay? I promise you, nothing will happen. He won't tell anyone anything. I promise." He said to her. Y/n sighed and nodded. "Alright, I'm going home, and you better not go to that party tonight." She said and walked towards Happy. "Why not?" He asked her. Y/n turned around again. "Because Spider-Man isn't a party trick. My father has granted you a suit and new tech to fight crime. To be a superhero. He didn't make them for you to show off at a party. And probably impress some girl." She tells him. He glances down at his feet. "Listen, I'm not trying to tell you what to do. You can go to that party...just not in the suit. You don't need to be a superhero to get the girl. Just be yourself, that's what girls like. Okay?" She asked him. He sighed and nodded. The two teens were looking each other in the eyes. A bit too long. Y/n cleared her throat and broke eye contact. "Good. Now, I've got to head home. And make sure he keeps his mouth shut." She said and pointed at Ned. Peter and Ned both nodded. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She added and got inside the car. "Someone's playing the mom card." Happy joked from the driver's seat. Y/n rolls her eyes at him. "Just drive, please." She tells him. With an insane amount of speed, they drove off, leaving Ned and Peter behind. She sighed and throws her head back. "They're idiots, Happy, idiots." She tells him. He chuckled at her. "You sound like your mother." He replied. She shook her head. "They're both...absolute idiots." She whispered. Happy glanced over his shoulder. "What did they do?" He asked. Y/n runs her hand through her hair and groans. "They're...being them." She answered earning a chuckle from Happy.

Meanwhile, Peter turned to Ned. "She was really mad. I'm sorry, man." Ned apologized. "It's okay, Ned. She's just a little tense, you know. It doesn't happen every day when your secret identity gets revealed." Peter tells him. They started to walk off the school grounds. "Well, why is it a secret anyway? I mean, if To- he was my dad I would want the whole world to know." Ned replied. "That's just it. The world can't know." Peter responded, "All I know, is that Mr. Stark is protecting her this way. His mansion was blown up after he threatened a terrorist, remember? What do you think will happen when he reveals to the world he has a daughter?" Peter asked. Ned looked at Peter. "I still think it's cool, though. I mean, my best friend is Spider-Man and his friend is Tony Stark's daughter." He tells Peter. He made sure to keep the names quiet in case anyone was walking behind them. "Were you shocked when you found out?" Ned asked him. Peter thought about when he first met Y/n. Peter filmed the private jet with his little camera. Happy was already making his way toward the girl who stood waiting for them. "Hey, Happy, should I go to the bathroom before we go on this thing?" Peter called. Happy turned around. "There is one on it. Come on!" He tells Peter. He sprinted towards them. "Uh, kid, this is Y/n." Happy tells him. Peter couldn't take his eyes off her. "Hi...Hi" He stuttered. Y/n smiled at him. "Let's board the plane shall we?" She suggested. The three of them made their way onto the plane. Peter sat in front of Happy. "Is that where you're going to sit." Happy asked him, "Is this your first time on a private plane?" He added. "This is my first time on any plane," Peter tells him. Happy stood up a d sat with Y/n. But she didn't want Peter to be alone. She stood up from her seat and sat in front of Peter. "Hey." She smiled. "Hey...Hey!" He replied. A few minutes passed until they were high up in the air. "So, who are you exactly? I don't remember Black Widow looking like this." He joked. Y/n giggled at him. "No, uh, I'm Tony's daughter." She tells him. Peter's mouth fell wide open and he just stared at her for the next ten minutes. He then snapped out of it. "You...you're-" he started, "You're what?" He stuttered. Y/n giggled at him. "You're cute." Peter snapped back to reality and looked at Ned. "I handled it pretty well." He tells his friend. "Do you train with her?" Ned asked. "No," Peter answered. "Good, because she would kick your ass." Ned joked. Peter glared at him. "Dude." He complained. Ned laughs at him. "So, what are you going to do about the party?" He asked. Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Spider-Man," Ned answered. Peter shook his head. "You heard Y/n. I'm not going to that party as Spider-Man." Peter replied. "Oh, come on, Peter. She won't be there, so she doesn't have to know. Please, come on, we have to do this. Maybe we'll finally be cool. Please?" Ned pouted at him. Peter sighed. "Fine! But if she finds out, I'm blaming you." He informs him. "That's fair," Ned replied.

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