•Chapter 32• I Want a Lawyer

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Agent Cleary drops some files in front of Peter. "I didn't kill Quentin Beck. The drones did." Peter said. Cleary fold his arms over his chest. "The drones that are yours? Made by Stark Industries, that belongs to your girlfriend, and you would've had clear access to?" He questions. Peter sighed. "No, look, Nick Fury was there the entire time. Just ask him, and he can explain everything." He says. Cleary sits on the table Peter was cuffed to. "Nick Fury has been off-planet for the last year." He tells the boy. Peter furrows his eyebrows together. "What?" He said. In the corner of his eye, he could see Y/n, Ned, MJ, and May being dragged in by agents. Peter points at them. "Uh, they had nothing to do with it!" Peter spoke up. "Don't say anything without a lawyer!" Y/n, MJ, and May tell him.

Peter looks back at Agent Cleary. The agent takes off his jacket and starts to circle Peter while holding one of the files. "Washington monument, Venice grand canal, Tower Bridge," he summed up, "You know, f I didn't know any better, Peter, it's kind of like your enemy is national landmarks." He says. Peter glares at him. Cleary put down the papers and picked up another form. "How about the time with the ferry? Would you like to tell me about that? Some say that they were not only attacked by Spider-man but also by a girl. Someone with the same kind of weapons Natasha Romanoff used to fight with. Does that sound at all familiar, Peter? Because it sounds like you, and your girlfriend, have been through a lot. And with that, I mean, destroyed a lot." He says. Peter starts to shake his head. He even points a finger at the man. "No, if you did your job then I wouldn't have been on the boat saving people's lives." He said. He was clever to let Y/n out of it. Cleary just groaned. This wasn't going anywhere.

"Ms. Stark. I'm glad to have you join us." Cleary says as he joined the room. He decided to let Peter be for a while. Y/n appeared very calm, and she was. The agent cleared his throat and sat on the opposite chair of her. "We want to talk to you about your father's company." He started. "It's mine. In case you didn't know, my dad died." She replied. Her tone had no emotions much like her face. Nat taught her everything she needed right now. How to stay calm, how to keep up the poker face, and every interrogation technique she needed. 

"You think you're tough, right? Going against the law. Helping Spider-man and all that thrill." He tells her. "He's doing your job." She replied. His jaw clenched. His tongue clicked inside his mouth. "The drones. They belong to Stark Industries." He continued, "They officially belong to you, then, right?" He questioned. She shrugged in response. "Ms. Stark, I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here. You're not being very serious." He pointed out. "I am so glad you noticed." She says sarcastically. Out of frustration, he slammed his hands on the table she sat at. "This isn't a game, Ms. Stark!" He snapped at her. He cleared his throat and rolled up his sleeves. "I know you're stalling until your lawyer gets here." He started. She nodded along, listening to his words, as he continued to speak. "You're not getting out of this easily. Your name is on the tech used to harm hundreds, if not thousands, of people. You killed Mysterio." He added. She tilts her head slightly. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Beck killed himself. He got himself killed. He fired the drones, and the program warned him about standing too close. Accidents happen. What wasn't an accident was that you let it happen." She says sternly. He just glared at her. She leans back in her chair. "If not my lawyer, I want to talk to Fury." She says. "Nick Fury has been off-world for a year." He tells her. The same thing he told Peter. And he got the same facial expression.

"Fine. Even if he is. Fury knows everything." She answered. "Nick Fury doesn't know anything, Ms. Stark." He responded. She lifts her eyebrows. "He knows more than you." She tells him. She sits up straight again. "You're in a lot of trouble for a young woman, Ms. Stark. And you're not making this better for yourself. Or your boyfriend." He tells her. "If so, then, please, enlighten me on how this profits me, Agent Cleary. Other than me filing a formal complaint against you for, not only trespassing on private property but also false accusations against me. Trust me, I am not someone you want to be up against in court, Agent Cleary." She said. He started to rub his jaw. A small groan left his lips. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He mumbled. "No, it doesn't. And as you may remember, my father never went to jail. So, you're not going to win this. Actually, no, you're going to lose. You're going to lose your job." She replied. "You do realize you are threatening a federal agent." He points out to her.

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