•Chapter 26• Fire Monster

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The group of students entered the room. They were all groaning and sighing. No one was happy about this. Except for maybe Mr. Harrington. Peter watched as his classmates all found seats in the empty theater. Brad and MJ stepped in together. "I'll save you a seat," Brad tells her. MJ rolled her eyes and approached Peter who stood by himself. His eyes widened a little when she stood right in front of him. "Wow," he said. A blush appeared on her cheeks. "You look really pretty," Peter mumbled. "And therefore I have value?" MJ asks him. "No, no, that's not what I meant-" Peter stuttered while shaking his head. MJ smiled at him. "I'm messing with you," She said, "Thank you," she added. Peter returned the smile and felt his muscles relax a little. "You look pretty too." She tells him. "Thank you." Peter blushed. He couldn't help it. Blood rushed up to his cheeks. It was very cute. MJ suggested sitting together. "Are you in position?" Nick Fury almost yelled into Peter's earpiece. "No," Peter said. MJ looked a little sad and offended. "Okay, no..." She said. "Why the hell not? Parker?" Fury added. "You don't want to sit next to me. Or, no, you just don't want the glasses?" MJ asked quietly.

"I didn't mean that. If you go ahead, I'll go grab us a pair." Peter quickly tells her with a bright smile. MJ happily returned the smile. "I'll save you a seat next to me. Because, a lot of seats, so I'll be up there." She rambled quietly. He nodded and watched as MJ walked off. He wanted to go sit with her so badly. Why did he want that so badly? He needed to get it into his brain. He was with Y/n, not MJ. But she was always looking at him. She had the same look that Y/n used to give him every time he entered the room. It made him feel special for some reason. Nick Fury yelled at him again, snapping him from his thoughts. Peter started walking towards the exit. He grabbed Ned quickly. "I gotta go. Could you tell MJ that I'm sick or something? She's waiting for me." He asks him. Ned nodded slightly. "O-okay. Be careful. Peter, whatever you do, steer the monster away from the opera house." Ned tells him. Peter was a little confused. "Yeah, Ned, I know." He says. He rushed towards the exit, having to watch Brad go over to MJ. He flipped off Peter as the opera started and sat down. He wanted to hit him, hard, but Fury called out to him again. Stupid Fire Monster. 

Peter sat at the side of the tower, watching over the carnival. Music blasted loudly. Fireworks were going off in the air. It was actually quite beautiful. "Alright, I'm in position." Peter started, "As soon as I see something, Beck, I'll let you know." He added. "Roger that," Beck replied. "How's the suit?" Fury asks the boy. Peter looked down at the black suit Y/n had made for him. "The suit's great. It's awesome." Peter answered. He adjusted the tight suit a bit. "It's a little tight around the old web shooter," Peter added. "Parker!" Fury said. "Okay, I'll shut up," Peter replied quickly. All he could think about was the fight he had with Y/n earlier. He was so confused and frustrated at the same time. They never fought like this before. He wanted nothing else but to have them make up. "Energy spiking," Fury spoke up again. Within seconds, the fire monster burst out of the ground. "Okay, he's here. Beck, are you ready? You know what to do." Peter called out. "On your lead, Spider-Man," Beck replied. Mysterio came flying in. The people all screamed and tried to run away. The monster started to destroy everything around it. The whole carnival went up in flames almost immediately. Adrenaline started pumping through Peter's veins. Mysterio used his powers to distract the monster. "You're up kid," he said. Peter came up from behind and attacked the creature. He used his web to destroy a fire hydrant, shooting water up at the creature. Mysterio used his powers to blast the monster again. Peter landed on a building close to the scene. The monster quickly spotted the spider boy, and slammed his hand into the wall, shooting Peter into the air. 

Peter landed on top of the carousel. The fire monster destroyed the carnival ride. He started to absorb the iron, just as Beck said he would. This was not good. "No, Beck! He's got the carousel! He's getting bigger!" Peter exclaimed. "Night monkey! Help!" He suddenly heard. He turned around to see Ned and Betty on a small Ferris wheel. "Oh, no." He said. The monster also heard the cries for help. Peter tried to stop it with his webs. They just caught fire, not being of much use. The monster almost attacked Peter, when Beck appeared. He created a shield around them with his magic. "On to plan B?" Beck asks. "Yeah! We gotta hit him with something he can't absorb!" Peter replied. "I go left. You go right!" Beck tells him. He used the shield around them to blast the monster away. Peter lured him away, to a stone building. The monster followed him. Mysterio came up behind them, using all the strength he had to blast the monster with his powers. The Ferris wheel started to move around. Peter shot a web toward it, hitting something else instead. He tossed it away and rushed towards the wheel himself. Mysterio used his powers to keep the monster from absorbing the carnival ride. He pushed him backward. Big mistake. He started to grow bigger and stronger again. Beck's helmet disappeared. He glanced over his shoulder to look at Peter. "Whatever happens. I'm glad we met," he said. "Beck, what are you doing?" Peter called out to him. His helmet appeared again. "What I should've done last time," Beck replied and gathered all his powers. Before Peter could respond, Mysterio flew toward the monster, flying straight through its core. The monster disappeared. It's over. They won. But Beck...

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