•Chapter 18• The Sister

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Later that day, Tony was washing the dirty plates. He accidentally sprayed water all over the place. He set the plate down. He dried off where he had spilled water. He stumbled across a picture slightly hidden in the back. He grabbed it and dried it off. It was a picture of Tony and Peter together. Peter was holding up his Stark internship certificate. Tony let out a deep sigh. He set the picture back down, walking off to his desk. A holographic model appeared. "Look at a mod inspiration, let me see what check out. So, recommend one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a Mobius strip, inverted, please." Tony spoke to the AI. "Processing..." Friday started. "Give me that eigenvalue. That, particle factoring, and a spectral decomp. That will take a second." Tony spoke as he started to add some things to the hologram. "Just a moment," Friday tells him. "And don't worry if it doesn't pan out. I'm just kinda-" Tony started. "Model rendered." Friday cut him off. In shock, Tony fell back into his seat. His mouth is wide open. "Shit!" Tony said. "Shit." A giggle sounded behind him. Tony turned to look at the sound. Morgan sat on the stairs. "What are you doing up, little miss?" Tony asked his daughter. "Shit." She smiled at him. "No, we don't say that. Only Mommy says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her." Tony tells her. "Why you up?" Morgan asked her father. "Cause I got some important shit going on here!" Tony tells her. Morgan frowns at her father. "What do you think? No, I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind." Tony explains to the little girl. "Was it Juice Pops?" Morgan asked. "Sure was. That's extortion. Great minds think alike. Juice Pops, exactly was on..." He said. He got up from his seat, taking Morgan's hand. Together they walked up to the kitchen.

Later, they sat in Morgan's room together. Morgan sat in her warm bed as she finished her Juice Pop. "You done? Yeah, now you are." Tony smiled at her. He used his sleeve to wipe Morgan's lips clean. He covered her face with his hand, pushing her head down on the pillow. "That face goes there." He tells her. Morgan giggled. "Tell me a story." She said. "A story... Uh, once upon a time, Maguna went to bed. The end." Tony tells her. Morgan let out another giggle. "That is a horrible story." She replied. "Come on, that's your favorite story," Tony said. Morgan looked up at her father. "Tell me about Y/n." She said. Tony brushed Morgan's hair out of her face. "Well, for one, she went to sleep when I told her to." He tells her. Morgan let out another giggle. "I like my big sister." Morgan smiled. "So did I," Tony replied. "What about Peter?" She asked. "He didn't always listen to me." Tony tells her, "But, he was a good kid." He added. Morgan smiled at her father. "I love you tons." He tells her. "I love you three thousand," Morgan replied. Tony stood up from his kneeling position. "Wow. Three thousand." He spoke. He turned off the lights. "Go to sleep or I'll sell all your toys." He tells her as he closed the door behind him. Morgan giggled as she closed her eyes. She turned around to cuddle a stuffed animal. Y/n's old stuffed animal. She held it tightly in her arms. "Night, Y/n." She said quietly.

Meanwhile, Pepper sat on the couch in the living room. Her eyes focused on the words of her book. Tony walked in. "Not that it's a competition, but she loves me three thousand. You were somewhere on the low six to nine hundred range." He said to his wife. Pepper let out a chuckle. "What are you reading?" Tony asked. "Oh, it's just a book on composting." She answered. "What's new with composting?" Tony questioned. "Just-" Pepper started. "I figured it out, by the way." Tony cut her off. Pepper looked up at him. "You know, just so we're talking about the same thing-" Pepper said. "Time travel." Tony filled in. "What? Wow, that's amazing...and terrifying." Pepper replied. Tony sat next to his wife on their couch. "That's right." He said. "We got lucky." Pepper reminds her husband. "Yeah, I know," Tony replied. "A lot of people didn't." Pepper continued. "No, I can't help everybody," Tony said. "It sorta seems like you can," Pepper tells him. Tony looks into Pepper's eyes. "Not if I stop. I can put a pin in it right now, and stop." Tony replied. "Tony, trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my life," Pepper tells him, "But giving birth to our daughters wasn't one of them. They have never met, and probably never will. But, now we have a chance to change that." Pepper said. Tony sighed loudly. "Tony, don't you think they deserve to know each other?" She questioned. Tony smiles at her. "I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake and...go to bed." He said. "But will you be able to rest?" Pepper asked him. Tony let out another sigh. Pepper put her hand over his. "I know I can't." She tells him. "We build this life together, Pep. I don't want to risk losing that. Everything's going so well." Tony replies. "But it could get so much better," Pepper said. Tony takes her hand in his. "I hate it when you're right," Tony tells her, "Although, it would be nice to have Y/n watch Morgan sometimes so we could go out to dinner," Tony said. "We could ask Natasha. She babysat Y/n." Pepper reminds him. "Yeah, but I got a feeling," Tony replied. Pepper laughed at him. "She partly trained your daughter and became her best friend." Pepper reminds him. "Yeah, and because of that, our daughter tried to take on a man, with high technology, by herself and followed me into space," Tony tells her. "She wasn't alone." Pepper reminds him. Tony rubs his chin as he let out another deep sigh. "God, I miss that kid." He said quietly. Pepper smiled at him. "You can get them back. You can get everyone back, Tony." She said. Tony looked at Pepper. He scooted closer to her and lies down. He rests his head on the pillow that was in her lap. Pepper's fingers brushed through his hair. "I don't know." Tony sighed.

Later that night, Tony walked up the stairs to check on Morgan. As he stepped closer to her door, his eyes fell on another door. The door that was across the hall. Instead of opening Morgan's door, he walked up to the one at the end of the hallway. He gently pushed it open. "I'm going upstairs," Y/n tells her parents. Pepper glanced up from her book. "Alright, honey. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Pepper asked her daughter. Y/n nodded as she leaned down to kiss her mother's cheek. "I'm alright, Mom. Just happy." She answered. Pepper smiled at her. "I'm glad you are, honey. Sleep tight." Pepper said. Y/n walked over to Tony. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Night, squirt," Tony said. "Night." Y/n smiled. She left the room, walking up the stairs. She sat on her bed, scrolling through her phone when there was a knock on the window. Y/n glanced up to see Peter in his Spider-Man suit. She smiled and walked over to her window. She pushed it open, letting Peter in. "I was about to text you." She tells him. He pulls his mask off his face. Y/n's eyes were focused on his messy hair. A blush appeared on Peter's cheeks. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked her. Y/n grabbed his hands. She smiled as she looked up at him. "You're very cute, Parker." She tells him. She guided him to her bed. She then let go of his hands and walked towards her closet. She grabbed some of Peter's clothes. He smiled at her. "Thank you." He said. He stood up and walked up to her bathroom. Y/n sat on her bed and waited for Peter to return. "How was patrol?" Y/n asked. The door of her bathroom opened again. "It was alright. I stopped this guy who stole like five computers." Peter tells her. He walked over to her bed and sat next to her. "And what have you been up to?" He asked her. Y/n shrugged. "Mj and I face timed for hours. Just talking." Y/n tells her boyfriend. "About me?" He asked. Y/n laughs at him. "A little." She smiled. Peter then scoots closer to her. He looks into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He asked her. Y/n giggled at him. She puts her hand behind his head and pulls him closer. Their lips fit together perfectly. Peter smiled into the kiss. His hand slowly moved up behind her neck. "You're pretty," Peter mumbled into the kiss. Y/n blushed and pulled away, resting her forehead against his. "Like, really pretty." He tells her. Y/n hides her face into his shoulder. "Thank you." She said quietly. Peter smiled and wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly. Y/n glanced up at Peter again. She pecked his lips briefly. Before she could pull away, Peter pulled her back, gently. Suddenly, her bedroom door opened. Tony stepped inside. His eyes widened at the sight of the two teenagers in front of him. Y/n jumped up. "Hi, dad!" She said. "H-hey, Mr. Stark." Peter stuttered. "Parker," Tony said in a warning tone. "Mr. Stark, I can explain," Peter tells him. "Parker!?" Tony exclaimed.

Tony smiled at the memory. He remembered the anger he felt when he saw his little girl wrapped in some boy's arms. In Peter's arms. This empty room he was standing in, was supposed to be hers. It was supposed to be Y/n's bedroom. The room where she would read and work on her tech. The room where Y/n and Morgan could play together. The room where Y/n and Peter... That's when it hit him. He walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He raced down the stairs again. Pepper glanced up from the couch. Tony walked over to his desk. "What are you doing?" Pepper asked him. "I changed my mind. I'm bringing them back." Tony tells her. Pepper sits up. "What? What made you change your mind?" She asked him. "Well, they're just kinda gone, right?" He asked Pepper. "I guess-" she said confused. Tony up to her. "Well, that means they are still out there somewhere." He tells her. "Yes?" Pepper said. "Well, that means, Parker could be playing hide the zucchini with my daughter! And I am not- When I get them back, I can keep an eye on him. He's not- they are way too young for that. No, not happening, Parker." Tony said. He kissed Pepper's forehead as he left the house. Pepper couldn't help but smile at her husband. "Go get her back." She whispered. She put her book down and made her way up the stairs. She quietly checked up on Morgan, who was peacefully sleeping in her bed. She then made her way over to her bedroom. Her eyes fell on the picture sitting on her nightstand. It was the picture of her in the hospital with Y/n in her arms. She smiled as she picked up the picture. "Come back home, honey." She whispered.

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