•Chapter 24• Mysterio

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"Are you okay?" May asks her nephew on the phone. He nodded, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah, I'm fine." He assures her. "If you want to come home-" May started. "No, no, no. We wanna stay." Peter tells his aunt. "It's a good thing I packed your suit, huh? I can't believe you forgot it." She says, "So who was that guy you were with? Was that Mr. Strange?" She asks. "Doctor Strange, May." He corrects her, "And, no. I don't know who that way. It was a new guy. I was trying to help him." Peter explained. "Happy, that's my lunch. Don't eat that one." May abruptly speaks up through the phone. Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "Happy's there?" He questions. "Yeah, it's Happy. He came by the volunteer. And he wants to say hi." May says. "Hi, Peter." Happy said awkwardly. "Hey, Happy," Peter replied. It was all very awkward. Soon, his aunt returned to the phone. "So, how's the plan going? Is Y/n there, yet?" She asks. "No, she's not. That's a setback, for sure." Peter sighed, "I did manage to find the gift, though." He added. "Don't overthink it. She'll be there." May tells him. "I know. Love you, bye." He smiles. Peter returned to the group, standing by MJ who was sitting on the stairs. "What is it with you and Spider-Man?" MJ asks Flash. "What? He's awesome, okay? He protects the neighborhood and he's inspiring. He inspires me to be a better man." The bully rambled on. His eyes fell on Peter. "Sup, dickwad? I thought you drowned." He says. Peter rolled his eyes at him. "Sounds like his name is Mysterio," Brad spoke up. "'L'uomo del Misterio" is Italian for 'man of mystery'. They don't actually know who he is." MJ explained to him. "Mysterio. Cool name." Ned and Betty said, "Babe!" They exclaimed. Peter ignored them. He turned to sit next to MJ on the stairs. "So, Paris tomorrow." He started, earning a small smile from her.

Later, Ned and Peter walked into their room together. "What are you going to do about the water monster?" Ned asks his best friend. Peter shrugged. "Nothing. It's dead. Besides, that Mysterio guy is all over it. Look, I just wanna spend some time with you and MJ. We were talking about Paris. And a small chance that Y/n's gonna be there." Peter said. "That's nice. I'm glad you're kind of coming back. You're being really grumpy about it all. Y/n's coming and-" Ned suddenly stopped talking. A loud thud sounded. Peter turned around to see Ned on the bed with a  small tranquilizer dart in his neck. And Nick Fury was sitting on the couch. "You're a very difficult person to contact, Spider-Man." He started. "You're Nick Fury." Peter gasped, "And you just shot Ned." He added. "It's a mild tranquilizer. He'll be all right." Nick said. He shifted in his seat slightly. "So good to finally meet you. I saw you at the funeral, but I didn't think that was a good time to exchange numbers." He continued. "No, that would've been really inappropriate," Peter replied. "That's what I just said." Nick Fury said sternly. He was a very intimidating man. Especially up close. "The important thing is, you're here. I tried to bring you here. You avoided me, and now you're here. What a coincidence." He says. "Wait. Was this a coincidence?" Peter asks the man. "I used to know everything. Then I came back five years later, and now I know nothing. No intel, no team. And a high school kid is dodging my calls. Here's what I do know..." The man started. He leaned forward and placed a small hologram on the table. Earth appeared. "A week ago, a village in Mexico was wiped out by a cyclone. Witnesses say that cyclone had a face. Three days later, a similar event in Morocco. A village was..." Nick tells the boy. His story was cut short by Mr. Harrington interrupting them. Peter quickly sends him away. Nick wasn't very pleased. "A village was destroyed by what may well be another world-threatening-" Nick tried again. Now Betty stood by the door. Peter shook her off as well. "That's why imperative-" Nick started again. Mr. Dell now knocked on the door. Nick Fury looked at Peter. He was annoyed. This kinda freaked Peter out. "Another person touches that door, you and I are going to attend another funeral." He threatened. The man stood up from his seat. "Suit up," he ordered.

After a short trip through the canal, Peter followed Fury into a secret hideout. There were a couple of people in here. Working hard, looking at their monitors. "You can lose the mask. Everyone here has seen you without it. You'd be feigning anonymity and breathing through spandex for no good reason." Fury orders. Peter pulls his mask off his head. He takes a second to glance around the room. "Over there, we have Maria Hill. That's Dimitri." Fury says as he points to them. Peter followed him like a little puppy. "And this is Mr. Beck." He added. The man turned around. It was the superhero from before. "Mysterio?" He questions. "What?" Beck replies. "Doesn't matter. It's what my friends have been calling you." Peter tells him. Beck steps forward with a gentle smile and holds out his hand. "Well, you can call me Quentin." He says. Peter shakes his hand. "Hi," he says. "Peter?" A sweet voice called out to him. He turned his head. He knew that voice. Y/n was here. She rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around the boy's neck. He wraps his arms around her waist. "Hey," He says. He closed his eyes, inhaling her scent carefully. "You're here." He added. "Fury's orders. I was so worried about you." She answered. When she pulled away she cupped his face in her hands. Her thumbs brushed over his cheeks. "You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the tower. We could use someone like you in my world." Beck spoke up. "Yeah, that was pretty dangerous," Y/n added. "I'm okay," Peter assured his girlfriend. He looked at Beck. "Thank you... wait, your world?" he asks. "Mr. Beck is from Earth. Just not yours." Fury explains. "There are multiple realities, Peter. This is Earth Dimension 616. I'm from Earth 833." Beck explains to him. Peter's eyes widened a little. "Sorry, you're saying there's a multiverse? I thought that was theoretical. That changes how we understand the initial singularity. We're talking about an eternal inflation system. How does that even work with all the quantum...? It's insane." Peter rambled on. Almost everyone gave him a strange look. "S-sorry. It's really cool." Peter said. He looked at Y/n who was looking at him with loving eyes. "Don't ever apologize for being the smartest one in the room," Beck tells him. Peter smiled a little. Y/n takes his hand and guides him to the table they were all standing by. 

"I can't believe you're here," Peter says. "I can't believe you turned down one of Nick Fury's orders," Y/n replied with a chuckle. Peter turns to her and shrugged a little. "Well, I mean... I don't want them to figure out who I am." he reminds her. "Yeah, I just thought that with everything you've worked for." Y/n points out to him, "I thought you would've taken it." She adds. "Did you take it?" He questions. "More or less. I will lend them Stark Technology." She explains. "And what about the fighting? You still have your suit." He said. "I told him exactly what I told everyone else. I am not getting in that suit anymore. You know that." She tells him. Y/n reached out her hand again and placed it on his cheek. "But, I'm here. And I am all yours." She assures him. A cheeky grin appeared on his lips. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her a bit closer. "Yeah?" he asks. She nods and places both her hands on his chest. "Rhodey promised to keep an eye out. My mom's also working there for the time being. My sister's at home. And my phone is turned off. I am all yours, Parker." she assures him. Heat rose to his cheeks slightly. He didn't know why, but he loved it when she called him that sometimes. It was common for her, or anyone, to call him that. But she had a special way of saying it. Yet, there was something in his stomach that twisted slightly now that she was here. It was a bit weird. He shrugged it off. "So, how are we gonna do this? You can't just magically appear out of nowhere." He tells her. "I will jump in somewhere tomorrow." She says. One of her arms wrapped around the back of his neck. "Although, I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you tonight." She tells him. He shrugged. "You can. You just need to be gone in the morning." He answers. "Sounds like a Stark thing to do. Spend the night, and leave the next morning. Or well, actually you should be the one leaving then." She joked. Peter laughed quietly with her. "You're mean." He says. "I love you, too, Peter." She says.

"So, what do you think about this Beck guy?" Y/n asks him. Peter shrugs as he opened the door to their little hotel. "He seems cool. I felt kinda bad for him, though. He doesn't deserve that." Peter answered. He held the door open for her as he got inside first. Y/n followed her boyfriend inside. She furrowed her eyebrows at the still partly wet floor. "This is a dump." She says. He looks at her. "Yeah, it's for one night though." He says. He takes her hand and takes her up the stairs. "Do you think he had kids?" Y/n questions quietly. Peter briefly glanced over his shoulder at her. "I just saw a ring. I suppose so. He was talking about a family." He replied. "I can imagine what he's going through," Y/n says. Peter didn't respond to that. He held her hand while going up to their room. Ned was shifting a lot. "What happened to him?" She asks. "Uh, Nick Fury shot him. He said he'd be fine." Peter said. Y/n knelt next to the boy and covered him with a blanket. "Sleep tight, Ned." She whispered to him. She stood up and looked at Peter. She walked up behind him as he was getting changed. He smiled as he felt her arms wrap around him. "I love you." She whispered to him. "Love you too," he replied. He turned to her. "So, Paris tomorrow." He started. She nodded with a bright smile. "And you thought I wouldn't make it." She laughed a little. "Well-" He tried. "It's okay, Pete, I understand." She assured him, "But we're here now. Together." She added. Peter peeked over her shoulder to see Ned still fast asleep. "And Ned." He says. Y/n followed his gaze. "And Ned." She repeated, "He looks peaceful." She continued. "Yeah, I'm a little worried, though," Peter tells her. "He will wake up in the morning. Don't worry." Y/n assured him. They got under the covers together. Y/n rested her head on Peter's chest. "So, aside from the water monster, did you do anything fun today?" She asks him. "Actually, uh, yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something." The boy said.

He reached out and pulled out the small case Nick Fury had given him. He handed it to Y/n. She furrowed her eyebrows, she had seen that case before. She opened it revealing the pair of glasses. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," Y/n mumbled as she sat up. Peter got up as well. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "What? How did you know that?" he asks. Y/n forced a smile. "My dad left this for you." She says. "So, you knew about this?" Peter questioned. "Yeah, of course. I didn't know Fury had it, though. I looked all over for this thing." She tells him. Peter pressed small kisses on her shoulder blade. She put the small case down again. "We have a long day ahead of us." She smiled. Peter returned the smile. "I'm glad you're with us," he whispered to her. He switched off the lights as they lay back on the bed together. "You were so scared of Fury." She giggled to break the silence. "Was not." He chuckled. "Oh, you so were." She argued with him. "He's intimidating." Peter gave in. "He's an old man." Y/n laughed. "He's Nick Fury," Peter replied. She rolled her eyes and snuggled into his chest.

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