•Chapter 67• Off The Map

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Nick Fury glared at the woman sitting behind the monitor. "Run that by me again." He ordered sternly. "We can't find them." Fury's gaze darkened as he leaned on the desk and looked down at the woman. "What do you mean 'you can't find them'?"
"They disappeared, sir. Something damaged the tracker you put on their weapons. The trackers that are still functional are not moving. They're at that hotel. The big one in the city. There has been an attack on the suite in which Miss Stark often stays." The woman tells Fury. The man stands behind her and watches the screen where she has both the news articles and the tracker windows open. "Well, shit. Find them." He orders. "Yes, sir." Fury walks out of earshot from everybody else. He needed to go. "Someone prepare a car for me. I need to talk with someone."

"Where are you taking her?" Peter asked. Y/n clings onto her boyfriend's shirt as she stands behind him. He wouldn't let them take her. Peter would not let them take her. "That's none of your business. We want to talk to her. Just a little chat." The man spat at the boy. Peter was taller than him, but somehow that didn't matter. "You're not taking her."
"We weren't asking, Parker." The man replied, "Nothing to worry about just a little questioning with the offspring of Stark. That's all it is. Nothing more." The man sounded genuine and honest. "If you just wanted to talk, then you wouldn't have taken us. You could've locked us in the hotel room. Not attack us with drones." Peter pointed out. He could feel Y/n's grip tightening around him. Her hands were getting a little sweaty. He didn't care much for it, though. "Boss' orders, kid." The man has a very round and bulky face. He didn't look very clever. He's most likely just here for the muscles. He's a big guy and it's not all muscles, but he's big. He was wearing a flat cap. Peter's pretty sure he's bald. He could smell the sweat underneath the fabric and it wasn't nice. "Your boss? Mysterio?" Y/n looked up at her boyfriend after he popped the question. She murmured his name but Peter kept his focus on the man in front of him. He never caught a name, which was frustrating. He seemed like a Horace or Harold.
"Mysterio?" The man questioned. Peter waited patiently for an answer. "Quentin Beck?" They knew his real name. "Is that who you work for? Beck?" Peter was spitting out his name like it was venom. Y/n noticed that vein by his ear popping out. That happened whenever he was getting worked up over something. 

But the man didn't answer. He had a confused expression written across his round face. He lifted his hand and rubbed his chin slightly. Peter could hear the man's nails scratching against the hairs of his beard which he had shaved off probably a few days before but the hairs were already growing back. "I haven't heard that name in a long time." Was that all he had to say? The man's accent made it sound so much more dramatic. Neither Peter nor Y/n could place the accent, though. "That's all? Really?" Peter asked. The man pointed his finger at Y/n. "Questions are for her. She's coming with us." Another man came up behind Y/n and grabbed her. Peter was quick to grip her wrist and hold her in place. "She's not going. Not alone." He turned to the round-faced man again, "You want to talk to her? You can do it here. With me." Peter said very sternly.
"So you can answer her questions? I don't think so." The man motioned for his partner to take the girl but Peter refused to let go. He kept a stern gaze on the man. He was careful not to bruise Y/n's wrist but the person who was trying to take her was tough. "She's not going." Once again, they tried their best to rip her out of his grip. Peter's hold only became stronger.
"Peter you're hurting me," Y/n said to him. His grip loosened for a brief second and he looked at her. His girlfriend was ripped away and taken into another room. Peter wanted to follow but was stopped by the round-faced man. He pressed his finger against his lips telling Peter to stay quiet. "And no tricks. We've got Stark. Wouldn't want her to get hurt again would we?" Was that playfulness in his tone?
"If you hurt her I will rip your head off your body." Peter gritted between his teeth in anger. The man tilts his head slightly and places his hands on his hips. "I thought Spider-Man didn't kill people." With a smug smirk, the man walked off to follow his colleague to wherever they took Y/n. Peter turned to sit in the corner with his hands in his hair.

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