•Chapter 64• Mornings Like This

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Peter doesn't mind mornings one single bit. Especially mornings like this. He rests his body almost fully on top of his girlfriend. More like snuggled into her side. He is too scared to put his full weight on her but Y/n refuses to let him go. Her arm wrapped around him and one of her hands in Peter's mob of curls. Y/n's heartbeats are steady and calm. Her skin and touch were warm against him. He loved mornings like this. Peter wonders whether to open his eyes or not. Y/n is still fast asleep underneath him.  Her lips are still a bit plump from all the kissing that happened before. Just kissing. It's quiet here in this house. Peter didn't mind it too much, though. His spidey senses were given a rest here, in the woods. Peter allowed his eyelids to flutter open. The sun was already up but neither of them had the urgency to get out of bed any time soon. He glanced up at Y/n sleeping so peacefully. He will be forever grateful for her. Y/n's fingers twitch every now and again in his hair sending shivers up Peter's spine. Were his spidey senses to blame for that? Blame sounds too harsh, too negative. Peter suddenly hears her heart rate increase. He lifted his chin to look at her. "No, no, no, keep your eyes shut, baby. Shh, just keep sleeping." Y/n stirs in her sleep and huffs. Peter squeezed his eyes shut tightly. "I woke you up, didn't I?" Y/n hummed and played with Peter's hair again. "A little." Her voice was quiet and little. "I am sorry, sweetheart." Peter reaches up his hand and combs her hand through her hair which is a bit tangled. "Ouch." Y/n whined and squeezed her eyes. "So sorry." 

Y/n opened her eyes fully after that and smiled at him. "If you want to brush my hair you could've just said so." Y/n said, "Brush is on the table." Peter laughs at her. "Do you want me to comb your hair, baby? Want me to take care of you?" Y/n couldn't think of the right answer. Of course, she'd want him to take care of her, she doesn't want any of this to end, ever. "Maybe I do want that, yes." Peter crawled a little bit forward and kissed her cheek. "Yeah? I'll brush your hair, dress you, carry you around. Anything you want, sweetheart." Peter felt that warm feeling from last night return to his chest. "Peter, I don't need the princess treatment," Y/n said. "I thought you did." Peter's lips form a bright smirk., "You don't need it. But you want it. Even when you say you don't. Uh, uh, don't even try to argue with me on that. I know you better than that." It felt like he was reading her like an open book. He shushed her as soon as her mouth opened. Y/n thought back to when they first met. How nervous Peter was back them and how he couldn't get one sentence out without stuttering at least twice. How did that evolve into this? He seemed so confident but not in a cocky way. The stuttering disappeared which was certainly a nice change. "So you know me so well, huh, Parker?" Y/n challenged him. "I think I know you better than anyone, Stark. I know you." Y/n rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "For example, I know you like it when I kiss you right over here," Peter leaned down and pressed his lips over that soft spot on her neck, "Not everyone knows that, do they, baby?" Peter murmured against her skin. Y/n exclaimed with a quiet gasp and a giggle. She placed her hands back in his hair. God how much did she love his hair. That messy mob of curls sometimes. "Maybe Harley." Y/n teases him. Peter immediately retreats and looks down at her with a worried expression. And a bit of hatred toward Harley. "I'm joking," Y/n said to him. "Didn't sound like it." Oh, there we are with this again. Jealousy. 

"Pete-" Peter's eyes suddenly darkened a little. "He knows, doesn't he? Don't sweet talk. Does he?" Y/n laughed at him sweetly and shook her head as she cupped his face. "No, Pete, just you." She said, "Could you do it again, actually? I like it." Peter let go of those feelings when those words left her mouth. Or well, he tried. He leaned down again and started kissing her skin again. Teeth also made an appearance. Nothing too rough, of course. "I should make you jealous more often." Y/n wraps her arm around the boy again with one hand nestled in his hair. They were both so distracted they didn't even notice the little footsteps down the hall running toward Y/n's closed bedroom door. Little Morgan Stark laughed as she opened the door to her big sister's room. Peter and Y/n quickly parted. "Maguna! What did I tell you about knocking?" Y/n gasped. She never meant to be mean to her little sister, didn't mean to snap, but she could've walked in on anything. Morgan would be scarred for life. "Sorry." Morgan apologized with a lowered head. Y/n stroked Peter's cheek. The poor boy was hiding his face in her shoulder. "Maguna, what's up?" Y/n asked her sister. "Mommy's making pancakes. I wanted to surprise you." That tiny little voice made Y/n smile. "Come here, Maguna." Morgan hesitated for a moment or two before she waggled over to the bed shyly. Peter lifts the little girl up and sets her on her big sister's lap. "Do you remember Peter, Maguna?" Morgan nodded her little head and looked up at Peter. "What were you doing to my sister?"
"Peter was just blowing a raspberry on my neck. I do that to you when you are not listening to me." Y/n nudges her sister a little. Morgan giggles loudly. Peter looks at Y/n with loving eyes. She always took care of her sister. 

Y/n told her sister to give her a minute to get dressed. "Will Peter be there too?" Morgan asked. "Shh," Y/n pressed her finger to her lips, "You can't tell anyone you saw Peter, alright? Morgan. Can you do that for me?" Morgan pouts at her big sister. "But then I will lie to mommy and daddy. I'm not supposed to. Mommy got really upset last time." Y/n had told Morgan one day to just grab them a snack. Even when Pepper told Morgan no, she didn't have much to say about Y/n. Morgan continued to whine about how hungry she was so Y/n told her to sneak into the kitchen and take a cookie or something. Obviously, without telling Pepper. Sadly, Pepper figured it out because Morgan left so many crumbs on the floor that it was like Hansel and Gretal. Pepper was very disappointed, not angry, but disappointed. "No, no, it'll be our little secret. Alright, Maguna? Just don't tell mommy and daddy Peter was here." Morgan nodded and crawled off the bed and wobbled out of the room. "You have a bad influence on your sister." Peter turns his head to look at her. "Like you would know," Y/n replied. Peter and Y/n got out of bed after sharing another kiss or two. Sitting in the window, with his Spider-Man suit on again, Peter waits for his girlfriend to come up to him. His mask is sitting on his head already but it doesn't cover his face yet. "Don't have all day, you know." Y/n walks up to him. "Don't be grumpy with me. You got to spend the night." Y/n said and kissed him before moving his mask over his head. "See you later, Spider-Man," Peter smirks a little to himself and swings off. 

Later, at breakfast, the whole family is sitting together at the table again. No one is missing, no one is dead, all together. It still felt weird. Y/n was not at all used to this. Especially not her mother's cooking this early on in the morning. Friday and Tony's machines often did the cooking or whenever no one felt like getting up into the kitchen. Y/n's eyes darted between her mother and father who kept smiling at each other happily. It was nice to see them happy like this. Y/n can't remember the last time she actually saw them smiling like this. Way, way, back when she was little herself. Nobody said anything but it was nice. Tony felt right at home again, nothing uncomfortable. Y/n could only imagine what it could've been like for him, for all of them, without her there. Were they happier without her? Morgan was still young back, maybe it wasn't so quiet, but it could still be lovely. The question is: Was it better? A question she'd never dare to ask obviously. She didn't want another fight. When she looked up at her father, Tony's eyes were glued onto her. "Is there something on my face or something?" Tony shook his head and brushed her hair away from her neck. "Not on your face." He brushed his thumb over the hickey on her skin. "Y/n, what the hell is that? Is that what I think it is?" Peper's ears perked up. "What is what?" She asks worriedly. Y/n was too focused on her parents that she forgot to look after her baby sister. "He was just blowing a raspberry," Morgan mumbled. Tony and Pepper snapped their heads toward their youngest daughter. "What? Morgan, what did you say?" Tony glared at Y/n, piecing it all together pretty quickly. "I told him to stay away. And you just -" 
"Tony, language." Pepper gritted between her teeth and looked at their youngest daughter. "Dad," Y/n wanted to explain it all to him and tell him to not think the worst. Her phone suddenly starts ringing. Y/n let out a sigh. "Dad, it's not what you think. I have to take this. I'll be back in a second hold on." 

Y/n stood up from the table and ignored Pepper and Tony's stern orders to stay put. Unknown caller. "Y/n Stark." She pressed her phone against her ear and walked outside for some privacy. She sat down in the chairs with their comfortable and snuggly cushions. "Seems like you're back in shape." A low voice she knew too well at this point spoke up. "Who told you that?"
"No one. I have eyes and ears everywhere, Stark. Remember?" Nick Fury spoke with such authority even though he had none. Right? Maybe he did have some. Y/n wasn't sure anymore. "Someone would call that stalking, Fury. Keeping eyes on someone and listening in on their conversations." Y/n spat at the man over the phone. "Not when you work for me," Fury replied. Y/n shifts a little in her seat and looks at the lake. Can't lie about how beautiful it is here in the mornings. "Who says I work for you?" Y/n asked over the phone. "I do. I have a job. For you and your boyfriend. Call him." 
"Is Nick Fury actually giving me orders? Why don't you call him yourself?" Fury chuckled on the other side of the line. "I can't. As you may remember he was wiped from the systems by that little spell. I am well aware of who he is, before you ask, my memories have been restored. I need you to call him." Fury explained. Y/n folds her arms over each other. "I thought you had eyes and ears everywhere. Can't you hack his phone?" Nick had no answer to that. Y/n laughed at him over the phone. "Anyway, I don't use my suit anymore." She said. "You do now. I know you still have it. You don't just keep stuff like that lying around." Fury replied very sternly. Oh, there he is. Nick Fury in all his glory. "At ten, tonight, a car will pick you up. I will see you, and your Spider boyfriend there." 

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