•Chapter 56• Not a lot of Sleep

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 Yelena silently took a step back as Peter drew closer to her. What do you do when someone with superpowers is ready to attack you? "Peter, –" Her words probably wouldn't even go through to him. "I wanted to see how she was doing," Yelena added with a hurtful crack in her voice. "She's doing great. She's great. All thanks to you. Just great." Peter barked at her as his words dripped with sarcasm. "I didn't– I never meant for this to happen to her." Tears sting in the woman's eyes as the guilt is overflowing. She wished she could shut her body down, not feel anything anymore. "I- I understand that you are upset- " But trying to reason with Peter wasn't going to get her very far. The spider boy continued to get closer to her with every step he took. "Upset? No, no, no. I'm not upset. I am furious, outraged, scared. Do you know what people do when they're scared? When they're angry? They're capable of horrible things, Yelena, horrible things." usually, she wouldn't feel this frightened by a child. But now she could see how much Y/n means to him. How much anyone could mean to a person. "I asked you to leave." He was giving her a final escape. Could he beat her in a fight? Maybe. He had super-human strength and senses. Widow or not, she most likely wouldn't be able to beat him. And she didn't want to. She didn't want to fight the boy. He needed a hug, he needed to be told everything would be alright, and he needed Y/n to be okay. The blonde nodded slightly turned to the door and left the room without saying another word. Peter cursed loudly and slammed his fists against the door as she shut it. Yelena jumps slightly and squeezes her eyes shut from the loud noise. 

"Where are you going?" Yelena wipes her tears away after she puts on her coat. "I have to go." She answers her sister. Natasha furrowed her eyebrows together. "You're leaving? Now? No, no, you- " Nat needed her sister more than anything and Yelena needed her as well. Why else would she be here? Why would she help Y/n get her back only to leave once they've succeeded? "Well, where are you going to stay?" Nat asks her sister as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I'll figure it out." Yelena got up to leave when Natasha grabbed her arm and stopped her sister. She glares at the red-headed woman. "You're staying here." Was she supposed to let her sister leave? Just like that? "Peter is so mad at me. I do not think this is a good idea." Her accent always showed more when she was upset. Even as a little girl, when they first settled into the neighborhood for their mission. "I need to sort some things out. Give them some time. I am of no help here, Natasha." Yelena releases her arm from her sister's grip and walks out. "I can't come with you," Nat calls after her little sister. She didn't want Yelena to be alone again. This could be her new home. Y/n would've wanted Yelena to have a home as well. Right? Y/n... I can't leave her now, she thinks to herself. "I am not asking you to come with me."

Y/n could feel her eyes flutter open all by themselves. She didn't want to wake up, yet they opened anyway. Beside her, Peter was fast asleep with one arm behind his head and over the head of the hospital bed. That could not be comfortable. She sat up slightly, although it didn't go as smoothly as she wanted it to. She grabs his arm and places it beside his body on the bed to prevent him from becoming sore in the morning. He groans and shifts as she does though. She didn't want to wake him up. He immediately started cuddling her like a kid would his teddy bear. "Peter," The Spider boy nuzzled his nose into her hair to inhale her scent and hummed a response. Her shampoo always smelled so full and so like her, for some reason, and Peter loved it. "Can I ask you to do something for me?" her voice still sounded very sleepy. He peeked through his lashes at her. "Anything." He groans a little, his throat feeling sore all of a sudden. He looks over to her nightstand and grabs his phone. He starts whining when he notices the time, after, of course, being blinded by the bright light of his phone. "Why are you up?" He whispers to himself but cuddles her closely, anyway, and rests her head against her. "What do you want me to do? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Are you cold? Should I get you an extra blanket?" He rambled sleepily to her. "No," She started, "Can you listen to my heartbeat?" She asks him. Suddenly, Peter was wide awake with his eyes wide open. "You- you want me to listen to your heartbeat?" He repeated her question out loud, "You heard what your dad said, right? It's fine. You're okay." Y/n shivers against him as the covers fall off her shoulder. Peter pulled the duvet back over her as quickly as he could and kissed the top of her head. "Please, Peter?" 

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