•Chapter 28• Illusions

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It took him a while, but he was finally here. The sun was already rising. Peter landed in Germany. He immediately approached a young woman. "Hello, uh-" he started. But she started screaming at the top of her lungs. The woman, and a lot of other people, started to run off. Far away from Peter. This wasn't good. Were they scared of him? He turned the other way when he almost got run over by a car. The window slowly came down. Nick Fury looked at him. "Get in." He ordered. Peter opened the door and sat in the passenger seat of the car. "You've got a lot of explaining to do," Fury tells him. "Mr. Fury, listen-" Peter started. The intimidating man held up his hand. "Wait until we're secure." He said. Peter nodded and sat in silence. Fury brought them to a secret hideout. Peter followed Fury into a bright meeting room where Maria Hill was waiting for them. "So, is there anything you want to tell us about your girlfriend?" Fury asked him. "He's talking about Edith. Not Stark." Hill spoke up. "I know I made a mistake, and I'm sorry, but he's not who you think he is. Beck is a liar. Mysterio, the elementals, they're all fake. He has some sort of illusion tech. That's how he tricked me into giving him Edith." He explained. He pulled out the projector he got off the fire monster. "So all that death and destruction we witnessed, was created by this?" Fury questioned. Peter shook his head. "No, not just this. I think he's using drones." Peter said. "Well, if this is true, then Beck's very dangerous. And we need to be smart. Who else did you tell about this?" Fury asked him. Peter's mind drifted off. He got that tingle again.

"Parker? Parker!" Fury snapped at the boy. "It's Beck. He's here." Peter said. As soon as those words left his mouth, the illusion fainted away. Including Maria Hill. Fury pulled out his gun. He was definitely ready to kill something or someone."It's just an illusion-" Peter started. A drone appeared. It attacked Fury, shooting him away, causing him to collapse. The drone then went after Peter. The drone increased its power when it attacked Peter. The boy flew backward, hitting the hard, cold stones of the building. He fell down a few stories before hitting the ground. He pushed himself up. "Wow, Peter, wow," Beck's voice echoed through the building, "I thought we were close. Fury always had to die, but not you." He says. Peter glanced around. He was very scared. The drones surrounded him, pointing their lasers at him. "Stop hiding, Beck!" Peter called out to him. He shot his webs at one of the drones. But it was another illusion. "I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this." Beck continued. The room turned pitch black. He looked down to see his Night Monkey suit change back into his Spider-Man suit. School lockers and lights appeared. Just like Mysterio. He slowly approached him. "You told me, you were just a kid." Beck's voice echoed. Peter tried to shoot his webs at him. The only thing that came out of his web shooters was a green fog. The same fog Mysterio carried with him. Mysterio appeared behind him. Peter turned around to punch in his helmet. The illusion died again. Peter groaned as he just slammed into a stone pillar. "You told me you wanted to run after that girl!" Beck says. "Peter! Help me!" MJ's voice appeared. "MJ!" Peter exclaimed and ran toward the sound of her voice. He pushed open a door. He was standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, it seemed. They stood on the edge. "Peter, what's going on?" MJ asks him.

Peter looked at her. "I know this isn't real." He tells Beck. The moon behind Michelle turned into Mysterio. He grabbed her by her throat and lifted her off the ground. "Do you though?" Beck asks him. MJ struggled against him. "MJ..." Peter said. Mysterio dropped her off the edge. "MJ!" Peter screamed and dove straight after her. But he hit the ground again. He pushed himself up again. "I don't think you know what's real, Peter," Beck said. Peter groaned and rubbed his head. He was suddenly pulled back by a strong force. He stopped in front of a building. The word 'Queens' lit up. Mysterio's fist appeared and punched the small Spider-Man. It was as if he was sent through a mirror. Glass shattered everywhere as Peter went through. He fell down again, through dozens of spider webs this time. His heart pounds in his throat. "You need to wake up!" Beck tells him. Peter came back to reality. He crashed into a car. He crawled away, slowly getting back up on his feet once again. He scanned his surroundings. Was he really here? Before he knew it, the drones came flying down at him. They turned the world dark again. Huge pieces of shattered glass surrounded him. He looked at his reflection. "I mean look at yourself," Beck started. When Peter tried to touch the glass, hundreds of Spider-Men jumped at him. When he pushed them away, he was back in his first suit. His own creation. He hated it for some reason. "You're just a scared little kid in a sweat suit." Beck barked at him. When Peter looked up, there was a gigantic statue of Mysterio in front of him. "I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth. Mysterio is the truth!" Beck yelled at him. He came flying toward him again.

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