•Chapter 35• Doctor Otto Octavius

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Peter swung above the High Bridge in the Iron Spider-Man suit. He lands on top of a highway sign. He looks down at all the cars that were stuck in traffic. He tried to use the scanners in the suit but the Stark Network is offline. He groans and curses under his breath. A text message from Flash appears in front of him. A selfie is attached of him and the MIT administrator. "Facial recognition unavailable." The AI inside the suit tells him. Peter sighed. Behind him, a helicopter appeared. They were clearly there to film Spider-Man to catch him on something. Peter turns around and waves at them. "Hi. Yeah, I can see you!" He calls out to them. He turns around again and jumps down to the road. The Iron Spider-Man suit disappears, revealing Peter's suit. He starts to search every car he passes for the lady from MIT. In one car he passes, sat a dog, and it almost immediately started barking at him. Peter jumped and hurried away. When he passed another car there were two kids that called out his name and pointed at him. Peter moves on quickly. He then finds the lady from MIT. He fixes his hair and tie before hurrying over to her car. The lady frowned at him when he knocked on her window. She slowly lowered the window. "Yeah?" She says.

"Hi, I'm Peter Parker," He started. The lady eyes him up and down. "You do know you're on the street, right?" She points out. Peter nodded. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, I just. I really need to talk to you. I know you're on your way to the airport..." He rambled, "MJ Watson and Ned Leeds are the two smartest people I've ever met in my entire life, and I'm the dumbest person, because I let them help me, but if I didn't let them help me millions of people would've died. So please, don't let MIT be dumb like me." Peter tells her. "MIT is dumb?" She asked him with an unpleasant look on her face. Peter quickly started shaking his head. "No, no! I'm saying don't let MIT be dumb. I mean, like the... the dumber version of me that wouldn't have let them help." Peter stuttered. He was having a lot of trouble finding the right words and forming a normal sentence. She gave him a sympathetic look. "You didn't rehearse that, did you, Peter?" She questions. He lets out a sigh. "Basically, what I'm trying to -" He started. But he cut himself off by a trigger of his Peter Tingle. He jumps on the hood of the car and his Iron Spider suit covered him again. People started to run past him. "Why are you running?" He calls out after them.

A shockwave spreads beneath the cars and the road starts to crumble. Peter gently knocks on the roof of the car. "Uh, ma'am? You should get out of the car. Everybody off the bridge!!" He exclaimed. The driver of the car fled the car as quickly as possible, accidentally locking the door. The MIT lady couldn't get out of the car. A mechanical claw breaks through the concrete, until one of the manifests itself on the runway. When it loosens its grip, other claws appeared in the cloud of dust. Doctor Otto Octavius revealed himself, with a smile planted on his lips. "Hello, Peter." He said. Peter was very confused. "Hi? Uh, have we met? Do I know you?" He called out to the villain. "What have you done to my machine?" Octavius asks the boy. "Your mach- I don't know what you're talking about. What machine?" Peter questions. "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand. It's gone." Octavius replied. Peter holds up his hands. "Listen, sir. If you stop smashing cars, we could work together and I can help you find your machine." Peter promised. The villain started nodding. "You wanna play games?" He says. One of his tentacles grabs one of the nearest cars. "Catch!" He yelled before tossing the vehicle at Peter. The boy, luckily dodges all of them. Peter was then launched on top of a car that was sent off the bridge. Inside, was a small family. His eyes widened and he quickly webbed the car to the bridge. He then swung the family to safety on top of the bridge again. "You guys are fine, you're safe. Get out of here!" He tells them.

As he watches the family run away, one of the claws grabs and wraps around his body. "You think your fancy new suit's gonna save you?" Octavius questions. He slams Peter into the car in which the MIT lady was still trapped. The car was dangling on the edge of the bridge. The villain tossed Peter toward the highway sign he stood on before. Peter went through one of the signs and through the front window of a truck. Otto Octavius went after him. His tentacles smashed into more cars. "Should've killed you little girlfriend when I got the chance." The villain called out to the boy. Peter pushed himself up. Suddenly, rage was running through his entire body. Threatening Y/n? Wrong move buddy. "What did you just say?" Peter said. The Iron Spider legs appeared. "Looks like we've got competition," Otto tells his tentacles. Peter jumps up and starts to fight Doc Ock. He manages to pin the mad scientist into a car but gets pushed away by his tentacles. He manages to escape and starts running away. Doc Ock tries to smash him by smashing two cars together. Peter dodged them just in time. The helicopter followed every move they made. Peter tries to web the villain, but his tentacles protected him again.

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