•Chapter 8• Partners in Crime

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A couple of days later, Peter walked through the school. Everyone was so hyped up about Spider-man saving everyone in D.C. It felt good. Peter smiled to himself as he walked through the school looking for Ned. "Dude, dude!" Ned called behind him. Peter walked towards his best friend. "Dude. What is it like being famous when nobody knows it's you?" Ned asked him. Peter smiled again. "Crazy, Dude." He answered. "It's crazy. Should we tell everyone?" Ned questioned. Peter's smile turned into a serious expression. "No." He replied. "Should I tell everyone?" Ned asked. "No, dude, no, that's not a good idea," Peter tells him. Ned understood and wasn't going to ask him again. "Okay, come on, we'll be late to class." The boy said. "I'm not going to class," Peter replied. "You're already in so much trouble for ditching the Decathlon." Ned reminds him. "Dude, listen, I figured it out, right? The wingsuit guy is stealing from Damage Control. And what he takes from Damage Control, that's how he builds the weapons. So all I gotta do is catch him." Peter explained. "But we have a Spanish quiz," Ned replied. "Ned, I'm probably never gonna come back here. Mr. Stark is moving the Avengers upstate, so when I bring this guy in-" Peter started. Ned frowned at his best friend. "Dude, you want to be a high school dropout?" Ned cut him off. "I am so far beyond high school right now," Peter tells Ned. He started to walk towards the exit when he bumped into the principal. "Mr. Parker! My office." He orders. Peter groans and walks with the man towards his office. Meanwhile, Y/n stood by Michelle's locker. She saw what happened to Peter. "Idiot." She whispered. Michelle let out a chuckle. Y/n looked at her new friend. "Did I just hear you laugh?" She asked. Michelle shrugged and looked at the girl. "Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't." She answered. "Fair enough," Y/n replied, "So how have you been holding up? You know, after the whole D.C. thing." She asked. Michelle shrugged and closed her locker. "I'm good. I'm glad no one got hurt. " She answers. "I can agree with that. I was worried about you when I saw it on the news the other day. Have they figured out what happened yet?" Y/n questioned. Michelle shook her head. "Not yet." She answered, "And you seemed to be very worried about Peter." She continued. Y/n shrugged in response. "He's my friend. Besides, I can't do the internship by myself. It would be extremely boring." She explained. Michelle closed her locker and looked at her friend. "Sounds like you're coming up with excuses. What are you hiding?" She questioned. Y/n laughed at her. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied. Michelle glared at Y/n. "I'm very observant. Don't think I didn't notice the hug you two had the other night." She reminds her friend. Y/n rolls her eyes and chuckles. "I was worried." She replied. Now it was Michelle's turn to roll her eyes. "You'll figure it out. I should go." She informs her friend. "Detention. I get it. Have fun drawing." Y/n said. Michelle thanked Y/n and walked off.

A while later, Y/n stood by some lockers reading something on her phone. Peter walks into the, aside from Y/n, empty hallway. He walks towards Y/n making her glance up. "Hey, you're still here?" Peter asked. Y/n nodded in response. "Happy's late. What are you doing here? Where did you even come from?" She asked. "Detention." He tells her, "But I need to go after the bird guy." He added. Y/n steps away from the lockers. "You're still on that?" She asked him. Peter lifts the row of lockers off the ground, revealing a hidden space beneath. He grabs a bottle of web fluid and lowers the lockers again. He throws the bottle up in the air and catches it again. He looks up at Y/n. "I can use some help." He tells her. Y/n sighed loudly. "Pete, he has already beaten you twice. Almost killed you twice." She reminds him, "Maybe we should let other people handle this." She added. "Oh, come on, I almost had him last time." He replied. Y/n folded her arms over her chest. "Yeah, almost." She repeated. He stepped closer to her. "Come on, I can really use your help." He tells her, "Please." He added. Y/n sighed again. "Fine, what's the plan?" She asked him. "I have to figure out where he's going." He tells her. They start to walk towards the exit of the school. "And how are you going to do that?" Y/n asked him. "I have a plan. But this guy is dangerous. Very dangerous." He informs her. "Don't worry, I can take care of that." She tells him. They push open the doors and step outside the school. "I'll send you the location," Peter tells her. Y/n nodded in response. "I'll meet you there." She said. She walked off to the back of the school. She waited a couple of minutes for Happy to finally arrive. She sat down next to the man. "I have to pick up some things back home. Peter's gonna send me a location later. Can you drive me?" She asked him. Happy glared at her. "Kid, I'm not your chauffeur." He said. Y/n holds up her hands. "Eh, you kinda are. Sorry, big man, Daddy's orders." She replied. Happy rolls his eyes at her. "I'm not driving through the whole state because you and the kid are doing who knows what." The man informs her. Y/n rolls her eyes again. "Fine, Grumpy. I'll let Friday drive me." She shrugged. She looked back at the man. "Do you think Nat would mind if I borrowed some of her stuff?" She questioned. Happy glances at her for a second before focusing back on the road. "Hold up, you're going with the kid...and you want to borrow something of Nat's? Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" He exclaimed. Y/n holds up her hands. "It's not like that! I was talking about some of her stuff like weapons." Y/n tells the man. "Oh, wait, hold up a second. Weapons?" He questioned. "Just drive, Happy." She tells him. "Okay, but if you die, I'm not picking up the pieces." He informs her. "Sure thing, Grumpy." She replied.

A couple of hours later, Y/n walked onto the ferry. She looked up to see Peter fly onto the orange ferry in his Spider-man suit. A couple of seconds later, she heard his voice in her earpiece. "That guy over there. Third bench to the left." He tells her. Y/n walks over to the bench. She grabs her phone and pretends to not pay attention to the men in front of her speaking. "What are they saying?" Peter asked her. "They're talking about a guy." She whispered. "Hey, that's the guy from the bridge," Peter said. Y/n frowns slightly. "What bridge?" She asked him. "I went to Liz's party. And when I was about to go on as Spider-man I saw this blue blast in the distance. They had the glowy thing." Peter answers. Y/n rubs the bridge of her nose. "I thought I told you to not go to that party in the suit." She replies quietly. "I know, I'm sorry. You were right, I should've listened to you." Peter apologizes. Y/n smiled a little. "Apologies accepted." She whispered. The guy big guy who sat in front of Y/n stood up. He walked away. "I'm sending my drone after him," Peter tells her. Y/n continues to scroll through her phone. "I'm going on the roof. See where this guy is going." He tells Y/n. "As long as you don't get killed everything should be fine." She replies. It was silent for a couple of minutes. That was until Peter spoke up again. "Oh, this is too perfect. We've got the weapons, buyers, and sellers all in one place." Peter said. Y/n glanced up to see the other man still sitting in his spot. She then heard her father in her earpiece. "Peter, is that my dad?" Y/n asked. "Is that Y/n?" Tony asked Peter. "Uh, yeah, we're watching Star Wars. I gotta go!" Peter replied. "Hey-" Tony started but Peter hung up. "What happened?" She asked him. "Nothing, I'm going in," Peter said. Suddenly the man in front of Y/n stood up from his seat. He made his way towards the back of the boat. Y/n stood up as well. "The other guy is up to something. I'm following him." Y/n tells Peter. In the cargo hold, Toomes bashes the slim man's head against the truck. He then faces Peter, who is standing yards away on deck. Suddenly, agents come out of nowhere and aim their guns at Peter. This gave Y/n the chance to come up behind Toomes. "Hey, old man." She said. Toomes turned around to look at her. Y/n pointed the Widow Gauntlet she took from Nat's room at him. She was about to shoot him when he got out his gun and shoots her leg. Y/n collapsed to the floor, groaning loudly. A mechanical wing bursts out of the truck, making the agents turn to it. Toomes flies toward the deck in his vulture suit. Agents shoot at him. Y/n takes a deep breath and stands up again. She points the Widow Gauntlet at Toomes again and shoots him. But it doesn't have any effect on him. Y/n glances up to see Peter fighting the man in the wingsuit. Peter shoots a web at the man. "Activate taser webs!" He called out. Electricity travels up the strand of web and the weapon is yanked away from Vulture. On the deck, it bounces around wildly. Peter traps the weapon using lots of webs.

Y/n manages to get up and limb towards Peter. He quickly catches the girl before she falls. His hands were on her waist and her hands were on his chest. "Are you okay? What happened to your leg?" He asked her. "I'm fine." She assures her. They both look up at the man in the wingsuit. "You're messing with things you don't understand." The man called out. Y/n glanced over her shoulder to look at the weapon. "Uh, Spidey." She said. Peter glanced over his shoulder as well. The weapon started to shoot lasers through the webs. The energy went straight through the material of the boat. Water shot up through the gap of the ferry. Peter looks back at where Vulture just was. But he was gone now. He wraps his arm tightly around Y/n's waist. "Hold on." He tells her. He shoots his web up to the first level of the ferry. He sets Y/n on one of the benches. "Stay here." He tells her and turns around again, "Oh, my god. What do I do? Karen, uh, give me an X-ray of the boat and target all the strongest points." He orders. He tumbles back and forth on the upper part of the ferry, connecting the ship with strands of web. He dodges flames as he travels down the length of the ferry. Peter fires several strands of web and once, and binds them together with another strand. Reaching the bow, he crouches on the edge of the roof. He eyes the two leaning halves of the ferry that are crisscrossed with spiderwebs. But it wasn't over yet. The webs began to snap. "No!" Peter exclaims and jumps into the air. He grabs a thread and shoots another. Arms outstretched, Peter hangs between the two sides, trying to hold them together. Y/n looks at him with fear in her eyes. She could hear him struggling. Then, suddenly, the two parts started to drift towards each other. Peter let go of the webs and looks around. But he saw nothing special or unusual. He rushed over to Y/n. "Are you okay?" He asked her. She glanced down at her leg. There was a serious bullet wound. She looked back at Peter. "I'm okay." She assures him again. Then, in the window next to them, Iron Man appeared. "Hi, Spider-man. Star Wars was it?" He asked. Y/n smiled awkwardly at her father. He looked away from her and Peter. The two parts of the ferry were reunited. Peter looks at Y/n. He helps and picks her up. Her legs wrap around his waist. Y/n looked at him a little scared. Peter knew it wasn't because of him or the boat. "It's gonna be okay." He assures her.

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