•Chapter 33• It's Crazy

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May, Peter, and Y/n made their way into Happy's apartment. The alarm went off when May stepped inside, carrying her bag. She was quick to shut it off. Peter stumbled in as well carrying all their other suitcases and bags. "It looks nice and...safe," May says. Y/n stepped inside the apartment. Her eyes widened when her gaze fell upon the DUM-E robot Tony had built years ago. It waved excitedly at them. "Happy?" She says. She approached the robot and touched it gently. "I thought my Dad tossed him out." She added. "Yeah, no, he was about to when they moved to Stark Tower. I took him in." Happy called out from the hallway. The sweaty man then appeared in the doorway with a kind, warm smile. "Welcome to the spiritual oasis." He says. Y/n looks at Peter briefly. He shrugged and put down the bags. Happy showed May around the apartment. Peter walked up to his girlfriend. "We're gonna be okay." He assured her. She nodded slowly. "I know. But I know you'd rather sleep in your own bed and all." She replied. Peter shrugged slightly. "It's just for a little while. It's not that bad, really. If anything I'm a little worried about you. Are you gonna be okay? With all the investigators?" He questioned. "I'll be fine. Matt's gonna help me too. They've left my house, so that should be fine. Legally, they don't have anything on me yet. They're mostly assumptions that they made from the found tech. We didn't like rob a bank or something." She chuckled. He forced a small smile. She placed her hand on his cheek and pecked his lips. "I gotta go. But I'll call you tonight." She says. He nodded and pecked her lips again before she left.

That night, after Peter failed at cleaning his suit, he got to work on his applications. They were trying so hard to get to MIT. And even with everything going on now, this couldn't slide. This was an opportunity they couldn't pass, not even Peter. When he finished, he got a group call from Ned, MJ, and Y/n. He lay on the couch. "Did you guys send in your applications yet?" MJ questioned. "I literally just finished my MIT one," Peter answered. "Same," Ned says. Y/n smiles at her friends. "Imagine if we all got in," Ned added. "You guys would fit in so well," Y/n says. "Why aren't you applying again?" MJ questions. "Because I kinda already finished it. With being homeschooled and all, my dad arranged some things." Y/n answered awkwardly, not wanting to brag or come across as arrogant. Peter smiles proudly at her. "But you guys are definitely going to get in," Y/n added. "Yeah, but... we have to take the scholarships so we could actually go," MJ says. "Come on. You got good scores and good grades." Peter says. "You think I'm too pragmatic?" MJ questions. "No, no, no," Ned quickly replied. "Well, kind of. But that's what we love about you." Y/n assures her best friend. MJ smiles. "Really? Well, what are your other favorite things?" MJ asks.

Y/n chuckles. "I love your relentless optimism." She says. "I am a 'glass half full' kind of gal," MJ answered. "I really like how you're a people person." Ned cut in. "I love people!" MJ laughs. "You like sports." Peter points out. "I think the Mets are gonna go all the way this year," MJ replies. Ned furrows his eyebrows together. "Dude, what's that noise?" He asks Peter. The Spider boy glanced over his shoulder briefly. "Oh, that's Happy." He whispered. He turned the phone to Happy sleeping in his chair. "He gave his room to May, so he's sleeping down here." He tells his friends. They all giggled quietly. "I have a weird question." MJ spoke up, "Does any part of you feel relieved about all of this?" She asks Peter. He sighed. "Ever since I got bit by that spider... I've only had one week, where my life felt normal. Well, kind of normal, I guess. And that was when you found out. Because then, everyone that was in my life that I wanted to know, knew. And it was perfect. But now everybody knows. And... I am the most famous person in the entire world... and I'm still broke." He explains. The group laughs a little. Y/n looks at Peter through her screen with loving eyes. "I have to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Ned spoke up. They all said their goodnights and left the call. "Night, Parker," Y/n says before she left.

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