•Chapter 82• Widow Return

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A/n: I would like to apologize for a sloppy chapter up ahead. The past weeks have not been very kind to me but I wanted to write nonetheless. I've been trying all week so please be kind. This is the best I could deliver, and I hope you still like it. I will try to do better next week. Love you all!

Yelena looked at the book made by Peter for their anniversary. She frowned at the pages and carefully pulled them apart. "Peter made that." Y/n piped up excitedly. She joined Yelena and looked at the book. "It looks like a five-year-old made it. There is extra glue where you don't even need it." Y/n smiled. "He may have spilled a little." She acknowledged, "But he made it himself." She added proudly. Yelena rolled her eyes. "Clearly."
"Hey, what is that supposed to mean? Jealous, maybe?" Y/n teased back. Yelena flipped through it and looked at everything inside. It was a sweet gesture if you were in love, sure. She, however, did not see something special in it. "I'm guessing the Little Spider does not know what you have been doing here." Y/n shook her head and shut the book Peter gifted her. "No. He is suspicious of Harley, though. The idiot left something open for Peter to see." Yelena gave her a look. "Never trust men like that. They are useless."
"Harley is not useless. He just didn't think about it. Peter is only suspicious, he doesn't know anything yet. Harley needs to be more careful, that's all, and he needs to look over his shoulder from now on. I'm pretty sure Peter won't let this go. I am not surprised if he ends up stalking Harley." Yelena sighed unimpressed. "You know, I don't like spiders. They always stalk you from the dark corners of your room. Maybe it's a character trait." Peter was not a stalker by nature.

Y/n did not like it when Yelena talked about him as if he was. "Anyway," She started, "Peter doesn't know. So, nothing to worry about for now." As long as she could keep Peter at a distance, everything should be fine. They'd already had a scare when Tony wanted to visit his daughter at work. "If he does, I can take care of it. You know that I have no problem with any of that."
"Yes, I do. But that will not be necessary. I can handle Peter." She said to Yelena. The blonde woman scanned her face. Almost as if she was reading her mind. Yelena's stern expression turned into a sly smirk. "Oh, I get it." Y/n raised her eyebrows. "What's there to get exactly?" Yelena was giving her the exact same look Harley gave her. Y/n started shaking her head again. "No, no -"
"It's adorable. You and the Little Spider? When's your due date? I hope you're getting a girl." Y/n quickly held up her hands. "There's no due date. You don't end up pregnant after the first time, you know." She replied. Yelena shrugged and scrunched her nose a little. "I wouldn't know. I don't... You do realize I don't have a reproductive system." Y/n opened her mouth but shut it again. She forgot about that. "Sorry."
"Miss Stark, I have Nick Fury on the line. He is trying to call you." Friday cut in. He wanted to see her too. A hologram popped up in front of her. Yelena quickly sat out of sight but stayed close. Curious as she was, she had to hear everything Nick had to say. Y/n sat at her desk and told Friday to answer.

"Stark." The one-eyed man greeted her, "Am I interrupting anything?" Y/n shook her head no. She could feel a slight stinging underneath her Arc Reactor. To this day, Fury still makes her nervous every now and again. "You wanted to speak to me?" Nick Fury folded his hands together. "Stark, I have an assignment for you." That sparked her curiosity. "What?"
"We have found another lead. Piece of tech. I want you to have a look at it." She had to look at it? Did Fury know about anything? If so, how did he know? Harley hadn't talked to him anyway. What if Peter had informed him? "Thought you had a team. But I'd be happy to have a look at it. I do have my own projects but they can wait a little longer if Nick Fury needs me to save the world. Oh, what a task you have given me, Fury." She replied dramatically. Yelena snickered quietly and covered her mouth with her hand. "I want you because you made it." Y/n looked at him a bit worried. "Because I made it?"
"You and Mysterio. Remember when you were in Prague? You both looked at the drone Parker used. You fixed it together, he offered to help you." Y/n did remember that vaguely. She was more occupied with Peter back then and saving their relationship. "So you think he's still behind it?" Y/n asked the man. "We still don't have his body, Stark." Y/n sighed loudly. She wasn't sure if Mysterio was alive or not. He certainly had nothing to do with this but that does not mean he's dead. "Okay, I will meet you later. Could you send me the address?" Y/n asked the one-eyed man. "Already did."

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