•Chapter 66• You Can't

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"That's scary." Peter nodded his head in agreement. "You couldn't see anything that you recognized? Facial features? Body language?" She asked. "No, nothing. I could only see their silhouette. Voice changer. You name it, it was all there." Peter noticed the terrified expression on his girlfriend's face. "So he has the technology and knows how to use it," Fury speaks from the phone that lies on the bed between them. "Could be Beck or one of his minions." Y/n looks at Peter silently. "The threat is directed at me. Not at Y/n. So that's good, right? They're just after Spider-Man, not Peter Parker."
"Peter this doesn't feel right. This person wants to come after you." She reached out to hold his hand. She had a worried expression written all over her face. "I'm putting some extra people on it. We might be able to find something on that TV. Stark, will you be able to analyze it? Look for clues or bugs?" Fury questioned. "Yes. Yes, of course." Y/n answered quickly. "Parker, we need you out in the field again tomorrow."
"Just me?" Peter asked as he briefly looked up at Y/n. "We need Stark. Besides, this person could be watching Spider-Man's every move. If they spot you two together, I cannot guarantee her safety and neither can you. This is just a safety precaution. Hopefully, we will be able to send both of you out in the field again soon. The more information we have, even small details, the more we can use them to protect ourselves. And I mean all of us." Fury ended the call after that. There wasn't much left to say other than to be careful.  Y/n looked up at Peter as he got up from the bed to put his phone on the nightstand. He was scared too, but he wouldn't show it. And Y/n wasn't just scared; she was a bit angry. Not just because Peter left, without saying anything, but because he was prepared to do it all again tomorrow by himself.

Peter turned around to look at her again with a concerned look. He stepped closer to the bed and kept his eyes focused on her. He knows exactly what she's thinking. She has that look in her eyes. "I'm sorry I went by myself. I should've woken you up and told you where I was going." He apologized. "You were gone. I thought someone had taken you or that something happened to May. I get it, I do, and you found something. But I was scared. I still am." Peter sits down in front of her. "I know." What else was he supposed to say? He felt bad for sneaking out. Y/n was awake when he got back. She was sitting on the bed, knees pulled up to her chest, and biting her nails anxiously awaiting his return. She hadn't even turned on the TV. Her phone was in front of her in case he called her. The relief that washed over her when he returned was unimaginable. Peter feels his gut twisting again at the image of Y/n sitting like that. "What if it was him, Pete? What would you have done?" She asked him quietly. "I did the scan. There wasn't anyone else there. He couldn't have attacked me."
"Drones could." Y/n spat at him, "We didn't see them in London. Beck's technology is very advanced. The invisibility is not my dad's tech, Peter, you know that." Peter hummed as he lowered his chin and ran his hand through his hair. "I just don't want Fury's message telling me that you were found dead somewhere and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't try to save you, because you sneaked out."
"I shouldn't have done that," Peter mumbled. Y/n scoots a bit closer to her boyfriend and pulls her knees up to her chest again. She rested her chin on top of her knees. "I'm just scared for you." Peter reached out his hand and grabbed hers. "We don't know if it's him. Could be someone else." He tried his best to comfort her. He didn't feel scared anymore. He just felt angry. "Edith said he was dead. On the bridge." Y/n nodded her head. "It can't be him," Peter added. "We'll figure it out. We always do. The old man is just freaking us out." Y/n said, referring to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury the definition of the word 'worry' itself. He trusts no one and cannot be trusted. Fury always has a backup plan for his backup plan. If it was really Beck, he would know, right? But if it's not Beck, who is it? Peter thought back to the time he spent with Mysterio. There are so many things he would have liked to do over or differently. What is this all a test set up by Fury? That wasn't possible. "You know all this stuff makes me want to sleep in my Iron Man suit for safety." Y/n let out a quiet giggle. Peter looks at her for a moment. He grabbed her and pulled her closer to sit on his lap and started cradling her like a baby. He pressed a kiss against her head. "I'll keep you safe." He assures her, "I would also feel a lot better if I was able to feel you next to me." Y/n rests her head against Peter's shoulder. He sounded so sweet when he said that. "Then don't leave." 
"I'm sorry, baby." Peter chuckles and kisses his girlfriend's head again. They sat like that for a while. The silence got Y/n to start thinking again. Not about Peter, or Beck, or even Nick Fury. She thought about Natasha. She hadn't told Peter about the whole Widow hunting issue. Nat and Yelena could help with this. It was nice to work with Peter again. Widows are widows, though. She wondered where Yelena was right now. Did Natasha find her? Is she still looking? "I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." Peter cuts her out of her thoughts. She lifts her head off his shoulder and looks at him. "I won't be able to stay awake with you."
"You don't have to. We can stay like this. We can move back. Whatever you want." Peter tells her. Y/n snuggles into him again. "I'm not gonna leave." Peter moved the both of them further on the bed and wrapped Y/n in the warm duvet. He turned on the TV and watched some show that was on. He couldn't focus on it too well. He was focusing on Y/n's slow breaths and heartbeats. He didn't want to think about Beck too much or the mission. "You know. I had a thought. Maybe we should do the Europe trip again." Y/n said to her boyfriend sleepily. Peter looked down at her. "What? Do you want to go back to Europe? Just us two?" 
"Maybe. I thought about what Brad said back then. When he caught us in the bathroom? And it got me thinking. I had a plan to hook up with you in all the countries." She laughed to herself. She was so tired she was starting to ramble about Europe and the trip and all the things they didn't do. "Go to sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow." Peter chuckled as he rested his hand on her thigh under the covers. 

The night didn't feel very long. Before he knew it, the sun was rising again. The hotel staff was knocking on the door with their room service breakfast. Y/n didn't even have to order it. Peter opened the door and allowed the staff to set everything up for them. "Hey, baby, breakfast. They're setting things up for us. You wanna wake up?" Y/n groans a little and snuggles deeper into the comfortable warmth of the large bed. "Take all the time you need." Peter leans down and kisses her forehead. That little gesture makes her smile with her eyes still shut tight. Peter readjusted the warm duvet around her and tucked her in nicely. It was still early. "Sorry, I don't know how this works. Should I give you like a tip or something?" Peter asked one of the staff members who was setting out the plates for the couple. "No need for that, sir. We know how to take care of Miss Stark. Tips are not necessary." The man replied kindly. Peter nodded. He felt a bit awkward. What was he supposed to say or do? He wasn't used to places like this. It wasn't too fancy or anything, but this wasn't exactly Delmar's Deli.
He watched silently as the other staff members set up their breakfast and walked out of the room again. "Oh, one more thing. There was a message for Miss Stark. I'm sure I can rely on you to give it to her?" The man from before, dressed nicely in a white dress shirt and black pants, handed him a letter. He looked at it. 'Y/n Stark' was written on it in very nice and neat handwriting. But one he didn't immediately recognize. "Uh yeah, yes! Of course. Thank you." The man smiled and gave Peter a slight nod before he followed his colleagues into the hallway and shut the door behind him. "Sweets, there's a message for you. A letter. Doesn't say who it's from, though." Peter calls out to her.
Y/n slipped out of the bed but dragged the duvet along with her. Peter laughed at her lovingly. "Let me look at that." Y/n didn't seem to recognize the handwriting either. It was far too neat to be Tony's or Bruce's. Fury would call her or just show up. Speaking of Fury, is he hiding under the breakfast table? Because that wouldn't be surprising. 

When Y/n unfolded the paper from the envelope, it was blank. Nothing was written on it. "Is this a joke?" Y/n questioned and turned the paper to look at the other side. She holds it up at the lamp as well. Maybe it's a secret message? But nothing. "Invisible ink? You know the one with the light. I used to have one of those pens when I was a kid." But Y/n shakes her head no at her boyfriend's suggestion. "So did I. But nothing is written on it. You would feel the ink. This is... just a blank piece of paper." The whole room went dark. The lights were off and most of the curtains were still shut tightly. "Power cut off or something?" Peter asked. "In a hotel like this?" The TV lit up. The big screen lights up part of the room. Peter's eyes widened when the silhouette from the night before appeared on screen.
"Do you really think you can stop me with Nick Fury? He was fooled once, he can be fooled again. I am watching you, Spider-Man. You can't stop me." A loud sound of glass shattering filled the room as the TV turned off again. Drones started to fly into the room from every window in the room. Peter grabbed Y/n as soon as they started firing their weapons at them. They hide behind the bed as the drones start swarming around the hotel room. Peter activated his web-shooters and tried his best to take them out. Y/n grabbed her bracelet and tapped it as quickly as she could. She needed her suit to protect her. But the device wasn't working. Peter shot his head toward her. "It's not working! Peter!" Peter shot one last web at a drone before he pushed himself back to his feet. He grabbed Y/n's hand and yanked her along with him to the door.
Luck appeared to be on their side. The drones didn't hit them as they ran for safety. The door wasn't even locked, which Peter had kind of expected. 

"What the hell was that?" Peter enveloped his girlfriend in his arms in the hallway. His back was pressed against the door so the drones couldn't get through. It felt like something out of a horror movie. Like when Laurie runs away and hides from Michael Myers. "Are you okay? You're not hit, right?" Y/n shakes her head rapidly. "Are you?"
"No, no, I'm fine," Peter said between breaths. He looked up to see the staff members from before running toward them with concerned eyes. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Peter tells them. "We know." The man from before said. All of them pulled out a weapon and aimed it at Y/n and Peter. "Hey, I tipped you, last night. This is not fair." Y/n whined. Peter nudged her harshly. This was not the time to be funny.

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